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Why do Thai people always think a farang wants a Thai girlfriend?


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many thai women want nothing to do with the thai male and his philandering and mia noi proclivities

I have heard this many times, but is it true or just a come-on? Many Thai women get themselves a farang and then "philander" with a Thai male.

I think maybe a very good, solid Thai woman who wants security, home and family would trust a farang more, but they might be disappointed.

I don't know the truth of this statement I've heard.

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Just explain that you are a young man with many things you still want to do before getting married to anyone.

Then ask them why you should go through all the hassles of ownership at this age when it is so easy to just rent one when you need it?biggrin.png

and very reasonably priced too!

Edited by Lite Beer
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OP i think (in general)Thai find it hard to grasp enjoying your own company. The majority of Thai dont seem to like solo persuits, so the idea of being happy on your own may seem odd. Especially for a man, who of course requires a woman to take care of him! I think its just the idea of you being on your own that they cant get their head around.

I think there is a lot of truth in this, it's based on Thai perception of Thai men.

Thai boys from birth are trained to be helpless and spoiled, with mum doting on the little brat. They grow up to become helpless and spoiled men who still require this sort of looking after, but the hormones have now kicked in so they get a wife as a mother figure to do all the looking after and everything else to command and release their extra 'whatever' elsewhere, without giving it a second thought or any remorse.

The concept of men looking after themselves here, is indeed strange to a Thai woman.

We are on the same page Uptheos. Many Thai ladies will serve and some will even feed men (to varying degrees) at meals. They will constantly top up their partners drinks and continually top up soup bowls, plates, etc. Some will do other tradtionally "motherly" things such as cut toenails, clean backs, comb hair, and i recall one man mentioning his wife puts toothpaste on his brush for him.

Im not saying any of this is right or wrong, im just saying this is what happens with parts of Thai society. This is how women show they care and many men expect it. Its a very motherly response to their partner.

I do have some somewhat motherly caring aspects with my partner also, but not a fraction near the same degree. My partner would consider it patronsizing, as would i. But thats a difference in upbringing and, i suppose, mindset. Neither is wrong, its a matter of upbringing, tradition, and then ultimately what both partners are comfortable with.

Edit: sorry, i realise that ive veered slightly off-topic. To bring it back, imo it just seems rather inconceivable to Thai that a man would not need caring for.

Edited by LaraC
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Why do Thai people always think a farang wants a Thai girlfriend?

1. company

2. sex

both points above are based on retardedness if i may say so.

thai in general don't understand the concept of enjoying being alone (or why do u think parents sleep with their 15 year old children?) and most are afraid alone (ghosts).

thai in general think men can't take care of themselves w/out a female replacing mommy

thai think a handjob when u have the money to afford (ie. BUY) so much 'more' is silly and keeneeow

bests of luck, i've been in this country deliberately w/out thai gf/wife since the beginning and enjoyed/enjoy every day of it.

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If you prefer hobbies like:




over hergiggle.gif


No wonder your friends are worried about you !!coffee1.gif

Not that I have anything against it, just not my "cup of tea" but, maybe he "Bats for THE OTHER Team" or is still trying to "find himself"?

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OP say why do Thais think a white guy wants a Thai gf.


Most men want female company, we are in Thailand and 99.99% of the available women are Thai.

(works the same for women or gays ..... what's available is Thai)

Nothing to do with race, just to do is what's available.

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I don't think its a case of quote "Thai people just cant imagine a young farang not wanting the date a Thai woman."...

Its more that the Thai women (now not all) WANT a farang husband....somehow in their mind I think it equates to MONEY and being treated better....

think of all the children up in the Northeast who live in these villages and the Thai's with the NICEST houses , cars etc. are the ones who are married to farangs.....so what do you think these young girls aspire to when they grow up ....."Marry a Farang"?

Not saying its right...not even saying its true....its just one mans opinion

Yes and think of all the young girls growing up in Bangkok and not ever considering to or wanting to date, yet alone snare a farang. There are plenty, and I mean plenty of Thai women that would never ever date farang, especially ones of good upbringings. This is complete tripe. For every one Thai girl that wants a farang, there are at least two that would never.

