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Suthep threatens to seize Yingluck’s assets‏


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Either the writer wrote a completely flawed article, or the protest leader is clearly losing quite a bit of it. Again, I reiterate I am not a supporter of either camp. And we already know the foot-in-mouth disease and silliness afflicting the Reds, so let's not go there. But Suthep... he is clearly beginning to sound like a serious lunatic to me, if he isn't already one. At least to an outsider like me.

I mean, how in hell is he going to, and who is he, to seize the assets of Ms Yingluck? By the power of Greyskull?

Secondly, I thought Khun Suthep already announced some form of victory before the New Year? How many more victories will there be?

Thirdly, how is Suthep going to show Khun Surapong 'hell on earth'? I hope he does it via 'peaceful means', if hell could be peaceful, to start with.

Fourthly, how is the shutdown going to paralyse the government while businesses will be 'least affected'? There is already an effect now, before the shutdown.

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dear Suthep, for 30 years you have been involved into the thai political system .... and you have never said a single word about something bad happening....

today, suddenly you are waking up telling that everything is bad and corrupted; solution : shut down in Bangkok! wow ! what a great leader!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Try to do that in Belgium:

No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

When will someone jail thet Suthep????

Too scared of something?

Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

Lets call a spade a spade. Do you think the people who are backing Suthep are basically untouchable and this is why he is not being arrested. Lets start three threads...1.. Who is paying for this.......2. Can we please have a list of his reforms in English to debate ...and... 3. Suthep said previously he knew 300 members of his reform committee, well name them and lets see if they are corruption free.

Until we debate the nitty gritty, which the PDRC, will not allow us to do then we can not pull this sham, mockery to pieces and expose it for what it is...A power grab

Try telling that to Animatic.

He's of the opinion that ...boiler room....etc

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there is a dangerous,small anti falang minority to this,who want a Kampuchea style solution all falang expelled all foriegn buisness expelled,but i think most thais are a little smarter than that and do not want to be naked and grubbing for roots,to exist if all the falangs were gone,no pun intended of course.

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It's like watching an argument between 4 year olds...

you might be right when rethoric is concerned, but remember....4 year old have the abillity to stop fighting when it starts to hurt.

They just start to enjoy the ballroom blitz when it becomes violent.

Its a Thai reality show.

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Suthep has been indicted for murder and has been charged with insurrection and other crimes, and now he threatens (again) the legitimately elected Prime Minister if he doesn't get his way. And he has the gall to call the Prime Minister arrogant. When are the fine citizens of Thailand going to realize that this man is bad for Thailand in so many ways, both in the present and in the future. There's only one place he belongs right now - and that's on the other side of prison bars looking out.

Politically motivated charges.

5.8 million people will tell you that Suthep is almost like God.

Wow, you certainly don't disappoint. Perhaps you make a valid point that may proffer an interesting explanation. Some people are so completely doltish and directionless that anything smarter, albeit still with in the trisomy 21 range, can be viewed as God-like. 5.8 million people, however, falling within such a category is not a good sign for poor Thailand.

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

The aim is to get rid of the Shin Regime of which she is a part. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS INTO SOMETHING IT IS NOT. Your constant hyperbole is extremely annoying and misleading. FACTS please.

It is in fact annoying and misleading hyperbole to refer to the "Shin Regime".It is not a regime.It is the democratically elected government of Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I can't remember the issue of BK Post it was quoted in, or the word for word quote, although I'm sure someone on here has it, but Suthep was quoted as saying: (paraphrased) "I don't respect farang. We don't need them." This was in response to a question posed to him about having foreign observers for the elections. In other words, if you're not Thai, you ain't <deleted> and are of an inferior genetic race.

Or that it is no other countries business to be observing a third sovereign nations election - a fair point, albeit not one that suggests alternative approaches for securing the legitamacy of the process.

I don't buy that this comment indicates hatred of foreigners, to me it states the opinion that it is not the business of foreigners to be dictating to Thais how they run their country. I doubt that suggesting that foreign observers would be beneficial to British or US elections would go down especially well with media, politicians or the populace in the UK or US either.

Edit: I was also reported the other day that when protesters were at Yingluck's house, they were shouting - "Yingluck get out! Farang get out, too."

Reported where? I can't find any reference to this anywhere aside from in the post you made so I wonder which media organisation reported it?


I can find many references to "yingluck get out" including numerous references in foreign media, however adding "farang" or "foreigner" to that query offers no results indicating that additional chant occurring, which seems odd, if it happened and was reported.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

The aim is to get rid of the Shin Regime of which she is a part. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS INTO SOMETHING IT IS NOT. Your constant hyperbole is extremely annoying and misleading. FACTS please.

