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Bangkok's "Starbung" coffee vendor defies multinational


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...and the post about Statrbucks and ethics conveniently ignores the major dispute they had with Ethiopian coffee growers a few years back. Oxfam intervened and helped resolve what was becoming a very ugly incident . It didn't reflect well on Starbucks and certainly not the behaviour of the good corporate citizen ....more like a cartel

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Free publicity - but a lot of it is negative. My personal opinion is that they are petty minded money grabbing ***** . This man's cart could never, ever, be mistaken for having any link to Starbucks, and having tried his coffee its a lot better and a lot cheaper. Starbucks need a hard kick up the rear.

Starbucks' customer base could not care less about this case or what happens to Mr. Bung; they probably like that Starbucks is going after this pretender that is bringing down the reputation of their hi-so coffee chain. People who hated Starbucks or other corporate haters will not go less often because they already don't go. Keep wishing for something bad on people and Karma may sneak up and bite you on the butt. I'm glad you bought some of Mr. Bung's coffee; he can use the profit he made off you to pay Starbucks damages for copying their trademark. From a distance, Mr. Bung's logo can easily be confused because it is the same shape, color, word spacing, lettering, and has a picture in the middle. For Thai or Chinese people, who don't use Roman characters in their alphabet, the lettering on the sign looks close enough to be confusing. Some may think it is a new 'mobile' Starbucks that is being licensed out. You say the man's cart could never, ever be mistaken for having any link to Starbucks but you just wait and see when the court finds against Mr. Bung. I want all the people who supported him in this, and the others who told him he was right and should fight, to 'pass the hat' and help him pay the fine so he can stay out of jail. Hitler Chicken was not as close to KFC's branding as Mr. Bung's logo is to Starbucks'. BTW he only recently changed the mermaid to a more masculine figure that still has two tails. Mr. Bung probably never had an original idea in his life and wants to leech off he good name and reputation of Starbucks. If Starbucks doesn't have a good name and reputation, why are so many trying to copy it? If the coffee is so bad, why is it the World's largest seller? Too bad so many posters think with their emotions instead of their brains.

You say

Keep wishing for something bad on people and Karma may sneak up and bite you on the butt.

Starbucks has a big butt. Glad to see you point out the err of their ways. 15_9_29.gif

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Clearly within their right to sue for breach of trademark, Starbucks highlight the reason why we need to fight all copyright laws.

Coca Karma i first came across on GNN guerilla news network. Google Coca-Karma.pdf for a great, if long, read about Coca legally losing ownership of certain trademarks, but then bullying their way over the top. Multinationals do not respect the laws they use to protect themselves. These laws are open to abuse by the multinationals.

Why not introduce a level playing field. I am an architect, I deal in I.P. but I do not believe in it. I do not want to hear about the benefits of profit driven research, which is already shown to be a poisoned chalice. A good idea gives the inventor a head start, and really that is all a good idea should be worth, IMHO.

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...and the post about Statrbucks and ethics conveniently ignores the major dispute they had with Ethiopian coffee growers a few years back. Oxfam intervened and helped resolve what was becoming a very ugly incident . It didn't reflect well on Starbucks and certainly not the behaviour of the good corporate citizen ....more like a cartel

Link, please or you're making it up.

The quality of Starbucks coffee:

Ethically Sourced Coffee Goals and Progress http://www.starbucks...sourcing/coffee

Starbucks Quality Assurance http://www.studymode...nce-353560.html

Starbucks Puts Quality Over Quantity http://www.theatlant...quantity/64511/

Starbucks Continues Pursuit For Quality Coffee Products http://www.idea-sand...offee-products/

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Free publicity - but a lot of it is negative. My personal opinion is that they are petty minded money grabbing ***** . This man's cart could never, ever, be mistaken for having any link to Starbucks, and having tried his coffee its a lot better and a lot cheaper. Starbucks need a hard kick up the rear.

Starbucks' customer base could not care less about this case or what happens to Mr. Bung; they probably like that Starbucks is going after this pretender that is bringing down the reputation of their hi-so coffee chain. People who hated Starbucks or other corporate haters will not go less often because they already don't go. Keep wishing for something bad on people and Karma may sneak up and bite you on the butt. I'm glad you bought some of Mr. Bung's coffee; he can use the profit he made off you to pay Starbucks damages for copying their trademark. From a distance, Mr. Bung's logo can easily be confused because it is the same shape, color, word spacing, lettering, and has a picture in the middle. For Thai or Chinese people, who don't use Roman characters in their alphabet, the lettering on the sign looks close enough to be confusing. Some may think it is a new 'mobile' Starbucks that is being licensed out. You say the man's cart could never, ever be mistaken for having any link to Starbucks but you just wait and see when the court finds against Mr. Bung. I want all the people who supported him in this, and the others who told him he was right and should fight, to 'pass the hat' and help him pay the fine so he can stay out of jail. Hitler Chicken was not as close to KFC's branding as Mr. Bung's logo is to Starbucks'. BTW he only recently changed the mermaid to a more masculine figure that still has two tails. Mr. Bung probably never had an original idea in his life and wants to leech off he good name and reputation of Starbucks. If Starbucks doesn't have a good name and reputation, why are so many trying to copy it? If the coffee is so bad, why is it the World's largest seller? Too bad so many posters think with their emotions instead of their brains.

