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Detectives beaten by PCAD protesters, Police say


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Perhaps a bit of karmic payback....... Given all the beatings the police have handed out,

hard to feel sorry for a couple of policemen being roughed up...

Deplorable Eyeswideshut! So in the meantime, I really hope you never need a helping hand from the RTP or any of its affiliates as karma may come back and bite you where it hurts. We are all people you know with loved ones, sounds like someone has an issue with authority to me.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have.....

1. Personally witnessed one of the executions of the 2700 people, killer was clearly a policeman.

2. Spoke with a CIA operative who informed me that almost all contract killings are done by off duty police.

3. Been shaken down countless times by roadside police for money. No need for a pretense

of me doing something wrong, they just demand money.

4. Read many stories of the Thai police gone wrong. From drug running, to kidnapping that

Italian tourist, to shooting tourists, the stories are endless.

So yeah, basically my contempt for the Thai police knows no bounds. I have no problem with

authority, just dislike being under the thumb of corrupt bozos with guns. And if I needed a helping hand,

I would not even think of calling the police.....Always amusing to read of people's shock who are victims

of crime, when they learn they have to pay the police to fill out a out a crime report.

And on a side note, if karma really exists, then there are a hell of a lot of Thai police who have a lot more

to worry about regarding karmic justice than me. :-)

A bit too general there m8, thats like saying all US soldiers shoot civilians. Yes a lot are corrupt but at a salary of about 15k and less for a trainee its hardly surprising.

To say all police are bad is just wrong, suggest you get to know some they are just people like anyone else and some are great to hang out with.

As for your CIA friend he is just plain wrong, contract killings are done a lot by, the army and the local mafia, as well as the police. Most of all a lot of contracts get taken on by professional hit men, especially the high profile ones, the police wont touch those.

I could go into the 2700 deaths on the drug crackdown and the police but in brief the vast majority killed were involved in the drug running and production business, it is of course true some innocents were killed but it did put a stop to the major drug problem Thailand had back then and wiped out the golden triangle cartels. The police were used in the main for this on the Thailand side not only because of taksins police background but also because the army were involved in a lot of the drug trade and couldnt be trusted as they have a vested interest. The over the border snatch, grab and assassination raids into Laos and Myanmar were done by a different group, separate from the forces but not police either. Ask your friend if hes real he should easily be able to confirm it.

We all get shaken down it should be no big deal if handled properly, there are a lot of police in this country and some do go rouge no doubt about it and others do protection rackets and a lot more besides. The drug running is mainly done by the army tho ;)

Sorry for the police getting beaten up for simply being somewhere, the truth is the mob are just thugs no less and they could have just ejected the guys instead of beating them, as usual two wrongs do not make it right.

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Perhaps a bit of karmic payback....... Given all the beatings the police have handed out,

hard to feel sorry for a couple of policemen being roughed up...

Disgraceful comment. Some might be crooked but the vast majority are pretty ok and ordinary guys. They are the ones in the front line, ie between YOU , ME and the loonies

Can you define vast majority? Like PTP win of 47%, but more since you put "vast"? The only honest cops are the ones that resign being a cop. And I know many of them and they don't want any part of it? Yet another reason for reform.

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Perhaps a bit of karmic payback....... Given all the beatings the police have handed out,

hard to feel sorry for a couple of policemen being roughed up...

Disgraceful comment. Some might be crooked but the vast majority are pretty ok and ordinary guys. They are the ones in the front line, ie between YOU , ME and the loonies

Can you define vast majority? Like PTP win of 47%, but more since you put "vast"? The only honest cops are the ones that resign being a cop. And I know many of them and they don't want any part of it? Yet another reason for reform.

Given that a very high % of Thais are happily dishonest on a daily basis dont pay tax, dont declare a business or job and happily take back handers when offered id say its the pot calling black.

yet again the Thai logic all wearing a certain shirt or colour are all bad and the moment they change it they must be ok and good... pathetic

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Perhaps a bit of karmic payback....... Given all the beatings the police have handed out,

hard to feel sorry for a couple of policemen being roughed up...

