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Do you wear clothes in the house?


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The minute I enter my condo and shut the door I strip off to my birthday suit because it feels more comfortable in the heat and only don my clothes again when its time to go outside.......back in the UK its not warm enough to contemplate doing this

My g/f finds this quite amusing but is happy with the situation...luckily I have the body of Adonis

Today she told me that she had asked 3 or 4 friends of hers who have farang partners whether they did the same

The answer was yes

so are you a naturist when at home?

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I just like to add, on a personal note, that I wasn't really comfortable with the idea of grown up men wearing beach-bum clothes in a non-beach environment to begin with. Boy am I happy that Soi41 and his ilk declared me persona non grata - I couldn't be happier!

However, picturing grown-ups strutting their condos au naturel takes gross to a completely different level...? Does it get more revolting?

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It would provide too many tempting opportunities for the dogs.

They've already eaten my favourite shoes and nibbled the dangly bits off various other items I've left lying around.

Plus, the neighbours have a habit of wandering in as and when they feel like it, so it's probably best that we preserve our modesty around the house.

Although I will suggest it. The children might find it amusing, the wife, not so much.

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Many in Thailand believe when bar-girl's call out "Hello handsome man" to anything that walks by, that they are truly handsome and desirable.

After the age of the 20-some most bodies are in a state of decline and no longer beautiful. as it was when it was a teenager, or athletic. not only male but also female, the emotional condition called Love or Lust, many will overlook the deterioration of their partners physical condition!

As there are many women around my house, I choose not to scare them with that sight.


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I turn on the air condition and keep a civilized person.....

But it happens, that if there is no one at home, that I take it easy and wear a short trouser instead of a long one.

Even I get criticized by Mrs. H90 (who is Thai), I don't wear shoes inside the house.

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so are you a naturist when at home?

yes !

providing nobody can see in my room im the

same as you .. zilch . nada 100% of the

time until i go out again !


Don't think Adonis had a huge ass though

youve never seen hugeass ?

here ya go smile.png



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Usually just boxers, but there are no children, and no one likely to wander in and no one can see in either, so its all in the privacy of my own home literally. Just find it more practical and certainly more comfortable.

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Nakedness is next to Godliness... and when I was a single chap, I insisted that all lady visitors, either short or long term, be similarly unadorned as well.

In marriage, it is mostly naked and the wife (and even the ex- wife) got used to it. (Even the ex-wife's best girlfriend got used to it but that's another story).

Now that we have a rugrat, there's still sporadic acts of private nudity and the lad gets a real hoot out of daddy's naked form. The wife (barely) stifles a giggle.

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I'm not keen on using the AC in the apartment - something ancient race memory of freezing weather in the UK makes me equate ac with a cold draft - so I didn't bother with clothes or ac around the apartment .... but after having startled the 'maa baan' a few times when she arrived to do the ironing I now wear shorts.

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I'm not keen on using the AC in the apartment - something ancient race memory of freezing weather in the UK makes me equate ac with a cold draft - so I didn't bother with clothes or ac around the apartment .... but after having startled the 'maa baan' a few times when she arrived to do the ironing I now wear shorts.

your dog can iron?

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