You say

Keep wishing for something bad on people and Karma may sneak up and bite you on the butt.

Starbucks has a big butt. Glad to see you point out the err of their ways. 15_9_29.gif

Starbucks is not causing damage to Mr. Bung. Starbucks is properly going through the courts. If Mr. Bung is as innocent as some of you say, Starbucks will have wasted money and gotten bad publicity for nothing. The publicity has only helped Mr. Bung up to now. OTOH, If Mr. Bung is in the wrong, Starbuck will not be handing out justice and incurring bad Karma but the courts will be doing, in your opinion, the 'dirty' deed.

Edited by rametindallas
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So you would also applaud the decision by Ethiopian coffee growers to trademark Ethiopian Coffee (vehemently opposed by Starbucks))?

quote name=Halion" post="6956106" timestamp="1382537006]

Most commenters on various news sites fail to understand the fundamental differences between "copyright" and "trademark". The laws regarding the two are not the same.

In this case Starbucks is protecting a trademark. If they do not, and let everyone copy them, then eventually they may lose the right to protect it, as a court might say something like "well, you guys have let everyone copy your logo for the last 20 years. If you cared about your logo, you should have done something earlier, now it is too late - you lose".

Starbucks is obviously not concerned about Starbung, but they are concerned about their logo, and later it may not be a small street stall, but a proper chain of coffee shops opening up with a similar logo who can actually compete with Starbucks.

So in short, this case may or may not be good for Starbucks' reputation, personally I do not think it matters whatsoever, and obviously neither does Starbucks. However, Starbucks is not fighting this case to protect their reputation or to avoid competition from Starbung, they are protecting their trademark - and that is worth alot to most multinationals.

Absolutely correct and although it may seem to many as a storm in a tea cup it is something that simply has to be done especially in such a culture as this that feels they have the right to run fast and loose with the rights of others. Starbucks did approach this vendor and request that he cease and desist otherwise they would be forced to take action to protect their registered trademark. I have little love for Starbucks however, I applaud this action as it is the principle that is at stake as well as an internationally recognized trademark.

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...and the post about Statrbucks and ethics conveniently ignores the major dispute they had with Ethiopian coffee growers a few years back. Oxfam intervened and helped resolve what was becoming a very ugly incident . It didn't reflect well on Starbucks and certainly not the behaviour of the good corporate citizen ....more like a cartel

Link, please or you're making it up.

The quality of Starbucks coffee:

Ethically Sourced Coffee Goals and Progress http://www.starbucks...sourcing/coffee

Starbucks Quality Assurance http://www.studymode...nce-353560.html

Starbucks Puts Quality Over Quantity http://www.theatlant...quantity/64511/

Starbucks Continues Pursuit For Quality Coffee Products http://www.idea-sand...offee-products/

I think the simplest question if ethics would be the transfer pricing and licencing policy that Starbucks uses to transfer price is profits to low tax countries.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Why would a street seller who have nothing to loose obey to these stupid rules ?

You are posting on a thread that is 1 year old.

The street seller is no more

He now has 3 jet skis in Pattaya

SD, he's Thai and he's smarter than you. Another cup?coffee1.gif

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What the StarBung guy knows - is that Starbucks will never get any money ... he will escape and evade ... and he knows it...

He will eventually shut down ... reform -- start up again as something else with a following and Starbucks will chase him and never catch him ...

Next it will be Dunkin Donuts Coffee... all the while on a local scale economy the guy will have a following.

In America -- a guy like this could not exist -- which is what just kills Starbucks Corp.. they cannot run over the little guy in Asia.. With some not so serious money the guy can pay off a judge and be totally immune

For better or worse ...and I do not even come close to say the guy is in the right ... But Thailand is Not America ...

The best thing they can do - it just give the guy a Franchise and shake hands - take photos -- kiss kiss and have a happy ending.

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He straight up jacked their logo and name.

Exact same design, colors, size, font, shape, etc

Those trying to boycott Starbucks over this are morons. Businesses have to defend their trademarks. A business can lose a trademark if they do not defend it., you realize this?

The guy should just change his logo. Problem solved. Starbucks will win this.

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Just started a boycott Starbucks page on Facebook. Go to Facebook and look for: notostarbucks (one word) I hope this is ok with the admins here. Otherwise please remove tongue.png

I dont like starbucks or the way they operate but its pretty clear the guy would have never thought the logo up on his own without them or their brand parody.

Wont be getting my sig and i dont use starbucks anyway but not for this guys or your reason and I do think getting on the bandwagon of boycott simply because its an easy target and using this forum to promote doing so is a bit much.

The amount they are suing for is also proportionate and not excessive, id say let the courts decide on copyright not facebook.

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Why would a street seller who have nothing to loose obey to these stupid rules ?

You are posting on a thread that is 1 year old.

The street seller is no more

He now has 3 jet skis in Pattaya

SD, he's Thai and he's smarter than you. Another cup?coffee1.gif

He's not that smart,

Had to rename his stall and change the logo.

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The only ones that should be charged here are Starbucks, for overcharging for the brown liquid the call coffee!!

And when they are at it, charge their customers as well for criminal negligence for paying stupid money for the "Starbucks experience" coffee1.gif (!!)

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