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what do you want to ask Thai people ?


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Random bloggers with their random lists are all over the net. No basis of truth in most of what was written.

You actually need to read the responses to the blog to find many people that dispute the findings. Just crap really, not fact.

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Only thing I never understood about some Thai-parents, is how they can live with sending their daughters work in GoGo bars - and call them constantly for to have them send more and more money (even after they have built the house and bought the pick-up truck).

How they as parents can do that and live with themselves, I will never understand... Maybe you can ask that? Personally, I would rather work myself to death, than send my daughter into prostitution. But I guess these parents will not be members of that site anyway...

Some honestly don't know, convinced their daughter works for a bank and is very successful. Some think their daughter is simply married off to a rich foreigner. Some haven't seen or heard from their children in years and think they're dead. Some are just in desperate poverty and can do nothing about it. Some are evil, but not many.

It's all heartbreakingly sad to witness.

Sorry to go off topic.

Christianity and not Jesus Christ teaches that sex is dirty and we should feel guilty about it.

Drop that and think about the money and then sex work becomes just like any other job.

No christian will ever agree with that.

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Only thing I never understood about some Thai-parents, is how they can live with sending their daughters work in GoGo bars - and call them constantly for to have them send more and more money (even after they have built the house and bought the pick-up truck).

How they as parents can do that and live with themselves, I will never understand... Maybe you can ask that? Personally, I would rather work myself to death, than send my daughter into prostitution. But I guess these parents will not be members of that site anyway...

Not really sure but I figure that's an Issan thing

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My list.

1. Why the stuffed animals hanging from car bumpers? (I heard it's to ward off ghosts)

2. If I own a Gumon Tong (Thai ghost baby) and it has served it's 3 year servitude, what should I do with the statue afterwards? (give it to a temple?)

3. When commanding the spirit of a Phii Tong Kom (ghost of woman who died in childbirth), should I reward her with a pretty dress or flowers after she kills her first victim?

4. When killing my neighbors rooster (boy chicken--as my GF says), how much should I compensate the owner? (It never <deleted>)

5. Do you suggest barbed wire or thorny bushes to surround my house to ward off a Phii Krasue (flying ghost head with intestines)?

6. Should I strap my newborn baby to the gastank of my Hello Kitty scooter or have my monkey hold him in the passenger seat?

7. What looks sexier to a Thai person? A Beer Chang wifebeater with board shorts, or a speedo?

8. After a night of getting spit roasted by ladyboys--should I tell my friends that I didnt know, or they dosed me with scopolamine?

9. When I get off the MRT at Sukhumvit, does every Thai person on the train assume that I am going to soi cowboy? (I am)

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My Sole question is ''Why they DRIVE so so crazy and dangerous, without respect to fellow humans ??

as a culture, i do like Thai people, gentle, kind and caring , but just the ''Crazy'' Driving, is Mad...

Thats my sole question., apart from that happy with my lot , been here nearly 4 years..

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I want to ask, "Why every single Thai person I meet asks me, "How long have you been in Thailand?"".

Thank you.

Well I would think that maybe if you tell them a long time it makes them feel prouder of their country.

Cpuld be lots of reasons. It does not always happen to me. I suspect it would depend in what area you are in. If you are in a tourist area they might be feeling you out to see what they could sell you and get an idea of the price.

I know back in North America if I was to meet a Thai having the problems speaking English I have speaking Thai I would probably ask them how long they had been there. No belittlement intended. Just curious. also if they spoke really good English.

My question would be one with no real viable answer.

Why the 90 day report for my retirement Visa. That is not a complaint just a request for information.

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I totally love this thread, thanks OP! Am I allow to answer these questions? OP can you ask foreigners why do they like to ask rhetorical questions?

yes you can answer all questions

pleased to meet you

WOW ... 2 Thai Lassies in one thread ... a true miracle.

But, now I'm confused ... should I believe in the Christian miracle of Christmas

or in the Bhuddist miracle of reincarnation?

Signed, happy but confused.

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Question 1) Thai murders, thiefs, and rapists are all bad. < Do you agree? ....um, yes!

Question 2) Now take the afore mentioned and give him 500 million baht and he's an upstanding Hi-So Thai. Correct?

Edited by Bluetiger
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I would like to ask these:

- How can they watch day by day Thai soap operas with out any actor, actress, story and conception?

- Why do use high so Chinese girls curtains as clothes?

- Why do they think it is so lovely when they make these idiot self-pictures by their phones with V fingers?

- If you invite a few people to your home why do they come 5 times more than expected?

- Why do they think if they don't talk about something this doesn't exist (human traffic by own family, children prost., etc, etc)

- Have they plan or not to learn drive?

- Why do they carry kids in motorbikes with out helmet, and if something terrible is happened they talk about bad luck instead of their own idiocy?

- How long would they keep and stuff the high corrupted police, politician ans state officers?

- And who are you and why do you make joke with us here ???

If I would get answer to these questions it would be help a lot.

1) ask the creators of jersey shore, twilight and 50 shades of grey

2) i have no idea what you're talking about

3) ask the people who plank. Or your own daughter. Or go on facebook sometime. What an idiotic question

4) really? My thai friends keep flaking...

