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A letter to the well-heeled protesters of Bangkok


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"We have to learn to co-exist with others. And this cannot be done peacefully if you think that your views are the only ones that count."

Please forward your rant to the Northeast and their elected MPs.

Cheers, from a well heeled Drunk...

Oh,oh, the first one has turned up

In your own words fab...

"Yes , my answer probably is contrary to yours but it is not a troll post. It's called an alternative viewpoint. Difficult concept to understand, I know."

If thats your usual drivel to a rare but sensible viewpoint for a change. ohhh yes it is a troll post

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"We have to learn to co-exist with others. And this cannot be done peacefully if you think that your views are the only ones that count."

Please forward your rant to the Northeast and their elected MPs.

Cheers, from a well heeled Drunk...

Oh,oh, the first one has turned up

In your own words fab...

"Yes , my answer probably is contrary to yours but it is not a troll post. It's called an alternative viewpoint. Difficult concept to understand, I know."

A loud drunk with a viewpoint. I'm at the edge of my seat.

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Well heeled? They all wear flip flops.

This faux snobbery is getting unbearable. And these idiots build houses on a sinking city and think they are smart?

It's nice to have an illusion. Let them be well heeled in their lunchtime.

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Revolutions start when the middle classes rise on behalf of the poor and down trodden.

And fascism was (arguably) the radicalism of the lower middle class. Of course, there have been progressive movements lead by middle class activists, but are you honestly saying this is true of Suthep's group? What if the 'poor and down trodden' don't want them to 'rise on their behalf'?

As the author of the piece asks, what gives these people the right to speak for all of Thailand? Your theory that they're rising on behalf of the poor would still be an example of exactly that sort of arrogance if it were true. But it isn't.

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Hmmm...what's poor and downtrodden, about Thaksin and his clan?

All I see, is smoke and mirrors. One side of rich, privileged, power hungry individuals against the other side of rich, privileged and power hungry individuals.

Both sides, have been really successful, in convincing the masses, that it is their fight, when in reality, it is just a battle, over who has their snouts in the money trough.

This is about the elite, fighting the elite. This is not a class struggle. Billionaires on one side, against billionaires on the other side, fighting over who gets all the corruption cash.

The people are caught in the middle, on both sides, being fed BS lies, from both sides.

One day, the people will wake up to another truth and then watch out, you rich, arrogant Bas...., on both sides

Well written, but let me correct you. It's a billionaires on one side against a billionaire on the other. One side is out for power and corruption which sounds not very nice but business as usual in LOS while the other guy pretending to be the next messiah is fighting for total control and getting ALL the power in ONE hands and that is plain scary.

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Makes me wish I knew more Thai.
As of now, this is the only argument that I've heard on either side that's addressed classism directly (well, except for the attacks on the Shinawataras' wealth). And I thought yours touched on the very sort of disdain that you're accusing the other side of displaying.

Do you really think everyone in the opposition has maids and servants and sex workers at their beck and call? Come on.

Good points points on democracy but a lot of loose hyperbole in the mix.

Edited by BeforeTigers
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While Suthep is known for getting carried away in his speeches his protest is the one out there trying to fix something which is not right. If there is a very large part of population disagreeing with what he does his enemies would utilise it a long time ago. Everywhere i go i see people watching blue sky tv bangkok and provinces. And I do believe majority of thais following this political drama want a genuine change which he is promising .

Edited by Spartakos
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