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what do you want to ask Thai people ?


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I would like to ask these:

- How can they watch day by day Thai soap operas with out any actor, actress, story and conception?

- Why do use high so Chinese girls curtains as clothes?

- Why do they think it is so lovely when they make these idiot self-pictures by their phones with V fingers?

- If you invite a few people to your home why do they come 5 times more than expected?

- Why do they think if they don't talk about something this doesn't exist (human traffic by own family, children prost., etc, etc)

- Have they plan or not to learn drive?

- Why do they carry kids in motorbikes with out helmet, and if something terrible is happened they talk about bad luck instead of their own idiocy?

- How long would they keep and stuff the high corrupted police, politician ans state officers?

- And who are you and why do you make joke with us here ???

If I would get answer to these questions it would be help a lot.

1) ask the creators of jersey shore, twilight and 50 shades of grey

2) i have no idea what you're talking about

3) ask the people who plank. Or your own daughter. Or go on facebook sometime. What an idiotic question

4) really? My thai friends keep flaking...

5) why do argentinians keep thinking that the falklands are theirs, or that they're white?

6) have you "plan or not" to learn english properly?

7) just laziness I suppose. And if you havent noticed, its hot as hell. The police are actively trying to fine people without helmets on. For their tea money obviously. But trying to uphold the law nonetheless! This is perhaps the only question you've asked which doesnt sound like its coming from a 5 year old.

8) do you not notice that there is a massive protest outside trying to addreas this? Maybe if you left your basement computer once in a while...

9) i grew up im thailand but now i work in canary wharf earning in a year what you make in a lifetime.

Dear small pitbull,

1. twilight and 50 shades of grey .... what are these ????

2. if you have not any idea, means you do it also

3.plank and self picture with V fingers are all the same, I have not daughter and my dog never does it. why should I visit facebook, those is your level

4. good for you, all your friends (all the 2) keep it, that's great

5. silly girl, those islands name is Las Malvinas and belong to Arg. White?

6. yes I have this plan, and what about you?

7. laziness? are you kidding, right? the police try to find any motorcyclist for any mistake cause this is money for mia noi, the helmet is an excellent reason.

8. here we have a new yellow activist. coming soon you and your activist friends will protest for every BKK chinese need double votes cause they are higher valued, if owns mercedes 5 votes, if owns factory 10 votes, if speaks isaan 0.25 vote. this is your team's democracy effort, and the world laughs for benito suthep.

9. canaries ? my god, these were a most sht place which I have visited in my life. I "had" luck for all of them, and I hope you work in grand canaria, this is the lowest. I advise you go also costa brava, rimini riccione, cote d'zur or disneyland.

I'm happy you earn in a year what I make in lifetime cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20> what kind of big face clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25> as usually.

1. Sorry I didn't realize you have no clue whats happening in the outside world

2. "Why do use high so Chinese girls curtains as clothes?" is not a good example of a well formed sentence in english.

3. The point is that its not just Thai people who do it. Westerners have the duckface and planking (which thankfully stopped). But you unsurprisingly failed to realize the point nonetheless, showing to us all you are not capable of higher thought.

4. Whatever makes you happy.

5. And by that same logic Buenos Aires is Spanish, therefore it belongs to Spain, correct? Besides, not only did the British kick your ass in the war and so has the islands by right of conquest, 90% of islanders voted to stay as part of the UK. The same thing happened in Gibraltar. Educate yourself.

6. My English is perfectly fine, thank you.

7. I don't think you understood my point.

8. It's sad yes but I think the movement is much more fractured than you think. When Yingluck is gone I doubt everyone would still follow Suthep. Right now it's just about the complete mismanagement the government has shown over the past 2 years including bankrupting an entire bank just to support a crazy, unresearched scheme.

9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_Wharf

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Why do I pay tax but have no rights?

If by 'rights' you mean voting rights, then so is a foreigner in the UK on a work permit. Or anywhere else in the world. You are also able to move away, you know.

Let me ask you a question: Why are you so incapable of higher mental thought and must blame everything on the Thais with no realization that maybe, just maybe, it happens to other people elsewhere as well?

Edited by sadhukar
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How do Thai-men handle several Mia Nois without getting extremely stressed? Where do they find the time?

They don't, but everytime your wife smiles when they come over they feel that it's the right thing to do to rescue her from your fat, grubby white hands.

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I totally love this thread, thanks OP! Am I allow to answer these questions? OP can you ask foreigners why do they like to ask rhetorical questions?

yes you can answer all questions

pleased to meet you

I will try to answer them the best I can but will only answer to those questions that are less insulting to the Thai people.

