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First condo in BKK


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So today I agreed to rent a new condo in Asoke for a year and gave a "booking" amount to make sure the apartment is held for me for a couple days. The agent is drawing up a contract for me now and I will be moving in a few days.

I hope this isn't too much rehash of already discussed topics, but there are a couple things that are crossing my mind now that I'm trying to figure out.

1. The internet provider the agent showed me for the building is ToT, but claims to be 10mbs... My #1 priority is having good solid internet as soon as possible. I have read horrible reviews of ToT which kind of scared me, but 10mbs is pretty fast. I don't mind giving them a try, but does anyone know how long it usually takes for ToT to come and establish the connection? I can't be without internet for too long. Also the contract appears to have no English... all Thai. Is this typical? When I got my phone DTAC seemed to offer "WiFi" in their pamphlet. Are they a viable alternative?

2. The cable provider is True, but I really don't care for cable as I watch very little TV. My friend said that I should be able to watch about 7 channels without cable, but how does that work here in Thailand? Do I need to buy an antenna or do I just connect it to the cable line?

3. The apartment is furnished with a bed and couch, but is not decorated, and has no TV in the bedroom, so I will have to get that myself and all the rest of the decorations... An unexpected cost that I don't mind, but I am not sure what I would do with the stuff after I move. Craigslist? This might sound like a dumb question, but will a taxi driver care if I load/unload a TV in his trunk if I buy one from somewhere or should I just plan to by new and arrange delivery?

4. Due to the language barrier I had some difficulty understanding my Thai agent. It seems she said I would be paying my rent directly at A BANK, electricity/water at a Juristrictor office and Cable/Internet at 711.... Did I understand that correctly? After the 3rd time asking for clarification I kind of got tired and decided I would figure it out when I sign the contract.

5. Is Thailand like America in that when your lease ends you typically go "Month-To-Month" or will the require another lease? I will be staying a year and a few months, so a month to month after the lease would be ideal. If it's not typical I will request.

Thanks for the help... I am obviously a little nervous as this is my first rental in Thailand. I appreciate all the advice here from experienced expatswai.gif Kop kun krap

Had a <deleted> moment when my agent showed up and was a young hottie and asked if I had a GF cheesy.gif

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1. TOT is terrible - True or 3BB All three can provide a contract in English

2. No idea on antennae

3. Do what you like with the stuff if you move - take it with; toss it in storage; sell it to landlord . . . . If you buy new, arrange delivery. If you buy stolen or second hand, taxi driver won't give a rat's arse if you load it into the cab

4. You did understand correctly - it's normal for condo rental here

5. They'll usually ask you to sign another lease . . . if they remember

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1) ToT is ok in my experience (also in a condo on sukh), yes my contract was in Thai also.

2) Your friend is probably referring to the standard cable that comes with the condo. That is something you need to talk to the condo owner about, let them know you don't want True.

3) you dont need a TV but yes craiglist (and the thaivisa classifieds) may be a good place to look for a cheap one if you really need it.

4) yea I also transfer my rent to another bank account. i do it online though with my scb account. You can pay pretty much all your bills at 7-11, yes.

5) no, in my experience owners have always asked for a new contract, not going month to month.

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most questions are answerd already but the last one is diffrent in my expierience, I've rented two condos before my current one and both times after the contract is expired it went automatically from month to month, just notified the owners that I wanted to move the month after and never had any problems with my deposit.

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1) TOT is reliable in terms of the hard product in my experience, however the soft product is terrible... unless you speak Thai. My contract was only available in Thai and the customer service (phone and in person) is only Thai-speaking. Having my Thai gf call on my behalf always worked like a charm in resolving the few small issues I've had (maybe 2-3 over a 3.5 year period)

4) Paying rent to the landlord's bank account may or may not be "normal," but it's certainly not unheard of and I have done it from time to time, though I usually just pay in cash at the front office.

5) My experience has been that when the contract lapses, you start going month-to-month, but I imagine this can certainly vary depending on the landlord / management company.

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