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Bangkok Shutdown: PDRC spending more than Bt10 million a day


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But look at it this way. It's good for the economy. People have jobs, i.e. paid protesters, guards for the grand master, vendors selling fake whistles and food vendors selling the southern dishes. And drug dealers selling their products to help the protesters make it through the day.

Of course you have evidence of all this drug taking?

Oh, why bother, just keep trolling if it keeps you happy!

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Samui property - 25 million. Protest cost - 10 million per day. Translates to 2.5 days of expenses. Protests have been going on since November 2013. Now mid - January 2014. Uh oh! Where is money going to come from?

They call me poor boy, poor boy, poor boy
But I ain't lonesome and I ain't blue
'Cause I could never be a poor boy
As long as I’ve got a dolly like you

Ain't got a crust, ain't got a cent
Can't buy a jug, can't pay the rent
I got a heartfull of dreams
And a lot of memories
And that's enough for me

Can't buy a house, can't buy a lot
Ain't got a bean, I ain't got a pot
But what I got is a heartfull of
Love and memories
And that's enough for me

Don't have a pig, don't have a cow
I don't have a horse to pull a plow
But what I got is a heartfull of
Love and memories
And that's enough for me

(words & music by Vera Matson - Elvis Presley)

Edited by toybits
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I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

Officials have identified many of the guards to have outstanding arrest warrants

Just like the man in Dubai tongue.png

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Seriously have any of you making these degrading comments actually been to the rally sites? i think not!

People are NOT getting paid to be there. Costs covers some mandatory security, stages, sanitation, utility bills are not free has to be paid. then food and water. lots of the protesters donate money.

at MBK just at the rally it was business as usual and drivkng through bangkok was great not traffic i got from don muang to phaya thai via victory monument in 35minutes on a normal day it would take about 90minutes.

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I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

You don't know what you are talking about. It was Manchester City that he bought and later sold.

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If he really wants to minimize the cost and to end this thing quick, he needs to promise the people something. i.e. raise the minimum wage to 400 baht, abolish faux Shin taxes, prompt payments for rice farmers etc. The people don't give a flying one about the vote, it's all about the baht, period!

He doesn't promise these things because he's not running for election. What he is promising is reform.

Pity he doesn't run in the election. It would give "the people" the opportunity to show what they think of him. Oh, btw, please define the intended "reform". The detail of that seems conspicuous by its absence. Well, apart from ensuring that no Shin or Shin associate be allowed any power. But what else?

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Of the alleged 10 Mln Bht/day expense, 3 major costs are Stages, LCD screens and Marquees.

These 3 items = 6 Mln Bht/day.

If I were Suthep and I was running low on funds, I would defer payment for these 3 items.

Even if the Owners complain about late payment, it's not likely that they can just take back their property at this time .....

Food and Guards need to be paid in cash daily, otherwise they disappear quickly, so they have priority.

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I just read that only 7000 protesters are left... 10 million a day is quite a lot to take care of 7000 people. Even if 2000 are paid "guards"... Somebody should check where is the money going... Another case for the DSI. To Suthep this may only be a way to operate a lucrative shady business... without paying taxes. Sent from my iPhone...

Don't believe all that you read.... it might save you the embarrassment of talking sh*t

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I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

You don't know what you are talking about. It was Manchester City that he bought and later sold.

Same thing, so I go the name wrong...both have hooligan fans, who bash each others heads in, over a silly little ball, that 20 people chase around a field and two others try to catch. Human evolution at it's best. cheesy.gif (at least, when they were chasing dinosaurs, they could eat them)

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I just read that only 7000 protesters are left... 10 million a day is quite a lot to take care of 7000 people. Even if 2000 are paid "guards"... Somebody should check where is the money going... Another case for the DSI. To Suthep this may only be a way to operate a lucrative shady business... without paying taxes. Sent from my iPhone...

Don't believe all that you read.... it might save you the embarrassment of talking sh*t

Thank you for you kind advice :)

I indeed don't believe the 10 million figure.

However, I do believe that only 7000 protesters are left "blocking" Bangkok.

