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Holiday Extension for ED VISA ?

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My school is not as good, but do you think ...

1/ I can pull it out on my own without a school helping

and 2/ should I bring/show this copy of my friend's passport to immigration just in case they offer me just 7 days (I need more time)?


  1. Absolutely impossible without the school's help.
  2. Would be of no practical help because your friend's passport does not indicate specifically that it was a "vacation" extension.

If you are in the same situation as your friend was, ie in between two study courses and you have already signed up for the new course but the school needs more time to get the necessary documents together and your school has a good reputation with immigration, it is worth a try but as I said you can only do it with the school's help.

So, if you have already been learning Thai at a school and doing extensions every 90 days you know that you need some documents from the school. The Immigration Bureau Order 305/2551, to which I linked earlier in this topic says this about documents (highlighting in blue is mine):

2.9 In the case of enrollment in a private educational institution: Each permission shall be granted for a period certified by the educational institution, which shall not exceed one year.

1. Application form

2. Copy of applicant’s passport

3. Copy of evidence of permission to establish the educational institution issued by the relevant government agency

4. Letter of confirmation and request for a temporary stay, issued by the educational institution, which shows detailed information about the applicant’s years of education, level of curriculum, and educational achievement

5. Confirmation letter issued by a government agency at the departmental level or by the Provincial Governor in charge of that particular institution (except in the case of enrollment in an international school or in the case of higher education)

I have never seen these documents as I never needed a study extension but I am quite sure that not only the document under 2.9 and 4 have to come from your school but also the other three documents have to be requested and obtained by the school for your application or are copies of documents issued by government agencies to the school at earlier times. One document, though, the letter from the MOE, has to fresh for every application for extension.

For your friend's application for extension of stay, the request to grant a "vacation" extension will obviously have been included in the school's letter listed under No. 4. Here is where the school's reputation comes into play: if the school is known to issue positive attendance records to students who never or hardly ever attend classes it will obviously have a bad reputation and I would rate the chances of a student from such school of getting a "vacation" extension as slim to non-existent.

Sorry when I said without the school's help I meant they won't come with me to hold my hand and deal with everything for me like Walen did for my friend.

Off course I have all the papers needed in preparation, it's just that I need more time

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My school is not as good, but do you think ...

1/ I can pull it out on my own without a school helping

and 2/ should I bring/show this copy of my friend's passport to immigration just in case they offer me just 7 days (I need more time)?


  1. Absolutely impossible without the school's help.
  2. Would be of no practical help because your friend's passport does not indicate specifically that it was a "vacation" extension.

If you are in the same situation as your friend was, ie in between two study courses and you have already signed up for the new course but the school needs more time to get the necessary documents together and your school has a good reputation with immigration, it is worth a try but as I said you can only do it with the school's help.

So, if you have already been learning Thai at a school and doing extensions every 90 days you know that you need some documents from the school. The Immigration Bureau Order 305/2551, to which I linked earlier in this topic says this about documents (highlighting in blue is mine):

2.9 In the case of enrollment in a private educational institution: Each permission shall be granted for a period certified by the educational institution, which shall not exceed one year.

1. Application form

2. Copy of applicant’s passport

3. Copy of evidence of permission to establish the educational institution issued by the relevant government agency

4. Letter of confirmation and request for a temporary stay, issued by the educational institution, which shows detailed information about the applicant’s years of education, level of curriculum, and educational achievement

5. Confirmation letter issued by a government agency at the departmental level or by the Provincial Governor in charge of that particular institution (except in the case of enrollment in an international school or in the case of higher education)

I have never seen these documents as I never needed a study extension but I am quite sure that not only the document under 2.9 and 4 have to come from your school but also the other three documents have to be requested and obtained by the school for your application or are copies of documents issued by government agencies to the school at earlier times. One document, though, the letter from the MOE, has to fresh for every application for extension.

For your friend's application for extension of stay, the request to grant a "vacation" extension will obviously have been included in the school's letter listed under No. 4. Here is where the school's reputation comes into play: if the school is known to issue positive attendance records to students who never or hardly ever attend classes it will obviously have a bad reputation and I would rate the chances of a student from such school of getting a "vacation" extension as slim to non-existent.

I've seen these documents, as I studied for my MBA in Thailand with a private (not state-owned) university when I had to renew my non-imm ED visa.

You are right on the spot.

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You'll be fine getting an extension if your school supports you with the paperwork. That's all.

Yeah that's the all point of my post : some get 7 days some get 22

How to get the 22

As I said: The school needs to give you the appropriate paperwork.

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You'll be fine getting an extension if your school supports you with the paperwork. That's all.

Yeah that's the all point of my post : some get 7 days some get 22

How to get the 22

As I said: The school needs to give you the appropriate paperwork.

And as I said I have the appropriate paperwork.

The topic is on the grey area where some people get 1 week and some 1 month with the same appropriate paperwork.


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The length of extension will depend upon documents you have. They will have a date on them that shows to what date you are enrolled at the school.

Immigration will only do extension up to that date.

The 7 day extension is only if you don't have the documents.