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I would like to ask these:

- How can they watch day by day Thai soap operas with out any actor, actress, story and conception?

- Why do use high so Chinese girls curtains as clothes?

- Why do they think it is so lovely when they make these idiot self-pictures by their phones with V fingers?

- If you invite a few people to your home why do they come 5 times more than expected?

- Why do they think if they don't talk about something this doesn't exist (human traffic by own family, children prost., etc, etc)

- Have they plan or not to learn drive?

- Why do they carry kids in motorbikes with out helmet, and if something terrible is happened they talk about bad luck instead of their own idiocy?

- How long would they keep and stuff the high corrupted police, politician ans state officers?

- And who are you and why do you make joke with us here ???

If I would get answer to these questions it would be help a lot.

1) ask the creators of jersey shore, twilight and 50 shades of grey

2) i have no idea what you're talking about

3) ask the people who plank. Or your own daughter. Or go on facebook sometime. What an idiotic question

4) really? My thai friends keep flaking...

5) why do argentinians keep thinking that the falklands are theirs, or that they're white?

6) have you "plan or not" to learn english properly?

7) just laziness I suppose. And if you havent noticed, its hot as hell. The police are actively trying to fine people without helmets on. For their tea money obviously. But trying to uphold the law nonetheless! This is perhaps the only question you've asked which doesnt sound like its coming from a 5 year old.

8) do you not notice that there is a massive protest outside trying to addreas this? Maybe if you left your basement computer once in a while...

9) i grew up im thailand but now i work in canary wharf earning in a year what you make in a lifetime.

Dear small pitbull,

1. twilight and 50 shades of grey .... what are these ????

2. if you have not any idea, means you do it also

3.plank and self picture with V fingers are all the same, I have not daughter and my dog never does it. why should I visit facebook, those is your level

4. good for you, all your friends (all the 2) keep it, that's great

5. silly girl, those islands name is Las Malvinas and belong to Arg. White?

6. yes I have this plan, and what about you?

7. laziness? are you kidding, right? the police try to find any motorcyclist for any mistake cause this is money for mia noi, the helmet is an excellent reason.

8. here we have a new yellow activist. coming soon you and your activist friends will protest for every BKK chinese need double votes cause they are higher valued, if owns mercedes 5 votes, if owns factory 10 votes, if speaks isaan 0.25 vote. this is your team's democracy effort, and the world laughs for benito suthep.

9. canaries ? my god, these were a most sht place which I have visited in my life. I "had" luck for all of them, and I hope you work in grand canaria, this is the lowest. I advise you go also costa brava, rimini riccione, cote d'zur or disneyland.

I'm happy you earn in a year what I make in lifetime cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20> what kind of big face clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25> as usually.

1. Sorry I didn't realize you have no clue whats happening in the outside world

2. "Why do use high so Chinese girls curtains as clothes?" is not a good example of a well formed sentence in english.

3. The point is that its not just Thai people who do it. Westerners have the duckface and planking (which thankfully stopped). But you unsurprisingly failed to realize the point nonetheless, showing to us all you are not capable of higher thought.

4. Whatever makes you happy.

5. And by that same logic Buenos Aires is Spanish, therefore it belongs to Spain, correct? Besides, not only did the British kick your ass in the war and so has the islands by right of conquest, 90% of islanders voted to stay as part of the UK. The same thing happened in Gibraltar. Educate yourself.

6. My English is perfectly fine, thank you.

7. I don't think you understood my point.

8. It's sad yes but I think the movement is much more fractured than you think. When Yingluck is gone I doubt everyone would still follow Suthep. Right now it's just about the complete mismanagement the government has shown over the past 2 years including bankrupting an entire bank just to support a crazy, unresearched scheme.

9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_Wharf

1. This is an extremly arrogant and bumptious establishing but it is suitable for your huge face. By the way I'm pretty sure you have watched the vampire idiot's infantile romance (may be twice or thrice) and have read the mentioned book which is with out any reason, except if you want to s@ck better.

2. The "English" is big E, why do you type always small? Check it.

3. Better you say duck-ass. Higher thought and facebook? You are pretty insane.

4. Agreed.

5. Listen to me and try to follow. I know everything about Las Malvinas cause my elder brother was died there. I was only 5 years old but remember well everything. Referendum: those GB ass-licker islanders were immigrated by the English occupiers, come on high educated girl what kind of result is expected. By the same logic you can ask the Cambodians go te referendum about Preah Vihear area instead of crying to UN ICJ.

Argentina is failed the war but had a try. My brother got 2 bullets to his chest not to his back. And what about Cambodia? The Thai army's power is thousand times bigger ...

