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Tourism: Thais unfazed by economic slowdown


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The new cars is just a thing of priority.. UK people could afford it too if they spend as little on housing as the Thais do. Thais don't mind living in a shack as long as they got a new car. Its a status symbol, also getting credit here is easier and loads of Thais are in debt. I have followed the accounts on the first car and the doubling of non payment ect. Its not all as good as it looks.

However there are still people who do manage their finances good and can go abroad.

You got that right. A lot of middle-class Thai's descending into further debt and paying for their overseas trips with credit cards... because they can.

Witness the amount of repossessions of new cars from 'first-time' buyers that didn't work out that sales tax rebate does not diminish the financial commitment to a 3 to 5 year car note.

It is not that they are unfazed by the recession, they just don't have a bloody clue.

"It is not that they are unfazed by the recession, they just don't have a bloody clue." thumbsup.gif

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The average Thai does not go abroad, they cannot afford to and they have little concept of the country's economy, they would not have any idea that is was slowing down. Take one day at a time, can we pay the bills and eat.

Tell that to my gf the tourguide who takes average Thais on trips to vietnam / china / singapore ect. There are the dead poor and there are people who can afford it and then you got the rich who usually go on non guided trips.

THey spend money they dont have and one day the collector comes round. My wifes father never even saw the sea, most Thais live a localised existance. The average Thai ? 15000bts a month Govt employee or is it 300bts a day, these figures not add up foreign travel unless you look at my first sentence.

Seems more like you want all Thais to be poor.. that is just not the case. Its not that expensive to go to an other Asian country.

It is for Thais on 15000bts a month or 300bts a day and thats the average Thai. Of course there are rich Thais and better off Thais but that is not the majority, most dont even have holidays their best hope is a long weekend or a 5 day race around the country, they cant afford to take time off work that is the reality of life in Thailand.

If you want to se the reality of life, hang around in the markets and watch for the money lenders coming round to collect their dues, you will notice them, they call at almost every stall but dont buy anything, you need to get out more and see whats going on.

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THey spend money they dont have and one day the collector comes round. My wifes father never even saw the sea, most Thais live a localised existance. The average Thai ? 15000bts a month Govt employee or is it 300bts a day, these figures not add up foreign travel unless you look at my first sentence.

Seems more like you want all Thais to be poor.. that is just not the case. Its not that expensive to go to an other Asian country.

It is for Thais on 15000bts a month or 300bts a day and thats the average Thai. Of course there are rich Thais and better off Thais but that is not the majority, most dont even have holidays their best hope is a long weekend or a 5 day race around the country, they cant afford to take time off work that is the reality of life in Thailand.

If you want to se the reality of life, hang around in the markets and watch for the money lenders coming round to collect their dues, you will notice them, they call at almost every stall but dont buy anything, you need to get out more and see whats going on.

Nobody said anything about the majority of Thais. 5 million trips is hardly the majority, there are 65 million Thais the super rich go far more then once on a trip.

I see plenty of well of Thais here in my village, know plenty of Thais with money. But ok I live in BKK probably more money here then in the countryside.

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The food situation with Thais travelling OS always amazes me. I went to a trade show in LA with a group of Thai business people, all well educated and well travelled to Western Countries. We stayed at a hotel near the convention centre, Omni or something like that from memory. They didn' t eat a single meal in the hotel not even breakfast. They found a small Thai restaurant around the corner and ate every meal there. As there was about 12 of them with wives etc they even convinced the owner to open for breakfast.

A few of the same group were in Australia with me and the same situation. In the Thai restaurant they frequented they said the rice tasted different. Turns out it was Oz Koala brand jasmine rice. I have to give them credit for picking it.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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They're cool these Thais. They travel to places like Japan and Korea. They come back and yet when you talk with them about Japan and Korea, they know virtually nothing about the places.

Not unlike many tourists coming here! Spend their whole holiday in or around the hotel. Eating at McD or BK or on a brave day a pizza.

Not to mention all the expats, who have never been outside Patts, They are cool too.whistling.gif

Don't forget those English guys who can't survive a few days without English grub. Yea us farangs are so superior. Let everyone enjoy their holliday how they want they paid for it.

Or the "cloggies" with their dope habit, the Americans with their donuts, the Russians all pissed, the Chinese pigging the breakfast buffets and poor old Indians being robbed blind by the whores and ladyboys. Yep - us farangs are real superior stereotypers.

Each to their own, enjoy wai2.gif

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The new cars is just a thing of priority.. UK people could afford it too if they spend as little on housing as the Thais do. Thais don't mind living in a shack as long as they got a new car. Its a status symbol, also getting credit here is easier and loads of Thais are in debt. I have followed the accounts on the first car and the doubling of non payment ect. Its not all as good as it looks.

However there are still people who do manage their finances good and can go abroad.

You got that right. A lot of middle-class Thai's descending into further debt and paying for their overseas trips with credit cards... because they can.

Witness the amount of repossessions of new cars from 'first-time' buyers that didn't work out that sales tax rebate does not diminish the financial commitment to a 3 to 5 year car note.

It is not that they are unfazed by the recession, they just don't have a bloody clue.

Unlike Farangs who manage their money fantastically and never have debts or use credit cards.

Why can't these Thais be more like us ? :)

Edited by Banzai99
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You got that right. A lot of middle-class Thai's descending into further debt and paying for their overseas trips with credit cards... because they can.

Witness the amount of repossessions of new cars from 'first-time' buyers that didn't work out that sales tax rebate does not diminish the financial commitment to a 3 to 5 year car note.

It is not that they are unfazed by the recession, they just don't have a bloody clue.

Unlike Farangs who manage their money fantastically and never have debts or use credit cards.

Why can't these Thais be more like us ? smile.png

You got it. The burgeoning middle class Thai's, like burgeoning middle classes in most every developing country, are doomed to head down the same road as the more developed western countries and have their usefulness and significance in society dictated by the number in their credit rating.

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