It is in fact annoying and misleading hyperbole to refer to the "Shin Regime".It is not a regime.It is the democratically elected government of Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

.It is the democratically elected government of Thailand. Such a pity it is run as an autocracy. Somebody should do something about that.

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

They were seized. Have you forgotten the 2006 coup and the 46 billion baht the court took? He's probably actually a net beneficiary because I doubt he made anywhere near that from stealing from the state. Policy corruption? Well, it's arguable. His companies benefitted from his time as PM but so did others in the same industry. In fact I believe DTAC and Truemove actually did better than AIS during his last years in office. There were the loans, of course, which benefited him, but was that really a loss to the state in the end?

Direct stealing though? Hmm... And you know the CTX scanner thing was probably the stand-out example I can remember. People involved made 600 million on that. His sister and wife were obviously heavily involved in the airport. But it's all very carefully layered. Too many people involved. Not enough evidence for the court to move on the scanners. In fact, all the cases against him were difficult to prove when it came down to it. That's why they got him on the nonsense land charge.

Changing the law to avoid tax was what turned a lot of people against him, of course. The final straw. Lot of things he did wrong, but people exaggerate out of all proportion. Newin was involved in several of these cases, wasn't he? Wonder what happened to his rubber sapling case when he was in govt with Abhisit in 09... (of course, there may not have been enough evidence there either but those who are cynical about the justice system would no doubt make insinuations).

They got TS on the land charge for the same reason they got Al Capone on tax evason, because it was a slam dunk to prove. Start with the easy ones.

TS's defence was not that they (him+wife) did not do it, but that it was not illegal. The court rejected this specious argument. It is questionable whether the amount of wealth confiscated was proportional to the crime, but not whether he did it. The 2 year sentence which he will never serve was not in any way too light for the blatant abuse of position for personal gain.

There are 6-7 other cases prepared and ready to go should TS ever set foot in Thailand again. However ...

Has it never occurred to ou why YS and PTP are so busy trying to eliminate the court that has juristiction over these matters? Iknow it is not high on the list of news items, but eliminating the court charged with prosecuting TS for his vast list of misdeeds is and has always been very high on the PTP agenda.

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More hypocrisy from this odious little man: he changes his story to suit the audience. In the last interview with foreign media he said directly that he has no intention of exiling her in the (extremely unlikely) event he steals power

Of course he is very familiar with asset seizure and redistrbution....this is the man who gave land meant for ordinary farmers to his wealthy friends. Rotten to the core

My friend you have forgot you beloved ones in government--their pillaging ??? this is why all this is happening---Suthep is another story that will have to be dealt with later-----He is only a cleaner, when the carpets clean and Thailand has it's money back he can GO


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So will it be paid leave? You better check they may just stay home and laugh at you for giving them off.

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

You seem to have little idea about how strongly many Thais feel in support of Suthep. The Bkk protestors are doing so without payment and in fact are contributing money and food to the protest.

The same contributions could not be asked of red shirt "supporters".

Where is your proof of that statement? I am SO of people saying that red shirts get paid to protest and get paid to vote.

Let's not forget that Democrats were disqualified in the 2009 elections for VOTE BUYING. And the Democrats largest ally party, the Bhumjaithai Party, got disqualified in the 2011 election for VOTE BUYING. The -ENTIRE- freaking party.

a: The evidence is overwhelming, much of it on fllm and widely reported by both local and foreign media.

b: With respect to the truth of a: what someone else did (good, bad or indifferent) is about as relevant as the colour of your turd.

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Seizing Yingluck​'​s assets? Under what pretense? This is going too far. If this is a case of corruption then sorry to say the people should seize Suthep's assets, Chalerm's, Banharn's, and about 99% of the other politicians'!

Under the same pretense that Tarit is going to seize the assets of anyone that contributes to Sutheps perfectly legal protest. Talk about the need for reform, the very first reform should be the firing of Tarit. The country can not afford to have a leader of the DSI who is so biased. Stop blowing that whistle or i'll arrest you, what a dolt.

'Tarit is going to seize the assets of anyone that contributes to Sutheps perfectly legal protest' FREEZE, not seize. There's a big difference. Red shirt backers also had their back accounts frozen in 2010. And occupying government buildings is not legal, neither is cutting electricity etc to people's private residences.

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So will it be paid leave? You better check they may just stay home and laugh at you for giving them off.