Disgraceful comment. Some might be crooked but the vast majority are pretty ok and ordinary guys. They are the ones in the front line, ie between YOU , ME and the loonies

Can you define vast majority? Like PTP win of 47%, but more since you put "vast"? The only honest cops are the ones that resign being a cop. And I know many of them and they don't want any part of it? Yet another reason for reform.

Given that a very high % of Thais are happily dishonest on a daily basis dont pay tax, dont declare a business or job and happily take back handers when offered id say its the pot calling black.

yet again the Thai logic all wearing a certain shirt or colour are all bad and the moment they change it they must be ok and good... pathetic

Sorry, I don't get your point here? Didn't I ask you to define vast majority of good cops are. That's all I ask and you went off topic. Now that's truly pathetic.

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Can you define vast majority? Like PTP win of 47%, but more since you put "vast"? The only honest cops are the ones that resign being a cop. And I know many of them and they don't want any part of it? Yet another reason for reform.

Given that a very high % of Thais are happily dishonest on a daily basis dont pay tax, dont declare a business or job and happily take back handers when offered id say its the pot calling black.

yet again the Thai logic all wearing a certain shirt or colour are all bad and the moment they change it they must be ok and good... pathetic

Sorry, I don't get your point here? Didn't I ask you to define vast majority of good cops are. That's all I ask and you went off topic. Now that's truly pathetic.

Given that we are in a country that is endemically dishonest and given you seem to think the only honest cop is one that isnt there is no point even answering your question, you also have the same blinkered opinion of certain colours being all good or all bad.

when you grow up you will learn there is no such thing as black and white.

Edited by englishoak
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I wonder if the poor fella has managed to scramble out of that big hole yet?

OK, let's discount Tak Bai and the illegal coup from 2012.

That still leaves the 2,500 extra-judicial killings that he ORDERED in 2003 to the provincial authority chiefs to fill a specified number quota of murders of drug related criminals, otherwise they would face dismissal or demotion!!

It's a shame that more than half of those he murdered were innocent civilians.

Don't believe me?? then check it out on Wikipedia!!!

It's wrong. The true figure is closer to 1300. Not that that excuses it.

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Well until further evidence surfaces I simply do not believe it. The last 'alleged' cop beatings were a set-up and then of course we have the guys (police) who were filmed putting on casfake to then be positioned as 'injured' policemen, which in itself should be a jail-able offence. Amazing how such a thing happened at the protest site yet not one of the thousands of people in close proximity with a smart phone got the video or the photo's. If I am wrong then it's a case of the boy who cried wolf, the police had a chance and lied through the teeth to fabricate injury at the hands of the protestors, as a result, In a word...tough!

What beating was the 'set up'? This one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/688278-policeman-mobbed-severely-injured-by-anti-govt-protesters/ ... ? You mean he provoked them into being deliberately beaten? Anyway there were others beaten since then during the Thai-Japanese Stadium incident.

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Police agencies all over the world use undercover officers and it is a common type of operation for police agencies. I have never heard of any justification for assaulting a policeman, in uniform or in plain clothes.

You right, in most western countries that is how police work, but here in Thailand police shoot at protesters, from roofs as man in black or from behind police lines who fire gas canisters in a crowd. This make that the police lost the trust and respect. Shooting with life bullets on unarmed protesters is not what I call " to protect and serve".

Yeah except there's no evidence that police have ever shot people from tops of buildings dressed in black. I'm sure they were shooting at people at Thai-Japanese Stadium, but only after protesters had shot and killed one of them first. Maybe argued in 2010 that the military were justified in using live rounds - even though there are many witnesses who saw them shooting wildly into crowds when no militants were present - so can you criticize the police for Thai-Japanese Stadium? Of course, if you criticized the military in 2010, fair enough. A policeman being shot earlier doesn't necessarily justify them shooting live rounds back and killing a protester. Especially if the guy they killed was unarmed.

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As a onlooker to the amount of help/consern the RTP, as a norm, displayed for accident, domestic abuse, harasstment victums, I will concede that laughter may be somewhat out of line, now a chuckle may be more acceptable, all around.

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Who cares? They shouldn't have been spying on people - if someone was snooping around your house would you like it!!!

Let them play their childish games, just act a bit more professionally next time!!

