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Problem with True 3G dropouts on mobile?


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Anyone else having problems with their True 3G dropping out daily (or more), and needing frequent resets of Carrier to reactivate? I had AIS 3G for a few years, and only very rare problems with 3G. Now I have a cheaper and more attractive plan with True, but after the first few months the access to 3G data has gone downhill. Perhaps its my phone? Or are others also having issues with access to True data on their mobiles?

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Not sure. Maybe talk with someone nearby to see if they are having the same issue? Did it ever work acceptably for you? Does it work in other areas? Can you try the SIM in a know good working phone? With no details it is hard to give advice, maybe there is no coverage or you are just on the edge of coverage.

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I live near Suandok hospital, so very central in Chiang Mai. I don't know anyone else on True! All of my friends are with AIS.

I guess it was a fishing expedition to see if it's a common problem. From lack of response I suspect it isn't.

I would try the SIM in another phone, but my spare phone is ancient, not smart - and I can't bring myself to throw cash at another smartphone for an experiment.

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I have arranged a phone swap for next Wednesday for a few days. But for last 3 days no drop outs! A ghost-in-the-machine issue. No other responses, so probably not an issue for others. I hope the symptoms reappear fir Wednesday.

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My "new"borrowed smartphone worked fine with True SIM.

My old 4S worked fine with AIS SIM for past 2 days too. So, I can only assume a temporary fault.

Now back to status quo - my 4S and my True SIM. I hope no more issues. Thanks for responses too.

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Just when I thought it was safe to get out of the water.

Last night - Saturday - stuck in slow moving traffic for 45 minutes, and no internet for most of that time. Phone showed 5 spots and True-H 3G, but could not access Maps, Mail, Safari. "Got Server Could Not Be Found" messages.

Tried turning Carrier on and off. Tried opening other Apps and then returning to internet Apps. Turned screen on and off. No joy. Then turned phone off and on and got a connection. Maybe some inner bit of the phone started working? Maybe because I had moved and had a different signal? Or just coincidence?

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Sounds like a crappy base-band/radio issue. Can you update the phone at all? I think iPhones have to have special/unique firmware for each/specific service providers, but I have zero experience with iThings.

Was this location - stuck in traffic - different than your previous location?

Personally I would work hard to eliminate variables, one at a time, until you've narrowed the problem down to: the phone, the service provider, the location.

Maybe stop in a True Shop? Or Google "truemove H ios carrier" and grind through the various settings, issues and workarounds.



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Same here.

True drops data several times a day for past few weeks. It doesnt matter what your device is. I used Note 2, then sony Z1, loosing data connection several times a day in Pattaya, no data for 20 - 30 minutes, then it comes back. The 3G connection icon on top of display is there, but no data.

But since yesterday afternoon, something changed, True hasnt dropped 3g not even once.

For 3G in Pattaya AIS is much more stable. Alltho speed is no different, it never is down.

Edited by valgehiir
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Don't waste your time suspecting your phone, it's their end.

But it is also intermittent, as Valgehiir says. Some days it's ok some days it's like a yo-yo.

It's particularly annoying because your phone shows no problem - signal and H+ icons look normal - except there is no data, and re-registering with the network (e.g. toggle airplane mode on/off) fixes it.

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