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One dead as gunman opens fire at Thai protesters


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Suriyasai identifies slain victim as STR guard

BANGKOK: -- Suriyasai Katasila, a protest leader, identified a man fatally shot near the Government House rally site as a security guard of the Students and People Network for Thailand's Reform.

Thai Rath Online identified the man as Chamriang Jitwat, a resident of Prachuap Khirikhan's Bang Saphan district.

-- The Nation 2013-12-28

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I keep hearing about the two sides to this political piss fight, but I have seen/heard of 3 riot prone mobs as a threat to the Thai public. The anti, the pro government, and the RTP. None of the 3 seem to have a single leader who has the balls (or lack of same) to put their position on the line by accepting total leadership and responsibility. The concerned courts/legal entities have indicated that the members of the caretaker government, the anti government protestors have committed various illegal, unconstitutional acts which could/should bring about their ban from politics as well as jail time. The evidence of RTP illegal actions have been documented for the world to see, thus they should be included in the legal hit list.

There might even be a fourth group, but not in large number, "those pesky black shirts"., but noone seems interested in finding those responsible for this group either. It would seem more apparent each day that there is no one in this circle jerk who is qualified nor capable of leading Thailand under its system of government as it stands.

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

Find a mirror. Look into it. Reflect upon the post you have just made.

Having a political view is one thing. Allowing it to blind you to reality is another.

Wow! backtonormal you know everything! This is one of the dumbest comments in I have read in TV.

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

It's so good to know that we are kept well informed by someone with such insight and personal knowledge.

I mean, the Reds would never do that would they?


You are well informed indeed! Perhaps he did that himself.

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This is at the site where the more radical anti-government protesters are camped out. I am sure this will piss them off and they will be hellbent on revenge .....

This is the same as with previous yellow anti-government protests. They were attacked almost every night by mysterious gunmen. In the end they were so pissed and that is when they decided to take over the airports.

.........oh yes and not to forget one of them blew himself up and forgot to take of his yellow shirt before he did....with a bomb he had prepared in a car......near the demonstration site...to be detonated when??? when more protestors where around the next day????

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

Find a mirror. Look into it. Reflect upon the post you have just made.

Having a political view is one thing. Allowing it to blind you to reality is another.

Wow! backtonormal you know everything! This is one of the dumbest comments in I have read in TV.

Bunny11kk please be a good chap and explain why my comment is dumb and then tell me who you think fired the gun

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This is at the site where the more radical anti-government protesters are camped out. I am sure this will piss them off and they will be hellbent on revenge .....

This is the same as with previous yellow anti-government protests. They were attacked almost every night by mysterious gunmen. In the end they were so pissed and that is when they decided to take over the airports.

First of all, my condolences, to all the family and friends, of the victims. (on both sides) Very sad indeed, because at the main site, it is usually, mostly the old people, kids, etc., when more dangerous missions go on in other places.

Yes, you are right, Waerth, last time, a few years back, when the Yellow Protesters, were camped in front of Government house, there were RPG''s shot in, pretty much every night, towards the end, until the protesters finally had enough and took over the airport. I went down there (Government House), to check it out, back then and was there, for one of Khun Chamlong's speeches. I remember it well, because the spot I stood at, taking a video, was only about 2 meters away, from where a Granada was shot through the tent a few days later, killing a lady an injuring many others.

To me, it's sad, that you have the Ultra-rich, on both sides (Thaksin and his henchmen on one side and the old money on the other side), using people as pawns, in order to get their hands on the money of the people. (after all, Government money is supposed to be everybody's money, only to be administrated by the Governments). Meanwhile, while they play their sick game, innocent people, who either have to do their job, protecting the Government, or who, for the most part, protest peacefully, against a corrupt Government, get injured and loose their lives.

I am glad, that in these demonstrations, the issue of corruption, has been brought to the forefront. Hopefully, people didn't die for nothing. I hope, that people will not forget, how bad corruption can get. (on either side and on every level of Government and society)

It is so sad, to see people die. I wish, ,the military, would take over for a few years, until all this is sorted out. They already made it clear last time, after the last coup, that they have no intention of running the Government, so why not let them take over and hopefully, they can help to ensure, that things will be more fair and transparent, in future years and generations.

It is obvious, that an election, so soon, without solving the big legal issues first, would just create more instability, for Thailand and it's people. Ms Yingluck, already showed her true colors, with the amnesty bill, among other things. She cannot be trusted. On the other hand, Suthep, should not be able to pick, who brings in the reforms, either. So let the military take over and then mediate between the two sides, plus get input from all other parts of society, on how the Country should be administered.