Knowing the intelligence of the Thai constabulary they were probably dressed in uniform and going around taking pictures and making notes!!

Christ... They are POLICE! You know right? They have not only the right, but also the duty to investigate to prevent crimes or whatever.

Ok, I understand, not much to discuss here... Thanks for your opinion. I know you better now wink.png

They are not police!! they are people that like to dress up in uniforms in order to extort money from as many sources as possible!!!

Don't say to me - prove it!!

Oh well, if that's respect you have for them, you can go to tell them in their face. I am sure they will be glad to explain you one thing or two...

-end of debate-

Respect is something you must earn not something that comes with the uniform.



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Are you trying to tell me that you didn't know that Thaksin Shinawatra was in the Royal Thai Police at one time before he jumped over the fence to join the criminal fraternity!!!

Don't know much about Thailand, do you!!!!

I don't think there is any fence to jump from the police to the criminal fraternity. A line in the sand ... maybe.

If you see how many police is caught with drugs, illegal bars, karaoke, extortion, shootings and kidnapping I think there is no line at all. Criminal activities is a standard side job from the most police.

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Police agencies all over the world use undercover officers and it is a common type of operation for police agencies. I have never heard of any justification for assaulting a policeman, in uniform or in plain clothes.

You right, in most western countries that is how police work, but here in Thailand police shoot at protesters, from roofs as man in black or from behind police lines who fire gas canisters in a crowd. This make that the police lost the trust and respect. Shooting with life bullets on unarmed protesters is not what I call " to protect and serve".

Yeah except there's no evidence that police have ever shot people from tops of buildings dressed in black. I'm sure they were shooting at people at Thai-Japanese Stadium, but only after protesters had shot and killed one of them first. Maybe argued in 2010 that the military were justified in using live rounds - even though there are many witnesses who saw them shooting wildly into crowds when no militants were present - so can you criticize the police for Thai-Japanese Stadium? Of course, if you criticized the military in 2010, fair enough. A policeman being shot earlier doesn't necessarily justify them shooting live rounds back and killing a protester. Especially if the guy they killed was unarmed.

The head of police admitted that the man in black are a part of the police and also that the bullet that killed the policeman came from behind the police line. From what I understand and see is that the Army is mostly involved in humanitarian activities and can't be compared with the situation from 2010, on this moment.

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Police agencies all over the world use undercover officers and it is a common type of operation for police agencies. I have never heard of any justification for assaulting a policeman, in uniform or in plain clothes.

You right, in most western countries that is how police work, but here in Thailand police shoot at protesters, from roofs as man in black or from behind police lines who fire gas canisters in a crowd. This make that the police lost the trust and respect. Shooting with life bullets on unarmed protesters is not what I call " to protect and serve".

Yeah except there's no evidence that police have ever shot people from tops of buildings dressed in black. I'm sure they were shooting at people at Thai-Japanese Stadium, but only after protesters had shot and killed one of them first. Maybe argued in 2010 that the military were justified in using live rounds - even though there are many witnesses who saw them shooting wildly into crowds when no militants were present - so can you criticize the police for Thai-Japanese Stadium? Of course, if you criticized the military in 2010, fair enough. A policeman being shot earlier doesn't necessarily justify them shooting live rounds back and killing a protester. Especially if the guy they killed was unarmed.

The head of police admitted that the man in black are a part of the police and also that the bullet that killed the policeman came from behind the police line. From what I understand and see is that the Army is mostly involved in humanitarian activities and can't be compared with the situation from 2010, on this moment.

No, he said that the people who were thought to be men in black snipers on top of the Labour Ministry were actually just riot police and that the bullet came from the direction of protesters at Gate 3 of the Stadium. That's what the evidence supports too. As for the military, yep, seems that way at the moment.

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Who cares? They shouldn't have been spying on people - if someone was snooping around your house would you like it!!!

Let them play their childish games, just act a bit more professionally next time!!

Knowing the intelligence of the Thai constabulary they were probably dressed in uniform and going around taking pictures and making notes!!

Christ... They are POLICE! You know right? They have not only the right, but also the duty to investigate to prevent crimes or whatever.