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The length of extension will depend upon documents you have. They will have a date on them that shows to what date you are enrolled at the school.

Immigration will only do extension up to that date.

The 7 day extension is only if you don't have the documents.

It's an extension to buy time before I get my new visa extension processed, which takes 3 to 4 weeks, therefore I am NOT officially enrolled anymore. I am in between 2 extensions.

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You will not get anything more than 7 days to leave the country by applying for an extension and paying 1900 baht.

The best choice you have is to get the documents required to get a new visa and make a trip out to get it. It should only take a few days to get the documents needed..

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You will not get anything more than 7 days to leave the country by applying for an extension and paying 1900 baht.

The best choice you have is to get the documents required to get a new visa and make a trip out to get it. It should only take a few days to get the documents needed..

My friend did get 22 days (see picture) did not have to leave the country

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You will not get anything more than 7 days to leave the country by applying for an extension and paying 1900 baht.

The best choice you have is to get the documents required to get a new visa and make a trip out to get it. It should only take a few days to get the documents needed..

My friend did get 22 days (see picture) did not have to leave the country

Continued posting here will not get you an extension.

You have received good advise now is the time to go and ask immigration for an extension.

Immigration will assist you if it is within their power to do so.

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You will not get anything more than 7 days to leave the country by applying for an extension and paying 1900 baht.

The best choice you have is to get the documents required to get a new visa and make a trip out to get it. It should only take a few days to get the documents needed..

My friend did get 22 days (see picture) did not have to leave the country

Continued posting here will not get you an extension.

You have received good advise now is the time to go and ask immigration for an extension.

Immigration will assist you if it is within their power to do so.

I have not received any answer to my question yet :

the only answer I had was I would get

- 7 days without having the papers ready (which my friend's case clearly shows you can get more)

- or full extension of 90 days with papers application fully ready which is the usual extension when your papers are done.

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Go to immigration ask for 22 days extension you might get lucky ! smile.png

I wish I could just play with visa, time and money as if it was a game, unfortunately I cannot.

So if you don't mind; I am trying to find someone who has been in the same situation or who knows it is possible to get sufficient numbers of days to wait for papers to come through.

It seems that people are making it up as they go, or just lie to your face to avoid doing extra work and get rid of you. And when you face them with their own lies they get angry; Typical example, my school:

They first said I had to pay overstay and/or leave the country as I was late on renewal. I am surprised and insist; Are you sure ?, there is no other choice? yes they are sure

Then I remember my friend's case and call them back to tell them, mentioning he got more time but did not remember how much may be 10-12 days, suggesting it's possible to get some extra time. they say OK whatever come and pay the tuition then.

I come to the office and mention the extension: they say: Yes you will get 2 weeks, I asked : Where did you suddenly get the "2 weeks " information from? , they say it's what previous student had gotten. So I asked: Why did not you mentioned this instead of telling me I had to pay overstay/leave the country ?, they get angry.

I come to pick up my letter and there is no mention of date or time required on the document. I asked the secretary to put the time required, she shouts at me that I am wasting her time, that this is the standard letter they give and that everyone gets 2 weeks and that's it that's all I could get.

I remind her politely that won't be enough (according to their own figure as they mentioned 3 to 4 weeks needed for 2nd year visa extension) and mention I also sent her picture of my friend's passport who got 22 days, .... more shouting.

After getting screamed at and called names, then apologized to, she finally prints a letter I asked for with the required time...

Wow ! What a day ...And that's just getting a bloody letter !

So forgive me for not trying not to put my fate in luck's hands, I learned the hard way here that you have to fight and work prepare for everything especially when it comes to immigration.

Thank you

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You will not get anything more than 7 days to leave the country by applying for an extension and paying 1900 baht.

The best choice you have is to get the documents required to get a new visa and make a trip out to get it. It should only take a few days to get the documents needed..

My friend did get 22 days (see picture) did not have to leave the country

Continued posting here will not get you an extension.

You have received good advise now is the time to go and ask immigration for an extension.

Immigration will assist you if it is within their power to do so.

I have not received any answer to my question yet :

the only answer I had was I would get

- 7 days without having the papers ready (which my friend's case clearly shows you can get more)

- or full extension of 90 days with papers application fully ready which is the usual extension when your papers are done.

What do you mean you did not get the answer? You got the answer as outlined by yourself above. there is no such thing as a holiday extension.

Now get on with it. No need to get in a shouting contest with the employee at your school. I feel sorry for him/her.

Edited by onthemoon
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What do you mean you did not get the answer? You got the answer as outlined by yourself above. there is no such thing as a holiday extension.

Now get on with it. No need to get in a shouting contest with the employee at your school. I feel sorry for him/her.

No shouting contest I was shouted at and called names for requesting a document they are supposed to provide.

No answer: I posted a picture of a 22 days extension, so it does exists, no one could advise me how to get it

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Just talked to Walen (the one that extended my friend) and Sandee; two reputed language schools in Bangkok:

They both said that the first year with the school you get 13 months not 12, so that is why after your first year of ED visa with a school you get 1 MORE MONTH to extend

Apparently my school is not aware of this

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