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Getting a decent foot massage


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What happened to the good old traditional thai foot massages, i want one, but what passes for a thai foot massage now seems a far cry from what it was years ago.

My first foot massage was in thailand and what was advertised as foot reflexology really was. They spent almost all the hour kneading away on the sole of the foot. It was painful but felt great afterwords. I don't remember the massaging the legs or the shoulders, but that is what they seem to do now, and what is worse is the mixing up of anything vaguely painful with proper massage.

There must be some genuine reflexology still done, but where in Pattaya?

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Had many foot massages on my first trip ten years ago all foot massages were up to the knee only.

These were in Bangkok, Chiang Mai,Pattaya and Koh Chang,

There are seemingly hundreds of massage places in Pattaya just go in and tell them what you want, Most would be willing if money is involved.

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Some massage parlours show charts and diagrams of the foot in their windows.I think these would be more likely to give foot reflexology. Not sexy Sai with a mini-skirt up her backside chanting,"Thai massage".

I had a foot massage by a reflexology practitioner and he told me good foot reflexology should hurt.He said it is about getting rid of acids in the part of the foot that relates to the corresponding body organ. Whatever that means. He also told me he could diagnose illnesses by using foot pressure.

Also,you can buy these foot reflexology sandals at pharmacies. You have a foot massage as you walk. Good luck.

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Some of the best foot massages I've had have hurt during the massage...but after - wow - what a difference from the tired feet I had when walking in.....others - well at least I rested for an hour......Also I've found that short duration massages don't allow for proper rejuventaion - 1/2 hour is not going to do much of anything for you.....

In some it's more like a rub down without the actual applied technique.....the shoulders thing just takes away time from the feet.....

You are right - finding a good massage that works for you can be hard to find....if one is good I try and get their number because some seem to move from place to place - like hair cutters - get the number and become "their" customer...much better than trolling around to find someone else that is a good practitioner......

Edited by pgrahmm
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Try the women in the Wat virtually opp Bangkok Pattaya Hospital

Or the small massage place in Wat Chaimongkol on Pattay Tai.


Or The Thai Blind Massage Institute in Jomtien Complex. I've gone there for Thai Massage and am not certain if they'll do just the foot massage, but if they do I'm sure it would be very good.

There's a phone number for them at this website, so you could call first to be certain.



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Half way up Soi 12, between Beach road and second road, next to the Laundry. I had a few foot and leg massages there recently. Have diabetes and found that circulation improved to the feet and ankles. Don't know the womans name, but she is about late 40's and appears to know what she is doing.

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Go to Soi Lengkee, just East of Soi Bukhao on the right. The "Hole in One" small hotel. There is a massage place on the way in. Septemkee massage or something like that. My eyes are too bad to read the sign from here in the internet place down the street. I have had 2 foot massages there with two different ladies. Excellent. And I can tell that one of the other ladies does it well also. In addition, the small light haired Isaan girl gave a fine hair cut today. I just wanted a simple #2 clipper. She trimmed it out nicely. 100 baht. They have a one chair little salon inside the massage place in a separate room. Nothing fancy. But watched Thai TV and the girl's friend was chatting with her while she buzzed me. I like to hear them chat in Thai. This Isaan girl speaks good engish as does the woman witht he dark long hair.

This is a very friendly place. 150 baht for the foot massage. They have been the best I have had since being here this month.

One stop shopping. Massage and hair cut. like that. I saw a guy get a pedicure there and the older lady with short hair looks like she did a very thorough job. She speaks almost no english.

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