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Come On Leeds!

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I think there are a few fellow whites on this forum. What a fantastic result last night, and what a night of huge tension.

Preston would have been favourites going in to the second leg, particularly as we've won only one of our last ten games and scored four in the process, but I think sheer will and desire carried us through on the night.

Power failures, virtually the whole Leeds team booked and Cresswell and Crainey sent off meant that we ended with nine against eleven, but we still came through.

It's interesting that it is five years to the day that we were playing in the Champions League semi final against Valencia. Since then we've been through 4-5 managers, sold an entire squad of incredible talent, been hours from shutting down, and been relegated.

Frankly, I don't think we are good enough for the Premiership and if we make it, we'll struggle to hold our own. But - and this might be biased - I think the Premiership is a better place with Leeds in it.

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life for leeds fans has always been a life of disappointment. if england fans think life is difficult then you should try supporting a team like leeds.

from the last minute collapses of the revie years , through to the O'leary , ridsdale , venables , reid meltdown and humiliation.

the result last night was a shock , i am so used to seeing them lose important games , to falter at the last or last but one hurdle.

if they make it to the premiership , conditioning tells me that they will emulate sunderland and become the whipping boys , but who knows ? football always throws up surprises and maybe , just maybe , the grit and stubborn spirit that they have shown this year will translate into them being promoted and holding their place up there and over the next few years building a team that can challenge for a regular place in the top 3 , and finally start to give those smug and spoilt , overrated and overdressed , permed and preened , manicured mancunians the thrashings that they so richly deserve. :o

i would also like to see the present team make a good showing in the premiership , for no other reason but to rub it into those ex-leeds players ,( kewell , hasselbaink , viduka , keane , fowler ,woodgate and bowyer et al ) whose greed , laziness and lack of team spirit and professionalism over the previous years were as responsible for the demise of leeds as were the back room squabbles and machinations and double dealings of ridsdale , o'leary and those utter <deleted> , george graham :D and terry venables. :D

Edited by taxexile
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I think there are a few fellow whites on this forum. What a fantastic result last night, and what a night of huge tension.

Preston would have been favourites going in to the second leg, particularly as we've won only one of our last ten games and scored four in the process, but I think sheer will and desire carried us through on the night.

Power failures, virtually the whole Leeds team booked and Cresswell and Crainey sent off meant that we ended with nine against eleven, but we still came through.

It's interesting that it is five years to the day that we were playing in the Champions League semi final against Valencia. Since then we've been through 4-5 managers, sold an entire squad of incredible talent, been hours from shutting down, and been relegated.

Frankly, I don't think we are good enough for the Premiership and if we make it, we'll struggle to hold our own. But - and this might be biased - I think the Premiership is a better place with Leeds in it.

Excellent result.

I agree that we are not ready for the premiership yet but who knows :o

Bring on the Watford scum :D

Luton Whites

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Yes, being a Leeds fan is fraught with disappointments, but it's also something that I would not change for the world. It's a roller-coaster ride.

I suspect that Bates will make some money available if we do go up and they will try to emulate West Ham who have consolidated well with minimal spending. The good thing about Leeds is that it can attract quality players (unlike, say, a Watford, Wigan or even, dare I say it, a Reading). Despite poor attendances this year, you know instinctively that in the Premiership they will likely get 35000 or so each week, and that will make players want to join us.

I suspect we're not too far from being a decent team again. I'd like us to sign Miller permanently and we probably need a decent left back and a central midfield playmaker. We did ok against Wigan in the Cup, and I suspect we would give 60% of the current Premier League a decent game, but am not sure we would flourish just yet.

But you're right that it would be good to see these players (and Blackwell) mixing it with our previous players, if only to show that sense of pride as being the group of misfits who basically rescued a great club.

I think you're being a bit harsh on some of the players you list though. Kewell, Hasselbaink, Viduka were greedy (and in Kewell's case) lazy gits, but the others? Woodgate never wanted to leave - he was forced out by the club for financial reasons and it's interesting that he's back at the club now receiving treatment. I think he's Leeds through and through. Keane too. Despite being there only a short time, he loved the place and never wanted to leave.

And while Bowyer went off the rails (and let's face it . he's a bit thick) I like the way he always ran his heart out for the club. His form when he was on trial was , ironically, the best of his career. I'd love to see him back, but suspect most fans wouldn't tolerate it.

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One more game to go and then will it or wont it be OUR Year. :D

I so hope so. It will be great to sit in a bar in Sukhumvit and listen to all the new so called old time Leeds fans come out of the woodwork. We sure know how to party when we are winning we light up the bar and make it a special place to be.

Leeds fans can be so funny when they get on the case of why he didn't score. Happy times I hope are around the corner again.


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Woodgate never wanted to leave - he was forced out by the club for financial reasons and it's interesting that he's back at the club now receiving treatment. I think he's Leeds through and through. Keane too. Despite being there only a short time, he loved the place and never wanted to leave.

agreed on woodgate , you can knock him off my list of traitors , keane too.

bowyer , great player that he is , is a nasty piece of work , and should be in prison.

i would like to see alan smith return .

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we are winning we light up the bar and make it a special place to be.

destroying bars used to be one of our strongest points. :D

I am talking about in Thailand the ex pats not the yobs that come over here just to visit on holidays :o

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Thaksin has a bit of cash and spare time on his hands, and can reconise an opportunity when he sees one. Perhaps he would be willing to inject some baht into the club he they are promoted?

On another subject, do any Leeds fans out there have a Leeds shirt for sale with a couple of Aussie signatures on it?

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Would be good to see another Yorkshire team in the Premiership, if only to see them hammered by all of the Lancastrian sides!!

