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Man accused of sexually assaulting unconscious woman who later killed herself


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Great customer service by Foodland - sending an indisposed client to hospital with a stranger.

Not sure Foodland should be blamed. An actual rescue guy arriving in an actual rescue vehicle is quite convincing. Even the boyfriend waited at the hospital thinking the rescue vehicle would deliver his girlfriend.

Maybe it would be better to leave the woman as is? In the US many bystanders would not help for fear of legal repercussions. The 'sue' capital of the world.

Don't worry it happens in Thailand a lot too. On top of that, I know of people who stopped to help a motorbike accident victim and took him to hospital and he turned around and told the police they ran over him.

So there is a lot of the thinking should we be doing this? in Thailand.

Also wondering if she had a military boyfriend, could the repercussions be more severe on the rapist!!

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Great customer service by Foodland - sending an indisposed client to hospital with a stranger.

That is a weird thing to say, he was a rescue worker, it's the same as sending someone in an ambulance. Why wouldn't you ?

It is sad morons have to make such silly comments on sad cases.It is also sad that morons do such things as this man did. May the rotten egg rot in hell.

It is doubly sad because the rescue workers have been struggling with this bad reputation despite the fact that most of them are very good people who do good work and they are volunteers as far as I know, they work for free out of the goodness of their hearts. They save a lot of lives and for the most part are a credit to society. RIP to the poor girl and condolences to her family.

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"...dead with her face submerged under water."

This is odd. What water? How much water?

Difficult to drown in a small amount of water unless you are unconscious

. Can't really stick your head in a puddle and commit suicide.Very difficult to do.

<<Sittichai Konyanee, 33, said he was driving a motorcycle with his wife along a road next to a canal in Bang Phli on Monday when he saw a pretty woman dash out of the shrubbery.>>

Maybe....just maybe,

1) she drowned in the canal.

2) she fell over into a puddle deep enough to drown in

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Is it possible that after getting off the Good Samaritan's motorbike she again fainted, falling face down in a puddle and subsequently drowning?

From a website about drowning that's pretty gross...thus no link.

"Suicidal Drowning: In India, drowning is a common method of committing suicide especially amongst women, and more particularly in localities nearby the sea or river or canal. In case of a woman, the body is usually fully dressed. Suicides usually remove some of their outer clothing or shoes before leaping into the water. In a non-swimmer, a naked body suggests suicide. Suicides may drown themselves in very shallow water, or even by putting the head in a pail or cistern"

So it's possible.

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#35 "...I know of people who stopped to help a motorbike accident victim and took him to hospital and he turned around and told the police they ran over him."

Seems so; best to call 191/911 to report rather than assist. In assisting, you may inadvertently cause more injury; best left to the 'experts'.

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Great customer service by Foodland - sending an indisposed client to hospital with a stranger.

Not sure Foodland should be blamed. An actual rescue guy arriving in an actual rescue vehicle is quite convincing. Even the boyfriend waited at the hospital thinking the rescue vehicle would deliver his girlfriend.

Maybe it would be better to leave the woman as is? In the US many bystanders would not help for fear of legal repercussions. The 'sue' capital of the world.

Don't worry it happens in Thailand a lot too. On top of that, I know of people who stopped to help a motorbike accident victim and took him to hospital and he turned around and told the police they ran over him.

So there is a lot of the thinking should we be doing this? in Thailand.

Also wondering if she had a military boyfriend, could the repercussions be more severe on the rapist!!

Although I try not to condone violence, a bit of retaliation about now would be welcomed. Where's that can of military sized whoop-ass?

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This story which contains the typical dislocated reporting of Thai media is sadly indicative of the mental health and perversions that abound. As is the norm there is substantive data copiously mixed with assumption and speculation which is further exacerbated by the TV pundits.

It would appear that this type of behavior is almost accepted within a culture that deems that opportunism for personal gain either financially or sexually is common place and a human condition that although not condoned it does not arouse the repugnance or disdain that such an act should incur within the local community.

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it would have to be a horrible experience to have your freedom taken from you and be raped, but to commit suicide is a bit over the top.

i hope the assailant gets whats coming to him

You might want to consider the phrasing of the final part of your first sentence.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Is it possible that after getting off the Good Samaritan's motorbike she again fainted, falling face down in a puddle and subsequently drowning?

Very possible. The suicide headline is what makes it suspicious. How may people have you heard of that could hold their own head underwater in a shallow stream until they drown.

It's also possible the rapist found her alone again and assisted her "suicide". Hopefully there will be competent investigation.

These reports are often vague with many mis-quotes and generally halfass reporting efforts. I would be interested in knowing why she was again left alone and why they returned witha "witness. Witness to what? Her laying facedown in a stream. Did they return with proper transportation for the sick girl?

My heart goes out to this poor young lady and the terror she must have experienced. Fainting in a well populaeted familiar area only to awake in the woods be robbed and raped by a monster. May she rest in peace

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"...dead with her face submerged under water."

This is odd. What water? How much water?

Difficult to drown in a small amount of water unless you are unconscious

. Can't really stick your head in a puddle and commit suicide.Very difficult to do.

Attention, there was no


of a "small" amount of water.

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What a perverted monster, these so called rescue workers should be monitored much more, I have heard that some of them only volunteer for the rich picking off the victims, especially the dead ones who cant spill the beans !!!! bah.gif Have you ever seen how quickly they try to get to an accident before the ambulance, now you know why. w00t.gif

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My god. If you cannot trust a rescue worker, who can you trust?

I have often wondered about these "rsecue workers", and about just how many victims wake up to find that their jewellry, wallets, handbags, and such have miraculously disappeared. This guy brings my contempt to a new low.

