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Home finance/accounts software suitable for multiple currencies

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Have downloaded both MoneyDance and Kmymoney after reading above and both seem to be strong contenders. Used to use and prefer Money but when they ended support it appeared you had to change (no mention of the sunset version) so went back to Quicken which was my original from before Money started (but have never really liked it much).

QIF download into MoneyDance was quite good using they recommendations to first only download account names and then do the full account download and change account currency if needed. Financial figures were mostly accurate (have about 30 accounts - mostly inactive and two currencies with transfers). But all the category listings seemed to be missing and with a price almost that of Quicken decided not to spend more time on it.

QIF is seriously not recommended by Kmymoney and it appears to be for good reason (but no alternative when you have decades of accounts). First attempt done as they advised and all figures were total trash. Second time tried as with MoneyDance account list first and then all - account list was fine and able to change default currency prior to full download but even then account figures were total trash.

If I were setting up then KMyMoney seems to be a good option (although unable to speak for any actual experience using it).

In both above cases they may have been usable with enough editing but having spent about a week doing the Money to Quicken years ago was not up for that with no apparent advantage at the end (other then updates being free in the case of KMyMoney)

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