I always wonder, why things are the way they are? Is it really just two rich sides, struggling for power, so they can pocket the money, or are there maybe outside influences, trying to destabilize Thailand(e.g. Blackops, causing trouble to create instability), or maybe both? There is at least one World Power, who would benefit from Thailand being less stable.

Anyways, that is a conspiracy theory, I guess (until some "Whistleblower" some day will let us know, what really happened)

Once again, my condolences, to the families of the people, who have died.

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

Find a mirror. Look into it. Reflect upon the post you have just made.

Having a political view is one thing. Allowing it to blind you to reality is another.

Wow! backtonormal you know everything! This is one of the dumbest comments in I have read in TV.

Bunny11kk please be a good chap and explain why my comment is dumb and then tell me who you think fired the gun

I don't know so that I would not be able to say something like what you did. AS SIMPLE AS THAT! This is not the time for blind accusation.

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'STR' are the more violent and thugish elements of the protesters, yesterday they beatup a taxi driver just because he complained about their roadblock, they also killed that police officer by firing bullets behind unarmed, or lightly armed protesters. This assassination of one of their guards is possibly reprisal for some of those things they did recently .. hopefully there isn't more of these tit-for-tat killings as it has been avoided so far but sadly situation seems to be escalating.

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This poisonous climate is not fit for any election, in any country. The election must be postponed. It has been done before. And it is quite clear that this will only continue to escalate, as the deep-seated divisions become more and more intransigent. There needs to be a cooling off period. The country cannot sustain 60 days of this.

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For gawd's sake WHERE did this shooting occur.

(You know ?

Some of us actually live here ;-?

And when you are journaling as a journalist in a journal your job is to stick to reporting WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE?

Attempts by newsmen to explain WHY ? and HOW ? are simple propaganda.

The writer of THIS piece seems to be cruising for a stringer gig.

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

It's so good to know that we are kept well informed by someone with such insight and personal knowledge.

I mean, the Reds would never do that would they?


Considering the current predicament of the PDRC, endless rallys achieving nothing, dwindling support, Sutheps rhetoric and the desperation of his financial backers I feel my comments are not far from the truth.

Only one side has anything to gain from bloodshed.

With men in black keep shooting the protestors, I would be hesitate to go to protest in the future. Yes only one side is gaining form bloodshed.

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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

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'STR' are the more violent and thugish elements of the protesters, yesterday they beatup a taxi driver just because he complained about their roadblock, they also killed that police officer by firing bullets behind unarmed, or lightly armed protesters. This assassination of one of their guards is possibly reprisal for some of those things they did recently .. hopefully there isn't more of these tit-for-tat killings as it has been avoided so far but sadly situation seems to be escalating.

I missed the evidence of the shooting coming from behind the protesters. Where is that again?

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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

What is Thaksin's "true calling"? And how does it stop "Suthep's backers" from continuing to milk the system?

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Well I have received my fourth letter from our Canadian embassy in the past month warning us about all this and telling us that to be in Thailand now is not a good idea.

For once, my embassy might be onto something. Thailand is stronly going down hill once again but I predict that this one could be the big one.

It could be Hello Laos soon for me.

Laos is fine as long as you have zero aspirations to be with a companion. Having a Laotian girlfriend is essentially illegal, frowned upon by society, and very difficult to achieve, according to friends of mine who have lived there. I would not live In a Communist country if you paid me $5000 per month. The only thing I despise more than a dysfunctional democracy ( both Thailand and the US) is communism. Would rather the former. Laos is a great place to visit, but would you truly enjoy living there? It is cheaper, that is for sure. But what about the other standards of living?

Laos is fine as long as you're living in your "Laos is charming" bubble and oblivious to what's going on there.

As for the Embassy....why give them your address in Thailand. I am Canadian, too, but I refuse to sign in, with my address. I usually just put Chiang Mai. Last thing, I want from them, is their opinion, unsolicited, in my mailbox.

I have a few buddies, who have lived in Laos and liked it. One had good connections to a big General. That helped. Otherwise, I know little about Laos, except that the beer is good, when we go across and very cheap :-)

I thought the "Communist Label", went out a long time ago. I used to laugh, when Americans, used to call everybody a communist, they didn't like. Are you sure, you are Canadian? ;-) (just kidding)

Without a Television, Radio, or Internet, I would not even know, about what is going on in Bangkok. We haven't had a single truck with red or yellow supporters, coming through our town, this time and aside from the neighbors being offered 500 Baht each, by the Reds, to go down to Bangkok a few weeks back, I would have heard nothing.

