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Thai govt pushing Chile trade deal


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Govt pushing Chile trade deal


BANGKOK: -- THE GOVERNMENT has no justification in citing time constraints as a reason to rush the passage of a Thai-Chilean trade agreement, Democrat MP Alongkorn Ponlaboot said yesterday.

"The government always waits until the last minute before seeking legislative approval for international agreements," he said.

Alongkorn said he suspected the government tactic was aimed at forcing the legislation's passage without allowing a full debate on relevant issues.

He said the government should outline the likely ramifications of a Thai-Chilean trade deal to lawmakers, instead of rushing the bill's passage.

Deputy Commerce Minister Nuttawut Saikuar presented the bill on the House floor as an urgent agenda item.

Nuttawut said the urgency was justified because Chilean President Sebastian Pinera would pay an official visit to Bangkok on Friday.

During the visit, Pinera and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra are scheduled to witness the signing of the trade agreement, he said.

The agreement was drafted in three languages - Thai, English and Spanish - and the Chilean leader was keen to sign the document written in Spanish, he said.

The agreement would boost trade ties between the two nations. Chile is Thailand's third largest trading partner in Latin America, following Peru and Argentina.

-- The Nation 2013-10-03

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I've found in Thailand in general, things are always rushed at the last minute. I hate the PTP and Saint Yingluck, but don't think they are acting any differently than anyone else here.

I agree. Everything is only actioned at the very last minute. Time spans are very short here - no thought about planning or allowing time for anything that a Thai wants. However, you try doing the same and listen to the excuses whilst watching the procrastanating.

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This is normal Trade agreement schedule and it is business as usual. The Government are the lawmakers of course. So no point in referring to bilateral agreements to a lower office. Sounding off is unnecessary because we are all are aware of the governments schedule of foreign visits and Thai visitations. So the opposition are feigning ignorance and squeaking because they like too.

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If this means Chilean wine at affordable prices, then I'm all for it!

Unfortunately, wine prices are about to go through the roof, from what I've heard.

Given the current prices of Chilean wine at (for example) Wine Connection - hardly expensive with the most expensive bottle around the THB1,400 mark and average around THB500. An FTA with Chile should result in lower prices of wine - even with the new whizbang-equation-of-awesomeness excise tax in effect.

Currently they have an import tariff of 54% so an FTA would (should) remove that altogether, eventually leaving it on the same playing field as local wine and Australian wine (8% now, 0% in 2015) - so depending on how generous the importers/distributors, wholesalers and retailers are feeling there should be a drop in price.

Hopefully that doesn't result in a flood of cheap and nasty sauvignon blancs - NZ already has that market covered :P

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