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What are the ways to make living/money as an expat in Thailand?

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Instead of seeking to raise your living standards, how about lowering your expectations?

Thailand is not a goldmine waiting for the inexperienced gold miner ?

If you haven't "made it" in your home country, you are unlikely to make it here either.

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Just try to find a nice job here.

Im employed in a thai company i make 50-60k and i feel it's enough. Have nice apartment, I go out every weekend and still have 400 $ for savings at the end.

OK I'm still young and no family but I've much better life than my friends in Europe who get 100k+/ month

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I was under the impression that it is 100% illegal to earn any income here if one does not have a work permit. Of course, if you just have some little selling stuff on the internet thing going, I suppose it would be easy to conceal. But still, illegal. And then, if you are from the USA, any income made here is taxed as if you were still living there. Pay up, suckah! Barry and Boner need the money.

If I'm wrong on any of this, please feel free to correct me.

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The Answer my friend is (DROP SHIPPING) Set up a website from within your own country, find drop shipping suppliers and sell their products to your buyers, you don't need to bUy stock or hold stock or pay a cent for your stock to sell, all it will cost you is your domain name, your website monthly or yearly hosting and your effort in maintaining your website, continually updating popular content about your niche products that are popular to sell. in a nutshell, you just promote your suppliers products, when a customer buys the item, the drop-ship supplier takes care of the rest and ships the item ex their warehouse, you get paid your commission on the sale banked into your bank account in your home country, then while you are in Thailand staggering around enjoying yourself, you simply go to the nearest ATM and withdraw what you need!

Its very simple! its not a money tree,

it takes effort and commitment and mostly "Tenacity!" hence my TV Nickname: "TENACIOUS"

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I was under the impression that it is 100% illegal to earn any income here if one does not have a work permit. Of course, if you just have some little selling stuff on the internet thing going, I suppose it would be easy to conceal. But still, illegal. And then, if you are from the USA, any income made here is taxed as if you were still living there. Pay up, suckah! Barry and Boner need the money.

If I'm wrong on any of this, please feel free to correct me.

Sigh.....but yeah, of course you have to pay tax on money earned in other countries--I pay them in several countries.....but I am too tired to go over the insanity of applying for a work permit at my local labor office in Thailand to render services to a company in Europe or North America in which no Thai nationals are involved in any way. Easier to have the work permit brigade fail to explain it.

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there's this guy who runs a thailand blog who offers "retire in thailand consulting" next to selling an ebook on the subject. i doubt this book actually sells... most valuable tourist info can be found for free on LP website, prices for whores in pattaya can be found online (offered by "geniusses living the life"), there's plenty of blogs on thai food, etc. the internet is full with FREE stuff, even porn is now free of charge. one needs advertisers in order to make a buck online. a popular youtube channel with adverts is also an option but you can't show nudity there ;)

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This is my experience of working for a Thai company that may help..

I moved from HK as I was asked to come and work in Thailand for a Thai company. I had the experience they were looking for and the package seemed good. Living in Thailand is very cheap so a Western salary goes a long way. In the first few months everything was ok, however things changed.

There is a cultural thing in Thai companies that means the boss is the decision maker, everyone else just pushes the buttons they are told to push. So, if you have a mind to apply yourself in your job, make suggestions on improvement and challenge the thinking (constructively) of your colleagues then you are likely to have a rough ride.

The thinking here is very different and it has taken me a year of navigating to understand how to achieve results that justify my salary with alienating myself from everyone around me. I am not completely out of the woods yet, there are people that see me as the trouble making individual and the one who gets paid too much for not doing as he is told. It is the wrong perception of course but it is still there.

Then you have to face the fact that you are quite often thought of as second class, it's not a nice feeling when that realisation hits you but you have to accept it to a certain extent.

I know that this all looks bad but it isn't. I have learnt how to deal with most people and I now have a decent following form my immediate staff. Treating people with respect and doing the basics such as please and thank you never fail anywhere and the same is true here. But you must change your thinking, avoid using phrases such as "do you understand what I have explained?", this is seen as a kind of insult as they think you are calling them an idiot,, but where I come from it is totally reasonable to ask this and people will tell you if they want more explanation.