I reckon Watford will be too strong for Leeds to be honest.

You have too feel for Preston as well. They are becoming perennial chokers in the Championship. Maybe they will be next years Reading.....

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Yes, being a Leeds fan is fraught with disappointments, but it's also something that I would not change for the world. It's a roller-coaster ride.

Bendix my man, i feel for you and know exactly what your'e going through. I'm a Man City fan and they also put my life through H3ll. :D

As for Leeds. How do you think the 2 players sent off, will affect you in the final? I couldn't beleive the 2nd one. About 30 seconds to go at 2-0 up and he kicks the ball away, getting him a second yellow. What a numpty :o

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As for Leeds. How do you think the 2 players sent off, will affect you in the final? I couldn't beleive the 2nd one. About 30 seconds to go at 2-0 up and he kicks the ball away, getting him a second yellow. What a numpty :D

No brain No pain :o

Yes maybe they are about to meet there Waterloo.

Or they may get lucky and kick the Watford players off the pitch :D

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I saw the game and, frankly, the ref had a shocker. Cresswell's kicking the ball away was silly and can't be defended but both he and Crainey shouldnt have been booked for their first yellow cards.

However, what happened happened.

Cresswell is a good player, but his appearance in the game was a bonus. He has been out for months and we didnt expect to see him back this season. In the event, he only came on as a sub around 70mins.

Crainey has been a relatively weak link and frequently gets skinned by faster forwards. I suspect he'll be replaced by Danny Pugh playing in that role. Not too much of a problem.

re Man City. I have to admit to having a soft spot for them. Firstly, they are not Man Utd, and secondly I feel our clubs have similar stories, experiences. Man City fans deserve every respect. I'll always remember them pulling in 30-35,000 fans even when they were in the old third division a few seasons ago. Awesome loyalty.

I can't imagine Man Utd fans would drive from Surrey to Old trafford to play a relegation battle against Macclesfield Town, can you?

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Good Luck to you.

I think it will be a great game, and FOR ONCE the teams that came third and fourth are playing for the place in the PREM.

Leeds will undoubtably have the vocal support , but Watford have proved to be a very good team teachnically this term.

I have to admit I am sitting on the fence, anything can happen in a final

Seems to be more Leeds than Watford fans on the forum so I WILL stick my neck out for a penalty shoot out victory!! To LEEDS

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I can't imagine Man Utd fans would drive from Surrey to Old trafford to play a relegation battle against Macclesfield Town, can you?

Is that a joke?????? Best supported club in England when we were in the second tier in 74/75 and then the best supported club in England in the 80's when we were shit ,so don't type shit.

Yeah, Yeah, City and Leeds have the most loyal support and they are are both massive clubs. :D

Dislike Leeds but would like to see them come up cos it beats playin Watford over 2 games. At least its a match that gets me up for it. Oh, the happy days of visiting bellend road.

Oh i forgot , wonderful fans Leeds :o

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Do any of you Leeds fans have any idea if it will be possible to see the Leeds Watford game on tv in any bars in Bkk? According to my estimates, it should be broadcast at 9pm on Sunday, but not sure where.

It would be good to get a group of whites together, if possible.


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Do any of you Leeds fans have any idea if it will be possible to see the Leeds Watford game on tv in any bars in Bkk? According to my estimates, it should be broadcast at 9pm on Sunday, but not sure where.

It would be good to get a group of whites together, if possible.


Yes it is on in a few bars in bangkok pm me :o

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Do any of you Leeds fans have any idea if it will be possible to see the Leeds Watford game on tv in any bars in Bkk? According to my estimates, it should be broadcast at 9pm on Sunday, but not sure where.

It would be good to get a group of whites together, if possible.


Yes it is on in a few bars in bangkok pm me :o

it will be on at the winking frog soi 7 they have a big screen

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Well lads im setting of to Cardiff tommorow dinner time having a night out in Cardiff b4 should be good fun !!!

Vegas Ozzys nar they were rats & a sinking ship mate ive shit em i wouldnt have one given :D I see Sidney have just signed Terry Butcher as there new manager though what a bloke he is :D

This team seems to love the shirt as much as i do same as in the early 70s when i started going & NOT the blood sucking parasites involved in the game now :D

125 :o

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Good Game ...sorry for you Leeds Fans but Watford thouroughly deserved to win.

I think as has been previously said had Leeds won ..they would probably be next years "Sunderland" They have some good players and KB has done a fantastic job rebuilding the club from scratch. It will be better to come up with a fighting chance of staying up than coming up and being the "Whipping Boys" in the Premiership.

It was ten years this month that Reading lost to Bolton in the play-off final.

At the time it was very disapointing, but we did not have a GREAT team and would have instantly been relegated, the Chairman had said even before the game that their would be no money available for new players as all available funds were being ploughed into the New Stadium

So I feel your pain..but take heart that I am sure with your massive support base and a crop of decent players (and a few more will be required if you can get Batsey to put his hand in his very deep pockets)

You will be back..and stronger than you are now

Good Luck next term


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Thanks for the thoughts.

It was a terrible night, and I would rather have finished 10th in the division than go through the hope and heartache of the last two weeks.

Watford killed us. They completely outran, outfought, outthought and outplayed us. Leeds just didnt turn up . . they looked scared from the off and KB's tactics were too defensive from the off.

While devastated, I think it's probably the best thing all around. We're not yet ready, and I dont want to be a Sunderland next season. I hope we learn from this, consolidate and move forward.

Good luck to Watford. They thoroughly deserved it.

It was great, incidentally, to see the game played in such a good spirit.

Here's to next season.

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