I love my sleepy little town

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Yellows killing yellows to crank it up. Only one side wants bloodshed and the army on the streets. Known tactic of previous yellow demos...toss in some ammo when you are not achieving your goals

It's so good to know that we are kept well informed by someone with such insight and personal knowledge.

I mean, the Reds would never do that would they?


Considering the current predicament of the PDRC, endless rallys achieving nothing, dwindling support, Sutheps rhetoric and the desperation of his financial backers I feel my comments are not far from the truth.

Only one side has anything to gain from bloodshed.

With men in black keep shooting the protestors, I would be hesitate to go to protest in the future. Yes only one side is gaining form bloodshed.

I dont agree with protestors being shot but this is the wild east and by trying to force your way into government building you are risking being met with deadly force at some point. Stop protesting and go form a political party with your millions of supporters and win enough seats to have the balance of power in a coalition government. If you achieve that then you can bring about the reforms you want.

If your 200,000 wants to give ups its vote, that is your right but 30,000,000 at this point want to vote. Its called democracy and if they want to vote in a corrupt politician it is their right.

Edited by backtonormal
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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

What is Thaksin's "true calling"? And how does it stop "Suthep's backers" from continuing to milk the system?

Whybother I credit you with more sense than that.

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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

Oh look. More brilliant behind the scenes information about the evil 'ammarts' without any evidence. clap2.gif

So you believe Suthep is standing up there spewing vitriol without the backing of some of Thailands wealthier people. Thaksin will create his own amart

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One guard killed and three injured in gunfires on Rajadamnern


BANGKOK: -- A guard of the Network of Students and People for the Reform of Thailand (NSPRT) was killed and three other protesters were injured when gunmen in a sedan opened fire with M 16 assault rifle at the guards at Saphan Chamai Maruches before dawn today.

The killed protester who acted as guard for the protesters was identified as Chamriang Jitwatk 31, a resident from Bang Saphan district of Prachuab Khiri Khan.

Other three protesters injured were Saneh Lohasart, Pravit Thongpreng and Surapong Somklaw.

According to Nasser Yima, a chief guard of the NSPRT, the gunmen came in a sedan from Nang Lerng intersection at about 03.00 a.m. When the car arrived near the site of the protest where a group of guards were standing to give protection to other protesters, The men inside slide down the rear windshield window, pointed the gun barrel out and opened fires.

The car then quickly sped off in the direction of Wat Benjamabopit and to Sriayutthaya road and back to Rajadamnern and opened fire for the second round.

The gun attack killed Chamriang and injured three others, one in critical condition. They were admitted to Rajavithi and Ramathibodi hospitals for treatment.

The NSPRT guards later inspected the scene and were able to retrieve a number of spent M16 shell cases. They reported the case to Nang Lerng police station this morning.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-guard-killed-three-injured-gunfires-rajadamnern/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-28

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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

What is Thaksin's "true calling"? And how does it stop "Suthep's backers" from continuing to milk the system?

Whybother I credit you with more sense than that.

Oh ... sorry ... you mean Dictatorship!

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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

Oh look. More brilliant behind the scenes information about the evil 'ammarts' without any evidence. clap2.gif

So you believe Suthep is standing up there spewing vitriol without the backing of some of Thailands wealthier people. Thaksin will create his own amart

I believe it's easy to blame what's happening now on unseen and unnamed bogeymen without having one shred of evidence. It's always the case with you people. When you have nothing constructive to add, just blame the 'ammarts'.

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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

What is Thaksin's "true calling"? And how does it stop "Suthep's backers" from continuing to milk the system?

Whybother I credit you with more sense than that.

Oh ... sorry ... you mean Dictatorship!

Maybe I should not be so generous with my credit in future

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My BS is based on the desperation of Sutheps backers who are on the brink of being pushed out of the trough for ever when Thaksin finds his true calling. If your family had been milking the system of billions for decades and it was all about to disappear how far would you go?

Oh look. More brilliant behind the scenes information about the evil 'ammarts' without any evidence. clap2.gif

So you believe Suthep is standing up there spewing vitriol without the backing of some of Thailands wealthier people. Thaksin will create his own amart

I believe it's easy to blame what's happening now on unseen and unnamed bogeymen without having one shred of evidence. It's always the case with you people. When you have nothing constructive to add, just blame the 'ammarts'.

Your last post implys that you believe that nobody is financing these protest. Please inform me as to how its being funded

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Your last post implys that you believe that nobody is financing these protest. Please inform me as to how its being funded

I didn't imply anything.

You're the one who seems to have secret information about the ammarts and are making up all sorts of stories. Since you're so well informed, why don't YOU inform us and show us proof that the protests are being funded by 'Thailand's wealthier people'?

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