6. True. You are amazing.

7. You don't understand my point. How could you speak about laziness this matter: Thais love their children so much and this is very nice, but why don't they care if have to ride on dam_n motorbike? I have seen more times injured children by motorbike accident. I can't forget these images and makes me angry if I think about "no helmet - no cost" behaviour.

8. I don't reflect, you are brain-washed.

9. Well noted. But something is fishy. In TH the biggest, strongest companies like to employ western managers to the key positions. I don't know whether why. And they have you, the national treasure and you work in London and earn every year what I make in my lifetime, bla-bla-bla. Where is your loyalty?

Other way, about your slogan:

Welcome to ThaiVisa, where sad, pathetic, lonely old white men complain about the natives not assimilating to their superior western culture. Enjoy your stay!

You only miss this small pitbull cause one (or more) western guy broke your heart and this reason you hate every-one. You have to agree in more visit with your psychologist.

Old? I'm just 36 and I know personally around 10 members here and all of them between 25 and 38. And what a fck are you looking for in the "superior western culture" with this attitude? AND what a fck are you looking for in thaivisa with this judgement? Better if you visit in England the "how we can give a perfect Thai massage to falangs" .com.

Edited by Loles
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How do Thai-men handle several Mia Nois without getting extremely stressed? Where do they find the time?

They don't, but everytime your wife smiles when they come over they feel that it's the right thing to do to rescue her from your fat, grubby white hands.

WOW sadhukar the situation with you more serious than I thought. Need help ASAP.

"..rescue her from your fat, grubby white hands."

I guess you had this type falang before. Sorry for it.

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I would like to ask.

  1. How do Thai people expect to develop their country in a positive way, when they do not like to be criticized, and when they themselves do not criticize when something is wrong. For instance if you have bad service in a restaurant. Thais do not criticize because it is not polite to do so, but how can it ever be better when there is no criticism?
  2. Do Thai people think it is okay to overcharge Farangs? For instance when I last time visited the waterfall Pala-U near Hua Hin. Thai people should pay 30 bahts and Farangs 200 bahts. Australia, US or Europe, do not treat Thai in such manner. Why do they overcharge us? We are not all rich.
  3. Do Thai people think it is okay to cheat Farangs when Farangs go shopping?
  4. Do Thai people know what this word means “don’t Thai me” used outside Thailand? If not, it means don’t cheat me. Thai people have earned that reputation abroad.


1. They will know it by getting less business or the results of their performance. There is no need to have others critizing them.

2. They overcharge foreigers for products/services because the foreigners like to throw money around. They know not all of foreigners are rich but in comparison to the Thais, they are pretty well off.

3. See answer #2

4. Yes, they know about it and it's insulting to them, but the phrase does not represent the majority of them. You can apply that phrase to just about any nationality.

Edited by Somsrisonphimai
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Do you gang up when a fight occurs between yourselves, or is this only when fighting farangs?

Nah they only gang up when trying to clear trash away from the streets. The trash may bleed a little of course but no one wants the pollution there.

I hope if one-time this guys gang up on you ... this post will come to your head by beside their .... nice suggestions.

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Why do Thai blokes flush the urinal before taking a piss?

Funny man, I was curious also so I have asked one friendly Thai guy in tennis court's toilet.

He answered he doesn't know why he does it but he remembered this came in his primary school, where the school teacher told to pupils, they have to do this reason their own health and hygiene.

This is a huge wasting of water cause in "man" section all of them do it.

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- Why people do not care much about their surrounding environment and nature?

- Why the telephone and electrical cables look so messy near the roads?

- Why the roads doesn't have proper foundation and lacks of maintenance?

- Why they let old cars and bikes on the road with toxic fumes and inappropriate conditions?

- Why have to use calculator in 7/11 for a trivial change?

- Why don't have much public bins?

- Why have police if they fail to enforce the law?

- Why the thai TV channels are all the same (soaps, talk shows, advertise, food)?

- Why the movies dubbed in thai sounds so weird?

- Why the majority of thai websites are look so outdated and look crappy?

- Why there is illegal stuff to sell everywhere in the main streets of Bangkok?

- Isn't that weird everything is so money orientated in a buddhist country?

Otherwise Thailand is great and don't mind these problems much, its kinda "Wild East" but somewhere deep down always wondered and curious about some of these things ever will have a slight chance to improve? whistling.gif

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- Why people do not care much about their surrounding environment and nature?

- Why the telephone and electrical cables look so messy near the roads?

- Why the roads doesn't have proper foundation and lacks of maintenance?