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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

Oi. Buggar off with the dark skinned I'll educated tosh.

The darkest friend my wife had is actually an astro physicist.

a thai dark skinned astro physicist in Thailand?blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

,Ahhhh you mean she is the one who put the blame on spirit when the plane falls, the train go off the rails?laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

And no I am not joking. The last article she shared with me on Facebook was....about nanoparticle research in Germany.

She has a research fellowship up country in the local university and regularly flies to CERN. And yes, she annoys the crap out of the blue rinse brigade in her faculty because basically they can't keep up.

So lay off the stereotypical bs. It's not smart and it's not clever because it's basically proven to be nonsense.

Here's something to ponder; What % of thai society regardless of skin color is an astro, or any kind of physicist or similarly positioned intellectual/academic with critical thinking,imagination and creativity? Citing one astro-physicist as a way to counter what seems to be the overwhelming "status quo" can hardly be considered a smoking gun. I suppose the faculty at CERN informed you they cannot keep up with this young Isaan lady?

That's as maybe, but equating skin color with a lack of intelligence is on the whole pretty abominable.

Half of the problems that Thailand faces today are derived from this nonsensical idea.

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I don't think its a case of quote "Thai people just cant imagine a young farang not wanting the date a Thai woman."...

Its more that the Thai women (now not all) WANT a farang husband....somehow in their mind I think it equates to MONEY and being treated better....

think of all the children up in the Northeast who live in these villages and the Thai's with the NICEST houses , cars etc. are the ones who are married to farangs.....so what do you think these young girls aspire to when they grow up ....."Marry a Farang"?

Not saying its right...not even saying its true....its just one mans opinion

yeah i'd call it largely BS too.

Have lived in thai for several years and able to speak, read/write and from what I have observed the comment is largely true. IMO if you were to remove the "better financial support" many of those women would rather be with thai males at their own socio-econimic-academic level such as motorbike taxi drivers.(exceptions duly noted) It is very uncommon to see a caucasion guy with what appears to be an upscale woman(demeanor, style, language ability, spoken thai, etc etc) I dont base it solely on skin color. as I have known darker skinned professionals.

My intent is not to criticize but to comment based on constructive analyses. No doubt many of the relationships suit both parties adequately.

many thai women want nothing to do with the thai male and his philandering and mia noi proclivities

Precisely, as a matter of fact from chapter one, page 1 of "The Prosperity Training Manual" " "Thai man no good. Thai man he butterfly. Farang man good man. Farang no butterfly. etc etc etc." ad nauseum

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I don't think its a case of quote "Thai people just cant imagine a young farang not wanting the date a Thai woman."...

Its more that the Thai women (now not all) WANT a farang husband....somehow in their mind I think it equates to MONEY and being treated better....

think of all the children up in the Northeast who live in these villages and the Thai's with the NICEST houses , cars etc. are the ones who are married to farangs.....so what do you think these young girls aspire to when they grow up ....."Marry a Farang"?

Not saying its right...not even saying its true....its just one mans opinion

An interesting bit of advice in Lonely Planet is "When asked if you are married by Thai person, it is diplomatic to say not yet, as merely saying no, will make them wonder what is wrong with you"

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Well it would be kind of odd to move here, as a straight man, if you weren't interested in the local women.

I didn't come to Thailand solely for women but if I didn't find them attractive at all I don't think I would have decided to live here.

Women obviously play a part in any straight mans life. If they don't then it's strange.

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Not all farang. But those who fall in love with the country often fall in love by the way with a local woman.

And as in Western it's one wedding on two finish by a divorce. Thai women are not yet "corrupted" as farang women by the desire to make a career and be independant. They want a good husband "jai dee" and make a family as farang women want it 20-50 years ago !

The development late in SEA profit to farang men want to have good wife with promise of a better life for them !

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Thai women are not yet "corrupted" as farang women by the desire to make a career and be independant.

This is changing very rapidly, consumerism and the whole middle-class boloney has already landed. It'll be like Japan in a couple of decades: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/10/22/japans-hottest-new-sex-trend-is-not-having-sex/

They say Myanmar is like Thailand a couple of decades ago. So, head west, before the Chinese invade that one too.