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

You seem to have little idea about how strongly many Thais feel in support of Suthep. The Bkk protestors are doing so without payment and in fact are contributing money and food to the protest.

The same contributions could not be asked of red shirt "supporters".

Where is your proof of that statement? I am SO of people saying that red shirts get paid to protest and get paid to vote.

Let's not forget that Democrats were disqualified in the 2009 elections for VOTE BUYING. And the Democrats largest ally party, the Bhumjaithai Party, got disqualified in the 2011 election for VOTE BUYING. The -ENTIRE- freaking party.

a: The evidence is overwhelming, much of it on fllm and widely reported by both local and foreign media.

b: With respect to the truth of a: what someone else did (good, bad or indifferent) is about as relevant as the colour of your turd.

Of course it's relevant if the other party who you're supporting has done the same as the one you're criticizing (though not sure what jackrich is talking about regarding 2009 elections and 2011 elections? PJT weren't disqualified in 2011. maybe in individual cases...)

This is worth a look:

'Prachatai talks to Ichal Supriadi, the executive director of the Asian Network for Free Election (ANFREL), who has for over seven years observed elections in Asian countries, from Afghanistan to Papua, including the past three elections in Thailand, on elections and their implication for the country’s disrupted democracy.'


'You cannot throw around corruption charges. Bring the evidence. I think if everybody can bring the evidence, the EC would be happy to give yellow or red cards. They cannot make accusations just based on what they feel. In every country if there’s a case, you have to obtain two things - evidence and witnesses. Sometimes you don’t need witnesses. A video is enough. Nobody can survive if they have a very strong video.

And in fact Thailand has the strongest electoral justice system. Why? Because Thailand, alone among the countries in Asia, can punish people with yellow and red cards and even ban a political party. In my country, there are almost zero cases. Since 1999 until now, it’s still hard to punish people because of electoral fraud. This means Thailand has the strongest electoral justice impact.'

So DrDweeb, if you have this evidence, 'much of it on film', feel free to send it to the ECT. They'll happily disqualify that MP and ban the whole party if he turns out to be an executive. It's probably too late to send them evidence from the last election now. You should've done it before.

But should you obtain solid evidence of voting fraud during the coming election, you have up until the next election to submit your evidence to the ECT and get the guilty MP banned. Cameras ready, prepare to flash.

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My interpretation of his speech is that

The Thai People would take her assets and put them to good use replacing the stolen billions from the Thai people

Please show me where in his speech where he made it clear he was to get the assets

I many countries now it is common place for courts to remove the assets of criminals

What are her criminal convictions?

None. But I would start with contempt of parliament.

Her statements in parliaent (on those rare occasions where she has answered her interlocutors, has been shall we say, "devoid of truth"?

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The Team Thaksin PR boys in their boiler rooms are working over time to diminish or disguise the western perceptions

of what this really is all about. I guess they try it here because enough of the alternative western press

checks in for back story info, they figure it's worth the drakmar to pay for attempting to dilute reality to their point of view.

The last two pages have been dripping with propaganda, caged to look like regular blokes saying their piece.

Perception Management at it's finest. Too bad those paying the tab are the main cause of the need

to twist reality to fit their narrative. And that narrative is not the one the great mass of people have been choosing,

no matter how grossly rigged their last elections have been.

It really would be hard to believe so many apparently well spoken english writers here are also so grossly out of touch.

I normally ignore your posts, but this one really does hit your own thumb before the nail..................

Any throbbing sensation ??

Are you suggesting TV is free from astroturfing?

If so, I would characterize that as an amazingly naïve assertion.

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

The aim is to get rid of the Shin Regime of which she is a part. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS INTO SOMETHING IT IS NOT. Your constant hyperbole is extremely annoying and misleading. FACTS please.

It is in fact annoying and misleading hyperbole to refer to the "Shin Regime".It is not a regime.It is the democratically elected government of Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That's funny - really!

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The Team Thaksin PR boys in their boiler rooms are working over time to diminish or disguise the western perceptions

of what this really is all about. I guess they try it here because enough of the alternative western press

checks in for back story info, they figure it's worth the drakmar to pay for attempting to dilute reality to their point of view.

The last two pages have been dripping with propaganda, caged to look like regular blokes saying their piece.

Perception Management at it's finest. Too bad those paying the tab are the main cause of the need

to twist reality to fit their narrative. And that narrative is not the one the great mass of people have been choosing,

no matter how grossly rigged their last elections have been.

It really would be hard to believe so many apparently well spoken english writers here are also so grossly out of touch.

I normally ignore your posts, but this one really does hit your own thumb before the nail..................

Any throbbing sensation ??