- Why they let old cars and bikes on the road with toxic fumes and inappropriate conditions?

- Why have to use calculator in 7/11 for a trivial change?

- Why don't have much public bins?

- Why have police if they fail to enforce the law?

- Why the thai TV channels are all the same (soaps, talk shows, advertise, food)?

- Why the movies dubbed in thai sounds so weird?

- Why the majority of thai websites are look so outdated and look crappy?

- Why there is illegal stuff to sell everywhere in the main streets of Bangkok?

- Isn't that weird everything is so money orientated in a buddhist country?

Otherwise Thailand is great and don't mind these problems much, its kinda "Wild East" but somewhere deep down always wondered and curious about some of these things ever will have a slight chance to improve? whistling.gif

I can tell you about a couple of your questions. Thai Buddhism may not be the same as the Buddhism you are used to. Thais have fortune telling machines in Temples that look much like slot machines except they never give back the money put in. Thai Buddhism is much like fortune telling machines. You pay your money and never get anything back. Understanding this is critical to understanding Thai Buddhism. Do Thai Buddhists understand this? No, of course not and they will not understand even if it is explained to the best and brightest of Thai people which is also critical to understanding Thai Buddhism.

Why don't they have public trash bins? They used to until some terrorists planted bombs in them.

Why the telephone and electrical cables look so messy near the roads? Thai people used to learn by rote how to string electric cable but some nut English teacher told them to start think for themselves and take a stab at creative problem solving and critical thinking.

So all of the new Thai electricians started putting up cable, not in the old tried and true method but they tried new ways of stringing wire. One used to hear the Thai electrical class chanting, "ground the wire to the earth, ground the wire to the earth." Now one hears, "what is the real meaning of earth and ground and why should we pay attention to our elders outdated ideas of ground and wire and earth. Try something new today."

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In a country where almost everyone considers hisself as a devote Buddhist and wais to every single wat they come along, how come people still live in a way that couldn't be more un-Buddhistic (torturing dogs, ripping off people, being crazy about money, ...)? In a society where manners and rituals are so crucial, how come there're so many situations in which they behave like people from the 18th century?

Edited by kandi
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Here's 1 I wonder.

Why do Thais not put ceilings in their village houses?

Stuff like Gyprock not traditionally available, nor is the ceiling building technique traditionally practised, plus it seems expensive on a tiny budget when you are building a small new home which has a roof to keep the rain out. They have enough money for cement, bricks, posts and roof, things like tiles, paint, ceilings and perhaps windows are luxuries which you could probably add later. You do see more windows and ceilings now though.

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In a country where almost everyone considers hisself as a devote Buddhist and wais to every single wat they come along, how come people still live in a way that couldn't be more un-Buddhistic (torturing dogs, ripping off people, being crazy about money, ...)? In a society where manners and rituals are so crucial, how come there're so many situations in which they behave like people from the 18th century?

So you are an expert on Buddha? You do know the Buddha deserted his wife and child? Maybe back to the books eh?

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Do Thais really believe that all the "whitening" products will actually make them white - before they die of the side effects?

I'm Thai and have reasonably white skin. My friends often ask me what skin care products I use to keep my skin this white. I tell them I hardly use any, besides regular lotion and facial cream, it's because of my genetics I'm naturally this color. IMO - I don't believe skin whitening cosmetics actually work. I'm sure some do, but not to the extent they show on T.V. Young girls get sucked into believing false adverts which promise ridiculous results.

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Here's 1 I wonder.

Why do Thais not put ceilings in their village houses?

Stuff like Gyprock not traditionally available, nor is the ceiling building technique traditionally practised, plus it seems expensive on a tiny budget when you are building a small new home which has a roof to keep the rain out. They have enough money for cement, bricks, posts and roof, things like tiles, paint, ceilings and perhaps windows are luxuries which you could probably add later. You do see more windows and ceilings now though.

But the big screen telly looks nice and so does the new Hilux out front.

The building supply stores have all the ceiling supplies you need. I've seen ceiling contractors around the place.

I'm convinced they just enjoy detoxing in their hot boxes.

Edited by krisb
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In a country where almost everyone considers hisself as a devote Buddhist and wais to every single wat they come along, how come people still live in a way that couldn't be more un-Buddhistic (torturing dogs, ripping off people, being crazy about money, ...)? In a society where manners and rituals are so crucial, how come there're so many situations in which they behave like people from the 18th century?

So you are an expert on Buddha? You do know the Buddha deserted his wife and child? Maybe back to the books eh?

Where please did I talk about wives and children? I'm just saying that most people live even against the basic guidelines of Buddhism, but still everyone pretends to be so religious.
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