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Traditional/religious Plants

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Hi Fellow Gardeners,

We are looking at building a house around Singburi Province and I am looking at plants for our garden. I have been informed that in Thai tradition you should plant particular trees in certain areas of your garden. For example Jackfruit tree at the back of the house and a sour gooseberry tree at the front of the house?

Just wondered if anyone had these type of information or know a website that might have this information. I understand that there are many small nursery upcountry, but as my Thai is very limited, pictures of the plants would be of great assistance.

Happy Gardening!!! :o

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Find out from an old lady in the neighborhood. I think alot of these old beliefs are no longer generally practiced. My mother-in-law might know this stuff, but certainly doesn't follow any of it.

Also, I wouldn't say these plants have a "religious" aspect, but rather traditional cultural/superstitious aspect.

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Find out from an old lady in the neighborhood. I think alot of these old beliefs are no longer generally practiced. My mother-in-law might know this stuff, but certainly doesn't follow any of it.

Also, I wouldn't say these plants have a "religious" aspect, but rather traditional cultural/superstitious aspect.

I agree that these plants are more so superstitous and traditional. The area where we are think of residing has a lot of the older generation. We were wanting to plant a fraginpani near the house, but alot of the elderly were very opininated about it.

Just thought that there might be someone out there who understands the traditional "laws" of gardening.

Thanks for the tips and the weblink. Brownstone.

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Well, tell them that the King has renamed the plant and it is now a lucky plant to plant around the house.

that said, my mother-in-law is 68 and has no problems with the numerous frangipani trees growing around my house.

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