5) why do argentinians keep thinking that the falklands are theirs, or that they're white?

6) have you "plan or not" to learn english properly?

7) just laziness I suppose. And if you havent noticed, its hot as hell. The police are actively trying to fine people without helmets on. For their tea money obviously. But trying to uphold the law nonetheless! This is perhaps the only question you've asked which doesnt sound like its coming from a 5 year old.

8) do you not notice that there is a massive protest outside trying to addreas this? Maybe if you left your basement computer once in a while...

9) i grew up im thailand but now i work in canary wharf earning in a year what you make in a lifetime.

Dear small pitbull,

1. twilight and 50 shades of grey .... what are these ????

2. if you have not any idea, means you do it also

3.plank and self picture with V fingers are all the same, I have not daughter and my dog never does it. why should I visit facebook, those is your level

4. good for you, all your friends (all the 2) keep it, that's great

5. silly girl, those islands name is Las Malvinas and belong to Arg. White?

6. yes I have this plan, and what about you?

7. laziness? are you kidding, right? the police try to find any motorcyclist for any mistake cause this is money for mia noi, the helmet is an excellent reason.

8. here we have a new yellow activist. coming soon you and your activist friends will protest for every BKK chinese need double votes cause they are higher valued, if owns mercedes 5 votes, if owns factory 10 votes, if speaks isaan 0.25 vote. this is your team's democracy effort, and the world laughs for benito suthep.

9. canaries ? my god, these were a most sht place which I have visited in my life. I "had" luck for all of them, and I hope you work in grand canaria, this is the lowest. I advise you go also costa brava, rimini riccione, cote d'zur or disneyland.

I'm happy you earn in a year what I make in lifetime cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif what kind of big face clap2.gif as usually.

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and one more please:

- Why do they take up their dirty feet to the seat/bench in restaurants?

This is full disgusting and do this all of them irrespectively of graduated, social level or age.

Why is there a similar sign in the metropolitan line train here in london? Simple - because this is not a nationality issue. You dont have to be a complete idiot to realise this. Oh wait...

Here in London? Are you in London or Grand Canaria? You have to decide which is the bigger face for you!

And why? Cause in London there are many nations and this is the crazy dis-profit of "multicultural" cities, like Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Paris. In Berlin no-one idiot takes up rank and dirty feet to seat, and in Buenos Aires I have never seen it also.

And I talked about restaurants silly girl, you know the people go there to eat ....

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If you want to ask them something try this.

"Do you as a Thai person love Thailand, and if so do you see anything wrong with Thailand, do you ever express frustration about the things you see wrong in Thailand and if so does expressing those frustrations detract from your love of Thailand?"

OK, I'll bite:

"Do you as a British person love Great Britain, and if so do you see anything wrong with Great Britain, do you ever express frustration about the things you see wrong in Great Britain and if so does expressing those frustrations detract from your love of Great Britain?"

Sometimes it seems like many in here envisage Thailand as being on another planet.

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All I want to say is questions can sometimes reflex the inner thought of the person who raises them.

I laughed not because I found they are made by stupid (farang) people but because these questions show me what they are made of.

In the eyes of pessimists, laughing means an insult instead of a genuine friendly expression.

I don't know why but series of negative questions arose after I made one or two sentences and those were "you guys are cracking me up...please keep it coming."

Anyway, please keep it coming - so that I could be sure some of you are here because you're not wanted or couldn't make it in your country. cheesy.gif

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Why are Thai teacher's so good at making kids conform - haircuts, uniform, attendance etc, but not so good at making them think for themselves, ask questions, or indeed stay in school

That's easy. They teach only what they were taught by their own Thai teachers. It's the system.
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Why do the leaders of the country dress properly, suits, ties, socks and shoes, while the rest of the people go about as animals that are barely clothed and with dirty bare feet? Are there two different societies here?

I can answer this one.

Only thieves and scoundrels wear suits, ties, socks and shoes in a tropical country.

Normal honest people wear flip flops or go barefoot and wear little clothing.

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...what is with these contrived postings of late.....

...people disguise themselves ....... and have ulterior motives behind their posts......


...this is supposed to be an expat forum......not some conniver's playground.....

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...what is with these contrived postings of late.....

...people disguise themselves ....... and have ulterior motives behind their posts......


...this is supposed to be an expat forum......not some conniver's playground.....

Check out the Thai news forum.

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Why do Thai people always ask questions and never, never give information. Where I come from, Texas, it is impolite to ask a personal question. A person should always volunteer information about themselves. If the person spoken to wishes to volunteer information about themselves, they will do it. If not, get lost, and don't come back.

When i am asked, "Where are you going?" I ask, "Why is your business?"

And if a Thai is in Texas they would be expected to follow Texan rules, but you expect them to follow Texan rules in Thailand as well.

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I often ask Thai people questions. Now, admittedly those questions are generally "how much short time?" or "where's the toilet?", but, if I could ask something more cerebral it would be "is that Note bloke genuinely funny, and if so, what's his best joke?"

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