Ok, I understand, not much to discuss here... Thanks for your opinion. I know you better now wink.png

They are not police!! they are people that like to dress up in uniforms in order to extort money from as many sources as possible!!!

Don't say to me - prove it!!

Oh well, if that's respect you have for them, you can go to tell them in their face. I am sure they will be glad to explain you one thing or two...

-end of debate-

Hahaha I did that one time. Roadside pull over for standard extortion of 300 baht. Refused to pay, and did not speak a word of Thai to anyone. I was ushered into the office of the ranking policeman, who then proceeded to tell my Thai girlfriend in Thai that I was a bad farang, and that I had a dog mouth. That was enough for me. I stood up, and told him in Thai that he was nothing more than the mafia, and that all the Thai people hated them because of their theft from the common Thai person. His face turned bright red, the police standing next to him had their jaws hanging down, and then he started throwing things from his desk.

My girlfriend quietly said it was time for me to leave, and that she would take care of it. She paid the 300 baht and we left. So is that confrontational enough for you ??? One of the many many reasons why I dislike the Thai police.

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Christ... They are POLICE! You know right? They have not only the right, but also the duty to investigate to prevent crimes or whatever.

Ok, I understand, not much to discuss here... Thanks for your opinion. I know you better now wink.png

They are not police!! they are people that like to dress up in uniforms in order to extort money from as many sources as possible!!!

Don't say to me - prove it!!

Oh well, if that's respect you have for them, you can go to tell them in their face. I am sure they will be glad to explain you one thing or two...

-end of debate-

Hahaha I did that one time. Roadside pull over for standard extortion of 300 baht. Refused to pay, and did not speak a word of Thai to anyone. I was ushered into the office of the ranking policeman, who then proceeded to tell my Thai girlfriend in Thai that I was a bad farang, and that I had a dog mouth. That was enough for me. I stood up, and told him in Thai that he was nothing more than the mafia, and that all the Thai people hated them because of their theft from the common Thai person. His face turned bright red, the police standing next to him had their jaws hanging down, and then he started throwing things from his desk.

My girlfriend quietly said it was time for me to leave, and that she would take care of it. She paid the 300 baht and we left. So is that confrontational enough for you ??? One of the many many reasons why I dislike the Thai police.

You continue to live in Thailand and respect institutions, if that's your style. Not my problem.

Be sure that will lead you to troubles sooner or later, not just here in Thailand though.

I had my problem with policemen too, but not for that I wish for any of them to be beaten up on the street. Different style. A lot different.

And, if you don't mind, I think we know already we have total different opinion, not much more to say.

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I do not laugh at the misfortune of others, even when it may be deserved or the result of their own behavior. It is not right to resort to ridicule of those in authority. The picture of the two injured policemen was not funny and anyone who thinks it is needs to examine their capacity and concept of compassion.

I have had had the opportunity to have interactions with police in a number of countries in my lifetime but thankfully have never been mistreated. I do not cower, act like a subservient, I behave cooperatively and politely. I attribute my decent treatment to a few simple rules developed over time. Believe me, had I not acted as I did there are some encounters that would certainly not have ended well.

Rule #1: They are in charge, they are the authority of the moment, they have the power and they have the gun.

Rule #2: Never come at them with a demeaning, disrespectful attitude. Do not sneer or give the impression you hold them in disdain.

Rule #3: Answer their questions directly. Provide any and all documents requested with an attitude of cooperation. Follow their lawful directions (sit over there, wait here, etc).

Rule #4: Be direct in any answers to questions and do not think you are smarter than they are. They have seen and heard every type of character before.

Rule #5: If you believe you are being wronged and your "rights" are being infringed and want to exert those rights, right here, right now, go back and read Rule #1.

I don't think policemen have a great job but it is necessary. Whenever I have encountered a policeman with what a lawman friend of mine once called "gun and badge-itis", I remind myself that the police do not normally encounter good, peaceful, law-abiding, intelligent members of society. They deal with the dregs of society more often than not and many times those dealings color their view of people in general. It is up to me to convince a policeman that I am not a criminal and the first way to do it is to not act like one.

I apply all these things here in Thailand. I have never been mistreated or had an unfavorable experience with police.

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