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Age Differences


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I am not run behindg much younger woman but it happen in my past live that I was married 2 times (european woman's) with much younger woman, fist 12, seceond 22 years younger and with both I was married ca. 12 years. Divorce was not the cause of age.

I say always we have 2 ages... the give paper age by birht and the real physical and mental age.

Remember when you meet your classmates on your 50 or 60 years old. How they look very different and how different is the behavior of each? Important is how you think, your heart, character and physicaly conditions. I wold not be afraid go married with a 25 years old woman on my sixties if she is mature and well grown up (some are childish till over 40 years....).

In this case consider the real facts and not the paper age....! But most important is between Farang and Thai woman that they have a common, well developped language to find a dialogue, to make each other understanding.... if there is only yes, maybe and up to you you will fail. Good luck

I agree with you here Thaibear, communication and understanding between two people is key to a successful happy relationship or both partners. I believe that often age can be a factor because the two people won't have that much in common if the age difference is great but am also openminded enough to realize that everyone's relationship is different and that happiness is always possible when two people love each other and are willing to work out the differences (even if those differences are age based) in their relationship.

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Older-younger couples are pretty common in the gay world, too- of course, one of the partners *has* to be older, by default- but it's pretty common to have an age difference of 10 or 15 years, even in the ageist U.S.

Relationships are as much about differences as they are about similarities, and it is the qualities a partner has which the other doesn't which brings the greatest rewards for both, I think. An age difference can either work very, very well for a couple- or else it will work very, very poorly.


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i just finished a relationship like the original question and i just want to comment that overall my communication was better with a guy 8 years younger than i am than it has been with most people my age. we just broke up, but it was due more to general incompatibility in style than in communication, and though we did have some fights, it was mostly amiable and nice.

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The Dude's prior wife was 11 years older and his current gf is 24 years younger for a whopping 35 years of diff btw 'em. The Dude hands daily shovels to his gf cause he digs her. The older wife turned into too much of a nag. Of course though this is a single case and should not become a generalization of younger being better than older. Who can dig it?

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has anyone here had a relationship with someone significantly younger or older than them? what sorts of problems did you have? i know there are lots of older men with younger thai women in thailand, so you can comment as well... i met someone i like a lot but he is much younger than i am. i don't want to be ageist but there are certain changes people go through that affect realtionships, especially in the early 20s. should i bother or is it a recipe for disaster?

[/quote My second wife was a german lady 18 years older than me, only found out after we got married, she had children older than me!! she stopped work straight after the wedding, and started to spend money like it was going out of fashion!!(does this ring any bells) if I curbed her spending ,No hot meals , laundry or Nookie :o So next thing Divorce!! no chance!! under german law she was entitled to half the house and an allowance to let her live the life she was acustomed too,so it was cheaper to move into the upstairs rooms and pay her an allowance to stay out of my way, we existed like this for 20 years,as a point of interest her own kids would not have any thing to do with her either!!Then my life changed, she died(no suspicious circumstances Honest!!)So I had my Leibling Rosemarie cremated, her ashes I had put in an Hourglass or Eggtimer,she is here on my computer desk as I write, It gives me great pleasure when her grandkids or greatgrandkids come to visit and ask if they can give grandma a shake or a turn,my Rosemarie has worked more since she died than in all her living years, this is a true story about my 2nd wife! :D Nignoy

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has anyone here had a relationship with someone significantly younger or older than them? what sorts of problems did you have? i know there are lots of older men with younger thai women in thailand, so you can comment as well... i met someone i like a lot but he is much younger than i am. i don't want to be ageist but there are certain changes people go through that affect realtionships, especially in the early 20s. should i bother or is it a recipe for disaster?

[/quote My second wife was a german lady 18 years older than me, only found out after we got married, she had children older than me!! she stopped work straight after the wedding, and started to spend money like it was going out of fashion!!(does this ring any bells) if I curbed her spending ,No hot meals , laundry or Nookie :o So next thing Divorce!! no chance!! under german law she was entitled to half the house and an allowance to let her live the life she was acustomed too,so it was cheaper to move into the upstairs rooms and pay her an allowance to stay out of my way, we existed like this for 20 years,as a point of interest her own kids would not have any thing to do with her either!!Then my life changed, she died(no suspicious circumstances Honest!!)So I had my Leibling Rosemarie cremated, her ashes I had put in an Hourglass or Eggtimer,she is here on my computer desk as I write, It gives me great pleasure when her grandkids or greatgrandkids come to visit and ask if they can give grandma a shake or a turn,my Rosemarie has worked more since she died than in all her living years, this is a true story about my 2nd wife! :D Nignoy


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age difference can be a huge burden! my wife is 56 and i'm 63. nowadays i hate to cross my property line accompanying her when she goes shopping. can't stand those people anymore who look at us thinking "what's that dirty old man doing with that young girl?"


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has anyone here had a relationship with someone significantly younger or older than them? what sorts of problems did you have? i know there are lots of older men with younger thai women in thailand, so you can comment as well... i met someone i like a lot but he is much younger than i am. i don't want to be ageist but there are certain changes people go through that affect realtionships, especially in the early 20s. should i bother or is it a recipe for disaster?

[/quote My second wife was a german lady 18 years older than me, only found out after we got married, she had children older than me!! she stopped work straight after the wedding, and started to spend money like it was going out of fashion!!(does this ring any bells) if I curbed her spending ,No hot meals , laundry or Nookie :o So next thing Divorce!! no chance!! under german law she was entitled to half the house and an allowance to let her live the life she was acustomed too,so it was cheaper to move into the upstairs rooms and pay her an allowance to stay out of my way, we existed like this for 20 years,as a point of interest her own kids would not have any thing to do with her either!!Then my life changed, she died(no suspicious circumstances Honest!!)So I had my Leibling Rosemarie cremated, her ashes I had put in an Hourglass or Eggtimer,she is here on my computer desk as I write, It gives me great pleasure when her grandkids or greatgrandkids come to visit and ask if they can give grandma a shake or a turn,my Rosemarie has worked more since she died than in all her living years, this is a true story about my 2nd wife! :D Nignoy

Will Just give Rosemary a turn for you mate :D had to have her cremated, could not face the option of digging her up after 6 weeks and nailing her GOB SHUT :D Nignoy


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just enjoy it for as long as it lasts , it may last forever or it may last ten minutes. you'll be kicking yourself forever if you dont.

You should not care about what people think. Just do it. Had a similar experience when I was 19. Enjoy it :o

Edited by Potter
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Just a quick post, i am m 29 and my wife is 38 we have been together 5 years now and are living very happily together not a bad mix in ages ok she doesnt like to drink or go to pubs but i look at that as a good thing, i can go out with my mates for a few drinks without her and that is cool, saves me money and i dont get digs in the side for looking at the goodies around the bars. Not saying that i play away from home but its rude not to look. One thing i will say she doesnt look her age so i suppose i dont even think about the age thing and nothing even started looking south so i think it is all about the individual person.

Just thought i would post that as i am bored off my nut at school waiting to go home.

Mike :o

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