So, my advice is read, read and read some more and get as much advice as possible to try and avoid some of the pitfalls (I didnt do this and wish I had). Once you do this and assuming you have some kind of skill or experience that has demand then you you can make it work and you will find that Thai people (on their own terms) are actually very friendly and supportive.

Hope this has not put you off,, wanted to be honest. Good luck..

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My question would be, which kind of companies to look for. Who, except for the language schools, prefer a westerner?

And what level of education would be required? Is bachelor a must to get a work permit for any work in Thailand? (e.g. opening your own business), or does it only go for Teachers and more qualified work fields?

Is it an advantage to be able to communicate verbally and written in Thai? And if so, which fields then would be looking for someone who previously only worked within the kitchen/service scene in Europe?

I'm 28, and spent a lot of years traveling instead of studying. and I do have plans to finish my studies by doing a three year bachelor in System Science on distance from Sweden, and living on the monthly study allowance+study loan, which is about 40,000 bt/month. My Thai is fairly ok but I will still study on Walen or something similar to get a student visa in Thailand while there to escape from the 14 day routine. I will have some savings while going over there, but not that much (perhaps 400,000 baht or so).

I'm also planing to take the text&talk 6 week TEFL course while studying for the bachelor on distance from Sweden, to have a last-resort to make some money legally while living there (Or it looks more like it will be my first resort after I graduate unless I find something unexpected on the way there. Tutoring neighbors "under the table" is also a way. Not a good one, but it makes a few bucks.

As a musician I can also make small money by working in bars, singing both Thai and Western songs, which is kind of appreciated sometimes, but it's tiring to work around drunk people too often (been doing that work in Sweden while younger, and although 1 evening would give me about 10,000 baht I can't stand work more than 2 days/week at most), in Thailand the "salary" for such a job would most likely be 500 baht or less for a night, or even nothing at all except the Tip you succeed to collect yourself. have no idea how legal this is as well. Doesn't seem all legit.. But then legit isn't always that easy to define in LOS..

Any serious tips are most welcome,

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brit1984 said:

running a religion can be a nice earner but you may have to wake up early.

Yeah, lots of people here make their religion as a passes in the airport so they can enter many countries and look for a job thereafter.

They said to the airport immigration that they are missionaries but later become teachers.

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sorry, that's gonna be gloomy (but maybe better facing the "truth" (well, it's just my humble opinion anyways wink.png before maybe the bloodshed starts...:

1. Unless you are a Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or the Richard Branson kinda genius type (meaning, REALLY do have something SOLID unique, which you can reasonably control) I can only warn you to NOT start anything "fancy/expensive (by local standards!)". Businesses "off-the-beaten/proven-path" have very little chance succeeding (and doing business "on-the-beaten-path" the competition is mostly so intense that no one makes any money at all)... Anyway, very unlikely that anyone will reward you for "fanciness", neither the locals nor the "Farangs".

1.b. Extending on the above, don't even think of starting "anything digital" (you mentioned a website?). Thai's have absolutely no appreciation for any of that. An iPhone/Samsung is there to feed Facebook and that's the end of the use of IT in Thailand. Websites are regarded a waste of money, no one looks at it, emails are not used by most normal "thai business people". Thailand is a truly "special place" regarding IT, Just forget it........ !!

2. Do not get carried away with "ambition", "gut feeling" or "passion for whatever you wonna do" (as good as it is to have all this passion, of course)... RUN THE NUMBERS, at least do a basic business plan, based on a REALISTIC scenario, with SPARE CASH in reserve if things don't go to plan... Be tough to yourself, play devils advocate, don't dream...

3. What is not cheap has in most cases close to no chance to succeed (again, unless you have an almost genius like proposition ... see above)

4. The minute (I should say "the second") someone really manages to find one of these rare gaps others simply forgot to do successful business in you can be certain you have half Thailand snapping at your heels either copying you or "pulling some red tape..."

5. Even Farangs with very deep pockets got VERY bloody noses here

6. I could go on and on and on...


- Thailand is a country where money is best spent, if you like it here, don't believe you can earn ANY living here until THE NUMBERS IN YOUR BUSINESS PLAN CONVINCE YOU !