Are you suggesting TV is free from astroturfing?

If so, I would characterize that as an amazingly naïve assertion.

I would suggest it's also astonishingly naive to believe everything is part of a conspiracy. But the conspiratorial mode of political thought seems to be inexorably on the rise thanks to the internet echo chamber effect. Thankfully Thaivisa is somewhere where all sides of the argument can be presented. However, most conspiracy theorists work by excluding any information that doesn't fit the version of truth they're determined to believe. Go on a conspiracy forum (not that I ever have, but I've broswed the davidicke forum etc) and present an 'alternative' view to their narrative and you'll be accused of being a paid shill. That's the only way they can deal with the fact that the world might not be as black and white as they think it is. And it seems you're only in any given bar 5 minutes these days before someone comes over and starts going on about the 'globalists', lol...

Incidentally, it's been noted that there have been quite a few new posters that seem to be pro-govt. Yet I've noticed there are far more newish posters with a low post count that are anti-govt. Yet I didn't suspect for one second that this might be 'astrosurfing' or an attempt to shape opinion. Don't you think the simpler explanation might be that more people are interested in Thai politics in times of crisis, and want to join in the debate? Of course, the simple explanation doesn't really wash with conspiracists. They need to believe everything is part of an elaborate plot.

Edited by Emptyset
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The Team Thaksin PR boys in their boiler rooms are working over time to diminish or disguise the western perceptions

of what this really is all about. I guess they try it here because enough of the alternative western press

checks in for back story info, they figure it's worth the drakmar to pay for attempting to dilute reality to their point of view.

The last two pages have been dripping with propaganda, caged to look like regular blokes saying their piece.

Perception Management at it's finest. Too bad those paying the tab are the main cause of the need

to twist reality to fit their narrative. And that narrative is not the one the great mass of people have been choosing,

no matter how grossly rigged their last elections have been.

It really would be hard to believe so many apparently well spoken english writers here are also so grossly out of touch.

I normally ignore your posts, but this one really does hit your own thumb before the nail..................

Any throbbing sensation ??

Are you suggesting TV is free from astroturfing?

If so, I would characterize that as an amazingly naïve assertion.

I would suggest it's also astonishingly naive to believe everything is part of a conspiracy. But the conspiratorial mode of political thought seems to be inexorably on the rise thanks to the internet echo chamber effect. Thankfully Thaivisa is somewhere where all sides of the argument can be presented. However, most conspiracy theorists work by excluding any information that doesn't fit the version of truth they're determined to believe. Go on a conspiracy forum (not that I ever have, but I've broswed the davidicke forum etc) and present an 'alternative' view to their narrative and you'll be accused of being a paid shill. That's the only way they can deal with the fact that the world might not be as black and white as they think it is. And it seems you're only in any given bar 5 minutes these days before someone comes over and starts going on about the 'globalists', lol...

Incidentally, it's been noted that there have been quite a few new posters that seem to be pro-govt. Yet I've noticed there are far more newish posters with a low post count that are anti-govt. Yet I didn't suspect for one second that this might be 'astrosurfing' or an attempt to shape opinion. Don't you think the simpler explanation might be that more people are interested in Thai politics in times of crisis, and want to join in the debate? Of course, the simple explanation doesn't really wash with conspiracists. They need to believe everything is part of an elaborate plot.

Yep... That good ole "Conformation Bias" is indeed alive and well here.

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

They were seized. Have you forgotten the 2006 coup and the 46 billion baht the court took? He's probably actually a net beneficiary because I doubt he made anywhere near that from stealing from the state. Policy corruption? Well, it's arguable. His companies benefitted from his time as PM but so did others in the same industry. In fact I believe DTAC and Truemove actually did better than AIS during his last years in office. There were the loans, of course, which benefited him, but was that really a loss to the state in the end?

Direct stealing though? Hmm... And you know the CTX scanner thing was probably the stand-out example I can remember. People involved made 600 million on that. His sister and wife were obviously heavily involved in the airport. But it's all very carefully layered. Too many people involved. Not enough evidence for the court to move on the scanners. In fact, all the cases against him were difficult to prove when it came down to it. That's why they got him on the nonsense land charge.

Changing the law to avoid tax was what turned a lot of people against him, of course. The final straw. Lot of things he did wrong, but people exaggerate out of all proportion. Newin was involved in several of these cases, wasn't he? Wonder what happened to his rubber sapling case when he was in govt with Abhisit in 09... (of course, there may not have been enough evidence there either but those who are cynical about the justice system would no doubt make insinuations).