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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

Oi. Buggar off with the dark skinned I'll educated tosh.

The darkest friend my wife had is actually an astro physicist.

a thai dark skinned astro physicist in Thailand?blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

,Ahhhh you mean she is the one who put the blame on spirit when the plane falls, the train go off the rails?laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

And no I am not joking. The last article she shared with me on Facebook was....about nanoparticle research in Germany.

She has a research fellowship up country in the local university and regularly flies to CERN. And yes, she annoys the crap out of the blue rinse brigade in her faculty because basically they can't keep up.

So lay off the stereotypical bs. It's not smart and it's not clever because it's basically proven to be nonsense.

You have to be understanding about certain viewpoints... Some people have to simplify their world, placing everyone and everything into a limited number of pigeonholes, or their pea-sized brains explode.

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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

Oi. Buggar off with the dark skinned I'll educated tosh.

The darkest friend my wife had is actually an astro physicist.

a thai dark skinned astro physicist in Thailand?blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

,Ahhhh you mean she is the one who put the blame on spirit when the plane falls, the train go off the rails?laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

And no I am not joking. The last article she shared with me on Facebook was....about nanoparticle research in Germany.

She has a research fellowship up country in the local university and regularly flies to CERN. And yes, she annoys the crap out of the blue rinse brigade in her faculty because basically they can't keep up.

So lay off the stereotypical bs. It's not smart and it's not clever because it's basically proven to be nonsense.

I know one with a Master's in molecular biotechnology....she is now up north in Chiang Rai tending to her farm and gardening.

What one studies in Thailand and the availability of corresponding jobs are two different things entirely.

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Always answer that you have a wife or girlfriend from a country with a high GDP. Thais are in awe of Japan and Switzerland so say your fictional wife comes from there. Add that she has the whitest skin and 2 phD's (to match yours). You will not be bothered after that.

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Not all farang. But those who fall in love with the country often fall in love by the way with a local woman.

And as in Western it's one wedding on two finish by a divorce. Thai women are not yet "corrupted" as farang women by the desire to make a career and be independant. They want a good husband "jai dee" and make a family as farang women want it 20-50 years ago !

The development late in SEA profit to farang men want to have good wife with promise of a better life for them !

"corrupted" desires of careers and independance


Ahh the good old days *sigh*


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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

Oi. Buggar off with the dark skinned I'll educated tosh.

The darkest friend my wife had is actually an astro physicist.

a thai dark skinned astro physicist in Thailand?blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

,Ahhhh you mean she is the one who put the blame on spirit when the plane falls, the train go off the rails?laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

And no I am not joking. The last article she shared with me on Facebook was....about nanoparticle research in Germany.

She has a research fellowship up country in the local university and regularly flies to CERN. And yes, she annoys the crap out of the blue rinse brigade in her faculty because basically they can't keep up.

So lay off the stereotypical bs. It's not smart and it's not clever because it's basically proven to be nonsense.

Here's something to ponder; What % of thai society regardless of skin color is an astro, or any kind of physicist or similarly positioned intellectual/academic with critical thinking,imagination and creativity? Citing one astro-physicist as a way to counter what seems to be the overwhelming "status quo" can hardly be considered a smoking gun. I suppose the faculty at CERN informed you they cannot keep up with this young Isaan lady?

That's as maybe, but equating skin color with a lack of intelligence is on the whole pretty abominable.

Half of the problems that Thailand faces today are derived from this nonsensical idea.

Agreed, skin color is not related to intelligence despite a preponderance of "intellectually challenged" posts on tv from which assumedly represent a fair % of Caucasian despondent s.

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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

you consider dark skinned thai girls ugly??
Going by his TV "name" he probably finds all girls ugly.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

R U sure that he "bends over" for guys? Dark skinned girls are stunning. Some of them just don't know it.-laugh.png

"bends over for the guy",

ahem ahem ******** prefer to delete**************************wai2.gif

darksinned is not the real point but the problem with the ederly like you SIRCHAI, its anything with 2 legs can be stunning!

My experience show me that your stunning darskinned are always similar to this one



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