- Thailand is a "tough place" to earn a living (most Farangs can hardly pay the rent, car, credit cards, children school fees easily, let alone pension...for most its all about "juggling the impossible stuck on 50k THB or so")

- in terms of career development Thailand is a death trap (unless you are posted here through a multinational with the good perspective of "going back after 1 or 2 yrs)

- have some "independent pair of (trustworthy/experienced) eyes to go over your business plan to make sure it's not just a "sugar coated spreadsheet"

- Make sure you have all the necessary paperwork in place here before "someone comes knocking on your door with an open hand..."

Sorry, if that sounds not too promising, I just want to warn not being too naive, risking to send with all good intentions a lot of money (and time) down the drain, MANY did that before...

Still, I hope I am wrong and you succeed and wish you the best !!!! wink.png

Edited by TTom911
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it is all about time and effort if you run something here it is going to cost you time and the same about of time to run it back home. example restaurant in thailand maybe clear 35k to 50k a year in dollars 12 hour work day 6 or seven days a week , same resturant same time in new york you will clear 250k , selling hotdogs in new york you make 125k . so where do you want to spend your time and effort? in my time in thailand only two money makers farming,with government subsidies need to have that passport , and land spec with the passport and bank cash. thais get 105 % mortgages and a free ipad.

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Money SAVED is money earned. There are many ways to reduce and cut back on your spending while still enjoying life in Thailand. There are lots of good threads here that will give you some good ideas on how to save cash without giving up much.

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"1.b. Extending on the above, don't even think of starting "anything digital" (you mentioned a website?). Thai's have absolutely no appreciation for any of that. An iPhone/Samsung is there to feed Facebook and that's the end of the use of IT in Thailand. Websites are regarded a waste of money, no one looks at it, emails are not used by most normal "thai business people". Thailand is a truly "special place" regarding IT, Just forget it........ !!"

I believe he is speaking of setting up a website for Farangs about Thailand. Probably a 1000 domains like that, but there is always the possibility of doing it better than everyone else out there. Make me an offer for my domain

ThailandTravel.com or Thailandinfo.com , I should have done something with them by now.. too lazy.

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"1.b. Extending on the above, don't even think of starting "anything digital" (you mentioned a website?). Thai's have absolutely no appreciation for any of that. An iPhone/Samsung is there to feed Facebook and that's the end of the use of IT in Thailand. Websites are regarded a waste of money, no one looks at it, emails are not used by most normal "thai business people". Thailand is a truly "special place" regarding IT, Just forget it........ !!"

I believe he is speaking of setting up a website for Farangs about Thailand. Probably a 1000 domains like that, but there is always the possibility of doing it better than everyone else out there. Make me an offer for my domain

ThailandTravel.com or Thailandinfo.com , I should have done something with them by now.. too lazy.

brainless, naive talk...

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Hello! I am researching and compiling a list of ways to make a living as an expat in Thailand, so I am hoping I can query y'all on ways to do that?

Besides the obvious jobs like being an English teacher and working for a a foreign company, what are some unique/novel ways that you've seen of expats doing to get by in the land of smiles?

I am into internet marketing and my big idea (ha!) which I am sure many others have had a go at in the past is to set up a website about Thailand and garner enough traffic to attract advertisers.

Yeah, I know. It's a great idea and I am so glad I am the first person to ever thought of it. Lawyers and other people are working on obtaining the global patent as we speak on my behalf.

The biggest problem I've seen here is , if you start a business that works but is in the price range of all they will just copy it.

If you've got the money to spend on something new that every sombat or somchai can't copy you might make some money

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Set up a tour guide business. Advertise in your home county and charge non Thai rates. Providing first time tourists from your home county a unique Thai experiance form a non Thai perspective. You can taylor this to your own interests for example photography. It will take time to build up a good rep and referrals but once thats done your set. Takes around 5 years to do. The magic of this is you earn money offshore which can more than sustain you lifestyle in Thailand for years to come.

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Set up a tour guide business. Advertise in your home county and charge non Thai rates. Providing first time tourists from your home county a unique Thai experiance form a non Thai perspective. You can taylor this to your own interests for example photography. It will take time to build up a good rep and referrals but once thats done your set. Takes around 5 years to do. The magic of this is you earn money offshore which can more than sustain you lifestyle in Thailand for years to come.

agree, one of the few realistic ways to earn money in Thailand is "to get business from outside Thailand", as long as you have a business idea (and the skills/connections) which fits this model !! As an example, Scuba Diving companies did quite well based on such a model in the past, but those time are also over by now, as far I as I am told...