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So sad...what has become of human compassion for those in need...

This story has more holes than a slice of Swiss Cheese...incredible amount of BS in this story...

Typically...we will never know what really happened...in the Land of Lies...

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This " rescue" foundation must have some serious clout behind them, as neither the Nation nor

TV had the guts to name them. I should think that would have been a cornerstone of the story,

as certainly no one in the future would want to call them, unless you were a single girl that

wanted to be raped.....

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Great customer service by Foodland - sending an indisposed client to hospital with a stranger.

Not sure Foodland should be blamed. An actual rescue guy arriving in an actual rescue vehicle is quite convincing. Even the boyfriend waited at the hospital thinking the rescue vehicle would deliver his girlfriend.

Maybe it would be better to leave the woman as is? In the US many bystanders would not help for fear of legal repercussions. The 'sue' capital of the world.

You must be on yaba! Where do you get this information?? US bystanders would immediately offer assistance in this case. Federal US laws protect any citizen who renders aid to people. Even if their aid results in more harm to the victim, their INTENT was to help, and therefore is safe from any prosecution or being sued.

US maybe the sue capital, but it is also the most helpful capital for people in need.

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The government needs to disband these horrible private rescue services and provide a decent public ambulance service for the people. Apart from the usual stories mentioned here, they are also accused of finishing off accident victims because they get a bonus for every corpse they deliver and it is much more troublesome to take survivors to hospital. Remember once they showed up at Soi Cowboy when a BG went out on the roof threatening to jump. They were visibly pissed off when the bar owner managed to talk her out of it.

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Great customer service by Foodland - sending an indisposed client to hospital with a stranger.

Nuts. Are you suggesting that the rescue services are only allowed to help people who are known to them, and that if someone is in need of urgent medical assistance they only accept it if the rescuer is a colleague?

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When he, his wife and another witness went back to check on her, they found she was already dead with her face submerged under water.

unconscious woman who later killed herself

Something about the above 2 quotes smells

No, something about your trying to twist the report smells.

The lady was unconscious when the rescue worker allegedly tried to rape her but she came round and resisted. She obviously was not unconscious when she asked for help and was given a lift on the motorbike.

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The government needs to disband these horrible private rescue services and provide a decent public ambulance service for the people. Apart from the usual stories mentioned here, they are also accused of finishing off accident victims because they get a bonus for every corpse they deliver and it is much more troublesome to take survivors to hospital. Remember once they showed up at Soi Cowboy when a BG went out on the roof threatening to jump. They were visibly pissed off when the bar owner managed to talk her out of it.

After being mowed down off my M/C rescue services arrived. Gashed, bleeding, dislocation and fractures I was hurriedly put into a converted pick-up-white painted ambulance rescue. it took them 10 times to get the stretcher onto the floor runners that slide you in. What a trauma ....some of these services are far from decent.

I believe because of rough handling it complicated my fractures. Medical services should be vetted.

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"...dead with her face submerged under water."

This is odd. What water? How much water?

Difficult to drown in a small amount of water unless you are unconscious

. Can't really stick your head in a puddle and commit suicide.Very difficult to do.

Enough to drown in, and who mentioned a puddle apart from you?

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****Deleted post edited out ****

Your post was offensive with regard to the subject matter, regardless of being attributed to someone else.

Making date rape jokes on a thread about a rape victim committing suicide... well, you get a prize if you can work that one out for yourself.

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I think the story is so incomplete, not even worth guessing to what went on.

Re Jackh's questions and statements,and comments 1/ A drug test could tell. 2/ Many people think that is the case 3/ Some bystanders may help sometimes, but not in my case. 4/ That depends

I was in Times Square New York back in 2004 and a big black guy collapsed in front of me. His wife was with him and she was going hysterical as people just walked around him. There were 2 security guys standing around with Times Square reflective jackets on and they also did nothing. After about 30 or 40 seconds of watching this I asked her if she knew what was wrong with him? She didn't know. He had stopped breathing and I felt him for a pulse and he didn't have one, so I started CPR and after a few more minutes someone else started to help me.

Took about 15 minutes for the ambulance to arrive and they said we were doing a good job, they got the stretcher and took him away. I got his wifes phone number and the next day I called her to see how he was, but he passed away overnight in the hospital. She said was diabetic and hadn't been checking his blood sugar level.

I thought no one wanted to help through fear of being sued. I couldn't stand around and leave him there dying.

I just did a search and looks like I possibly left myself open to be sued according to Wikipedia The details of good Samaritan laws/acts in various jurisdictions vary, including who is protected from liability and in what circumstances.[23] Not all jurisdictions provide protection to laypersons, in those cases only protecting trained personnel, such as doctors or nurses and perhaps also emergency services personnel such as trained police, fire and EMS workers.

Just read a bit more and it says New York's law provides immunity for those who assist in an emergency. Phew!!

I would still do it again even if unsure if I am protected.

Not sure Foodland should be blamed. An actual rescue guy arriving in an actual rescue vehicle is quite convincing. Even the boyfriend waited at the hospital thinking the rescue vehicle would deliver his girlfriend.

Maybe it would be better to leave the woman as is? In the US many bystanders would not help for fear of legal repercussions. The 'sue' capital of the world.

You must be on yaba! Where do you get this information?? US bystanders would immediately offer assistance in this case. Federal US laws protect any citizen who renders aid to people. Even if their aid results in more harm to the victim, their INTENT was to help, and therefore is safe from any prosecution or being sued.

US maybe the sue capital, but it is also the most helpful capital for people in need.

Edited by aussiebrian
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