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MaeJo Agricultural Show - two more days


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This show is an annual event at MaeJo.

Lots of fruit trees and orchids for sale at great prices, 100s of stalls.

100s of plants and flowers in the display fields ( I liked the chilli and pepper sections), seeds all for sale.

Horse and trap rides round the uni, 120bht and can fir four adults in them.

Many types of health food and drinks on sale you have never seen before.

All the normal street food and drinks. Eat your way round the university.

A great day out.

I've already been three times, in the last three days.

If you haven't been yet, still going strong today and tomorrow until 8pm at MaeJo University.

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Actually this event has not happened in about 2 or 3 years now. They have only had a mini walking street event the last 2 or 3 years. The official event used to be CMU, then MJU alternating every other year but that seems to have been discontinued.

Great event, I agree. We are big gardeners so it's perfect for us. Been once so far. We'll probably go again Sunday.

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Thanks to those who recommended the place.

I went with my wife on the second day, the 5th, for the first time. Got there just before noon. Yes, lots of plants for sale at low prices. A friendly seller explained the durian tree, the gaan yeow type, which he said fetched B6,000 a piece. Well, you guess it, fetched by some Chinese. I asked if it's suitable to grow in CM and how long before harvest. He answered yes to the first question and 3 years on the second question. Well, I didn't buy.

We bought some orchids and the trip suddenly had to end. Why? My wife went into a buying frenzy at the CP Pavillion because many were on sale. My arms got tired carrying them. Also, I regretted that we ate before we went there. There actually were a lot of food to be had, both Thai and a little Western. A big grilled tubtien oak gua was only B169, but we had no stomach for it. I just bought a fish burger at Chester for B29 and ate it in the car. Hey, it wasn't bad.

Planning to go there once again tomorrow. I guess we need to go a little bit early, or may run out of parking space.

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I've seen avocados (the smaller "Mexican" version) as low as 50 baht per kilo in Muang Mai market, so I was hoping to find an avocado tree at the Mae Jo sale. The only one I bumped into was the larger avocado tree, but I was under time constraints.

Anyone see any avocado trees there, or know where to buy them?

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We went to the show today, and it was well worth the traffic jam on the way home. Beautiful plants, good foods, great people-watching. Just like the State Fair back in the US, except that I couldn't read the signs in the exhibits and there was no Fried Dough or Cotton Candy. Once again I was thankful for not bringing a car. We rode right up to the first row of stalls and parked the bike beside it... convenient. We saw dozens of plants that we 'would have' bought if we had the car, but saved a lot of money instead. Considering the fact that we have neither garden nor terrace, and not much room for more plants (already 9 large plants in the apartment) it's nice to be able to NOT impulse buy. We did stock up on a few 'pocket plants' though... The little air plants that we can just hang in the windows. Then on the ride home, bypassing all the traffic jams, and getting back into Chiang Mai 20 minutes after leaving Maejo... delightful! We'll probably go back on Monday. It's worth it!

Edited by FolkGuitar
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the real bargains are to be had on the last day when the prices come crashing down as most of the sellers are professional nurseries and they have amble stock back home so they just want to get rid off them.same at the flower market in february

,we wound up with top quality rose bushes for 25 baht a shot that were selling for 150-200 on day one and two

also got a few mango varieties etc for 50 baht which were 300 baht the previous 2 days

enjoy whether your a gardner or not a good day out

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the real bargains are to be had on the last day when the prices come crashing down as most of the sellers are professional nurseries and they have amble stock back home so they just want to get rid off them.same at the flower market in february

,we wound up with top quality rose bushes for 25 baht a shot that were selling for 150-200 on day one and two

also got a few mango varieties etc for 50 baht which were 300 baht the previous 2 days

enjoy whether your a gardner or not a good day out

That is usually the case as they don't want to haul stuff back to Korat or wherever they are from, but I suspect the bargains will not be as good and plentiful this year as in the past. We went twice this year and bought 4 or 5 things we had been looking for and the one thing we noticed (thanks no doubt to Thailand's booming economy) was the apparent lack of interest by sellers to bargain, other than a token 20-30 THB discount on expensive items. Some were quite rude and just turned their backs and walked away when people made (reasonable) offers. We stopped at the cafeteria for a while and 2 other families sitting next to us and complained of the same thing - no one willing to give a reasonable discount at a fair which is the norm.

But yes, in the past we have always got great deals there on the last day. But the pushing and shoving can be a bit much!

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I thought today was the last day? Oh well it matters not, the missus still managed to spend 10K on plants that i didnt know we needed. I hope she has a cunning plan tucked away somewhere....or do I live in a land of dreams?

Yes it was still a good afternoon out, crowded as hell but prices were great...if tomorrow is cheaper I am sure she will at least triple her amount of plants etc...hell the tray in the hilux was way too small and the way its going Im expecting that my better half will open a Kamtheing Market in Mae Sai (Where we live) soon! biggrin.pngwai2.gif

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Went today and had a great time checking out all the different stalls. Got there about 9 a.m., so no problem with parking. The prices seemed pretty good to me. We bought 100 papaya trees at 10 baht each, and four ornamental trees (two with pink flowers, one with yellow, and one with white flowers) for 370 for the four. Had a very nice lunch, and left just as it was starting to get crowded. The people we dealt with today were willing to negotiate, maybe because the last day is tomorrow. For the four trees, the first price was 510 baht, but he came down to 370. Didn't ask for a discount on the papaya trees, they seemed cheap enough already.

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