There is one big caveat though: most of such businesses will be copied not far down the line, leaving little chance for longer term, see "Scuba Diving" above (if the business owner/driver him/herself through unique skills/personality/connections, attracts that business it can't be copied so easily, but "it's hard to be so unique...").

Edited by TTom911
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I make a modest salary selling things bought in Thailand on the internet. It is not easy and is very time consuming but it can be done from home and you are your own boss. The first year was a big learning curve and a few times I felt it wasn't worth the effort I was putting in but eventually I found the niche I was looking for and things are pretty stable at the moment. Certainly a lot preferable to teaching English IMO.

Selling..........let me guess..........jeans?

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Set up a tour guide business. Advertise in your home county and charge non Thai rates. Providing first time tourists from your home county a unique Thai experiance form a non Thai perspective. You can taylor this to your own interests for example photography. It will take time to build up a good rep and referrals but once thats done your set. Takes around 5 years to do. The magic of this is you earn money offshore which can more than sustain you lifestyle in Thailand for years to come.

agree, one of the few realistic way to earn money "in Thailand through business from outside Thailand", as long as you have a business idea (and the skills/connections) which fis this model !! As an example, Scuba Diving companies did quite well based on such a model in the past, but those time are also over by now, as far I as I am told...

Dont be so negative...

If you have the desire and know how you can make anything work. The trick is to get a GOOD rep back home and the world will beat a path to your door. You will stand head and sholders above any compitition. In order to do this you need a positive attitude. If you have a negative attitude your done before you even have started.

Lets use your idea of scuba diving as an example. You could advertise in your home county that you can provide the customer an unique Thailand Diving Experiance all over Thailand. Target lets say four different areas of Thailand where you can set up dives for the customer. You may take the customer to 1-3 locations. Lets say they had a great time visiting the dive locations then your rep builds. They want to come back to try the other locations they could not get to the first time...repeat busness. They tell there friends and coworkers of the great time they have had and you rep builds. Soon you have more customers than you can handle. This is a simplistic example and i cant type much on this small phone but i would hope get the idea.

Yes you will have to a little work. Yes you will have to make some hard choices. In the end it could change your life...but first comes attitude. Be positive and many more doors open up for you than if your negatitve.

Edited by mdmayes
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you call it "negative", I call it "realistic". It's almost easy to be "shoulders above the competition", as you said, of many businesses in Thailand, that's not too hard...

The problem is that, contrary to popular talk, "Quality" is not in high demand by most locals and Farangs if it costs more than lesser quality, cheap, local service/products... You can be better easily, that is NOT the problem, but you still will have a much harder time than you think to convert that into business success! Try it, and you will know what I mean ;)

Set up a tour guide business. Advertise in your home county and charge non Thai rates. Providing first time tourists from your home county a unique Thai experiance form a non Thai perspective. You can taylor this to your own interests for example photography. It will take time to build up a good rep and referrals but once thats done your set. Takes around 5 years to do. The magic of this is you earn money offshore which can more than sustain you lifestyle in Thailand for years to come.

agree, one of the few realistic way to earn money "in Thailand through business from outside Thailand", as long as you have a business idea (and the skills/connections) which fis this model !! As an example, Scuba Diving companies did quite well based on such a model in the past, but those time are also over by now, as far I as I am told...

Dont be so negative...
If you have the desire and know how you can make anything work. The trick is to get a GOOD rep back home and the world will beat a path to your door. You will stand head and sholders above any compitition. In order to do this you need a positive attitude. If you have a negative attitude your done before you even have started.
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"1.b. Extending on the above, don't even think of starting "anything digital" (you mentioned a website?). Thai's have absolutely no appreciation for any of that. An iPhone/Samsung is there to feed Facebook and that's the end of the use of IT in Thailand. Websites are regarded a waste of money, no one looks at it, emails are not used by most normal "thai business people". Thailand is a truly "special place" regarding IT, Just forget it........ !!"

I believe he is speaking of setting up a website for Farangs about Thailand. Probably a 1000 domains like that, but there is always the possibility of doing it better than everyone else out there. Make me an offer for my domain

ThailandTravel.com or Thailandinfo.com , I should have done something with them by now.. too lazy.

brainless, naive talk...

Who are you referring to as Brainless?

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