They got TS on the land charge for the same reason they got Al Capone on tax evason, because it was a slam dunk to prove. Start with the easy ones.

TS's defence was not that they (him+wife) did not do it, but that it was not illegal. The court rejected this specious argument. It is questionable whether the amount of wealth confiscated was proportional to the crime, but not whether he did it. The 2 year sentence which he will never serve was not in any way too light for the blatant abuse of position for personal gain.

There are 6-7 other cases prepared and ready to go should TS ever set foot in Thailand again. However ...

Has it never occurred to ou why YS and PTP are so busy trying to eliminate the court that has juristiction over these matters? Iknow it is not high on the list of news items, but eliminating the court charged with prosecuting TS for his vast list of misdeeds is and has always been very high on the PTP agenda.

Yes it was easy to prove he'd done it, rather more dubious whether what he'd done was actually wrong. Here's a detailed blog on it: http://slimdogsworld.blogspot.co.uk/ - read it and perhaps you'll see why I described it as a 'nonsense charge'.

The other cases are a threat but probably won't go very far. If they'd figured them provable they would've been done and dusted in 06/7 I reckon. I might be wrong, I haven't really looked too closely at the details of the individual cases. The wealth confiscated had nothing to do with his land charge btw. That was mainly based on whether he'd used office to benefit his businesses. And it is arguable if you look at the details - not that I particularly care that they took his money. Hard to pity the billionaire. And I didn't realize that Yingluck and PT were trying to eliminate the Supreme Court.

I mean, I don't even like the guy. I'd agree he's greedy, power hungry and insincere. But I see his corruption as a relatively minor issue in the scheme of things and many others, including Suthep, would surely also be subjected to prosecution on corruption charges if the system were fair. I'd rather see the focus be on human rights and democracy. And Thaksin and many others (from all sides) should be investigated and prosecuted for involvement in extrajudicial murders & other abuses of state. Maybe in a less polarized society in future, impartial investigations of such gross HR abuses will be possible.

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I can tell only one thing, if Suthep gets on power the days of expats and foreigners are countable, this guy wants to install a regime like Pol Pot in the seventies in Cambodia, be aware and with every bottle/can of Singha, Leo Beer ans so on you are promoting him because these guys support him!

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I can tell only one thing, if Suthep gets on power the days of expats and foreigners are countable, this guy wants to install a regime like Pol Pot in the seventies in Cambodia, be aware and with every bottle/can of Singha, Leo Beer ans so on you are promoting him because these guys support him!

Supthep has no real political future in Thailand after this is over. Comparisons with Pol Pot are simply absurd, and your remark about the mass deportation of expats borders on paranoia.

Relax, and take a deep breath. Have a cold Leo on me and let it all go.

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Suthep threatens to seize Yingluck’s assets

Every male in Thailand's been dreaming about it, finally someone admits it publicly.

Yes - I must admit I wouldn't mind seizing her assets.

She is presentable and reasonably pretty I'll give you that, but she is also a middle aged woman and a mother. Nothing wrong with that but the way some of you guys speak, could be forgiven for thinking her some sort of young sexy vixen straight from the pages of FHM. Every male fantasizes about her?! Don't think so. Horny males in their late fifties, sixties, in sex rationed marriages, perhaps they do?

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The Team Thaksin PR boys in their boiler rooms are working over time to diminish or disguise the western perceptions

of what this really is all about. I guess they try it here because enough of the alternative western press

checks in for back story info, they figure it's worth the drakmar to pay for attempting to dilute reality to their point of view.

The last two pages have been dripping with propaganda, caged to look like regular blokes saying their piece.

Perception Management at it's finest. Too bad those paying the tab are the main cause of the need

to twist reality to fit their narrative. And that narrative is not the one the great mass of people have been choosing,

no matter how grossly rigged their last elections have been.

It really would be hard to believe so many apparently well spoken english writers here are also so grossly out of touch.

"The Team Thaksin PR boys in their boiler rooms are working over time to diminish or disguise the western perceptions

of what this really is all about. I guess they try it here because enough of the alternative western press

checks in for back story info, they figure it's worth the drakmar to pay for attempting to dilute reality to their point of view.

The last two pages have been dripping with propaganda, caged to look like regular blokes saying their piece."

Look,animatic, If you're accusing people of being paid to post on this forum, come right out and say it - but you better have proof if you intend anybody to take you seriously.

In the meantime, I'll lump you in with the rest of the bitters who are so hell bent on hating anything Thaksin that they will adopt any cause, even if it means backing suthep and his ill considered attempt at overthrowing democracy.

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