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They need to hire more math teachers.

Haven't you been keeping up teaching all 66,000,000 Thais English is the answer to all their problems. Of course that is the opinion put forth mostly by people who can't and won't learn to speak Thai and also English teachers.

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I think incompetence should be made obvious. Keep in mind, if they are accidentally undercharging, odds are they are overcharging as well.

Should we all just donate the overage to allow the wait-staff and cashier to save face?

Stand on a busy street and point that out to every incompetent driver you see.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by hellodolly
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Mostly I had good experiences when trying to explain I was undercharged.

But one time I had a bad experience. I had a bill of 5 euro left in my pocket and I thought I would change it at SCB for baht. They gave me 4200B.

They had mistaken the bill for a 100Euro bill. I tried to explain them. They looked rather annoyed that I tried to return them many thousands of baht. No thank you ... just nothing (I spoke Thai).

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Xmas [eve] dinner at the newly opened Red Tiger restaurant on Sukhumvit 20. 950THB for 3-courses + 1 glass of wine.

Given the GF and a mate don't drink, I enjoyed theirs, too. We settled the bill, then I ordered another glass...and another... By this time one of the owners was sitting with us, chatting. Having had a Cognac with him (his shout, and I really don't know why I said "yes", I hate the stuff...will I ever learn whistling.gif ) I finally asked for the remaining bill. The staff kept telling me there is no charge and still some left so I should drink the rest before we go. Trying to be discreet, I quietly challenged the staff telling them that the meal-deal only included 1 glass of wine. She (and another by this stage) insisted that it included 3 per head, and I had 4 left to drink. 950THB wonderful 3-course Xmas slap-up meal including 3 glasses of wine! blink.png

Unrelenting, I then had to involve the owner (just imagine if they maintained that same offering for Xmas day's 4/5 sittings...the restaurant would be out of business by New Year!). He went and consulted with the manager and came back to advise staff that it's 1 glass only. He was pleasant with them, and I pleaded he didn't chastise them later as they were very attentive and only doing what they thought was right. Sadly though, I couldn't help but feel one of the staff was giving me daggers (bit of a filthy look, for those that don't know the term) as he had clearly just lost face. Had he kept giving away [2 extra] free glasses of wine to a hundred+ people on Xmas day, I think he would have lost a lot more than face!

In the hope that they have fixed this misunderstanding now, I seriously recommend this restaurant, Great food, great service, and really comfortable ambiance.

Happy New Year!

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Same at a friends bar/hotel he manages we got undercharged every time always thought it was too low, but too drunk to worry about it until one new guy got overcharged so he wanted the girl to recalculate it. I had to translate for him she looked at all the bills and couldn't even add them up correctly with a calculator.

We then realised that our bills probably where all under what they should have been.

Same thing every time after as well.

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Same at a friends bar/hotel he manages we got undercharged every time always thought it was too low, but too drunk to worry about it until one new guy got overcharged so he wanted the girl to recalculate it. I had to translate for him she looked at all the bills and couldn't even add them up correctly with a calculator.

We then realised that our bills probably where all under what they should have been.

Same thing every time after as well.

555, n most Thais are pretty sharp when it comes to money...if it's theirs, of course.

You might like this. Playing Monopoly with the GF (of 5 years) last night. Her first time, she was loving it when I was getting taxed almost every time I passed go, sent to jail, n done for drink driving...funny tho, when she started landing on [my] Mayfair n Park Lane (with houses), she got all grumpy. Ah, you gotta love 'em!

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On the other side of the coin, I don't know why we only have to keep an eye on the Thai cafes and restaurants, have you ever noticed that even if you buy Thai food in a Farang type restaurant, (ie. 'the George', owned by a farang by Thai wife) it's a lot more than in a Thai one. Same food, but pricier....did i think that aloud?

Yes, and clothing shops, too.

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Mostly I had good experiences when trying to explain I was undercharged.

But one time I had a bad experience. I had a bill of 5 euro left in my pocket and I thought I would change it at SCB for baht. They gave me 4200B.

They had mistaken the bill for a 100Euro bill. I tried to explain them. They looked rather annoyed that I tried to return them many thousands of baht. No thank you ... just nothing (I spoke Thai).

Is the baht so low already??


I got check the up-to-date rate right now......

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