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Divorce is hard for thai woman?


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I heard this case from a friend. Thai woman and man got married and then had a kid. After the birth the husband left the woman and child. Husband haven't supported his wife or child or even been seeing them for over five years. Now the wife goes to Amphoo to applies for divorce, but the officers requires the husbands agremeent on the divorce. She cant get contact with the husband, so she can't get divorce because of this. Does she have to contant lawier for this and spend fortune just to get divorce from a man who havent been around for many years? Is this all really possible in Thailand?

Also can married thai woman use MS. or do they have to use MRS. on their ID cards? Thanks.

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Title to be used is up to her.

The amphur is right, she can only get a divorce at the amphur if both parties agree to the divorce. Since one party is not present, she must apply for a divorce at the court, based on abandonment. As in many countries, a lawyer will be advisable.

She can also ask for child support from the (ex)husband.

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The police may be able to help (for a fee of course), they helped my wife track down the natural mother of the child we are raising. Does the wife have the ID card for the errant husband? surely he must have produced it in order to get married in the first place. As I understand it when Thais move they are required to re-register their new address with the authorities. The police have a computer database of all citizens and may well be able to trace him. If that doesn't work then she will have to go the Court route as Mario suggests.

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I'm sorry to hear of this case from your friend. It does happen a little bit, not too much. But it is bad when it happens.

A driving license number, pasport number, or ID number can help find him. If he is not Thai, maybe the embassy can help your friend's case.

There may be a group that will help your friend's case with a free lawyer. They have that in America. It's called "pro bono" legal work.

Chok dii for your friend's case.

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