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80 million condoms to be distributed to solve Thai teen pregnancy problem


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Great initiative!

Now, if only someone also could go through the troubles and set up another initiative that actually teaches those young people HOW to use condoms, and still more importantly, WHY (you know, the age-old story of the flowers and the bees), then we might actually get somewhere.

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I am also glad to see at least an effort to combat a problem with a practical approach. Expecting young people to not have sex is like praying for water to stop being wet.

Nonetheless, 80 millian condoms?

That would be used up in one busy month in Pattaya......


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It's a small step forward, but not so long ago it would have been unimaginable. At least they're admitting there is a problem.

Next steps: sex education at school and free pills.

Also, Thais have a tendency to obey and comply with what is told by authority figures. It might be an idea to have respected authority figures give the following advice via the mainstream media:

Encourage your daughters to study rather than merely teaching them to clean up their brothers' and future husbands' mess.

Punish your sons when they screw up rather than bringing them up knowing that they can get away with anything.

The repercussions on Thai sociology would be phenomenal, and who knows, the vicious cycle of kids brought up by grandparents may one day finally come to an end.

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20 million young Thai males, 4 each ????? That will long term stop the pregnancies JOKE...... Give the girls free pills better.

free pills help against pregnancy, but there are much worse things than pregnancy (HIV) and there is no pill against that.

Yes Hiv is on the rise, and now with a more virulent type in Russia it will get here soon enough, The russian,s are having a hard time trying to get funding for research.

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They Don't Need the Condoms!

I was a Teenage boy once, and I know EXACTLY what Teenage Boys are thinking, thus I give Fair Warning!

Any of you touch MY DAUGHTER and you'll never need a Condom again....simply because...YOU WON'T have anything to PUT IT ON!

Got my point????

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Not before time , plus Education. What would have an even bigger impact is if the country policed a law whereby both parents must provide for the child until he is 18. Some of these Thai men might think twice, before impregnating a young girl and running away without any repercussions, when the baby arrives.

That to me is the true sad state of affairs in Thailand; too many young women left alone to bring up and pay for the children

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Just throw water at fire instead of teaching against playing with matches. Great.

You mean oil, or not? biggrin.png

Not. Because they are actually trying to put the 'fire' out. The frame of mind being that there is no worry when a fire is started because there is always water. Let the kids have sex, we'll just give out condoms.

Instead, they should hit the problem at the core. Don't play with matches in the first place.

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Just take them to see a late stage aids patient. I saw one fown the road , who was infected by her husband, It wasn't a pretty sight,

Well, those nasty pictures on the cigarette packets don't seam to have an impact on smoking.

The horrendous accidents pictures don't stop people from drink driving without safety belt or helmet,

so why should seeing an HIV positive person have any effects?

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