Or most probably even less at the time I write this :)

Sent from my iPhone...

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But look at it this way. It's good for the economy. People have jobs, i.e. paid protesters, guards for the grand master, vendors selling fake whistles and food vendors selling the southern dishes. And drug dealers selling their products to help the protesters make it through the day.

Could you possibly give the flaming a break for a day ? I am sure a great many of the protestors are not drug addicts and I am sure that some of your beloved red shirts probably are too. So what ? I guess you missed the tens of thousands of people giving money to help pay for the protests. Can't wait for them to win then you might quiet down a bit with your vitriolic crap.

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Aha, so the "PDRC supporters don´t get paid as opposed to redshirts, because we fight for democracy" goes right out the window. Surprise, surprise

If there wasn´t money involved, would people still come? I see the protests fade away little by little, day by day. Folks return to their ordinary lives as they cannot go on with this forever, they need to work. Many of these so called supporters, dress up to join friends and have fun, post it on facebook and go home. Not really much of a support now is it? coffee1.gif

Unlike the red shirts who had little else to do in 2010 since the rice was growing and it wasn't harvest time yet, the people of Bangkok and down south have jobs where they can't take 2 months off. Surprise surprise. Doesn't mean they don't support the cause though. This whole 'they just want a photo for facebook' line of crap is really lame !

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Aha, so the "PDRC supporters don´t get paid as opposed to redshirts, because we fight for democracy" goes right out the window. Surprise, surprise

If there wasn´t money involved, would people still come? I see the protests fade away little by little, day by day. Folks return to their ordinary lives as they cannot go on with this forever, they need to work. Many of these so called supporters, dress up to join friends and have fun, post it on facebook and go home. Not really much of a support now is it? coffee1.gif

Wifey knows people in the south, they have come up here for protests.

They are (in some cases she knows) being paid 600 baht a day. However, some people recently have halted plans to come up to BKK because the money they thought would be paid, apparently will not!

In some cases, wifey knows about, people (southerners) have got on to the bus to BKK, only to find out on the bus that they will not be paid. These people have turned right back and gone home.


Edited by cms22
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Yes, people (some at least) are being paid to be there. 2 busloads of people were taken (sent?) from my wife's village earlier this week on the promise of being paid Bt.500 a day and free food. When they got there, the food was bad and they were paid only Bt.200. So they were either lied to about the payment, or some 'middleman' had pocketed Bt.300 per person - corruption amongst the ranks? They all had to pay their own way home!

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As I understand , everyone is paid . An Isaan farmer friend told me that PDRC have had paid agents combing the countryside to find people willing and able to attend the demonstration in Bangkok . People would be paid to attend and transported to Bangkok and back .

A demonstration on this scale , the ranks swelled by paid peasants , stages , tents , transport , you name it , must have an enormous cost . Suthep and

other leaders may have sold land and houses , but it is my belief that there are elite behind the scene who have been financing this project .

Whoever is behind the scene is also the reason why Suthep won't be arrested and if he were , he would be instantly bailed .

A friend of my brothers uncle told my dad and my dad told me that Taksin is paying 10000 baht per day for flowers in his hotel room in Dubai. He is also paying 2000 baht per day to every poster on here who posts his red propaganda all over the forum.

My comment has just as much truth as yours. Proof or shut up ! I am so sick of people trying to discredit the protests with this 'protestors are being paid' crap. There hasn't been a shred of proof as yet. Show us your proof or stop spreading the lies please...

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Seriously have any of you making these degrading comments actually been to the rally sites? i think not!

People are NOT getting paid to be there. Costs covers some mandatory security, stages, sanitation, utility bills are not free has to be paid. then food and water. lots of the protesters donate money.

at MBK just at the rally it was business as usual and drivkng through bangkok was great not traffic i got from don muang to phaya thai via victory monument in 35minutes on a normal day it would take about 90minutes.

Sorry. There are quite a lot of people that have been paid to be there. Wife knows some that have been receiving 600 baht a day.

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I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

Officials have identified many of the guards to have outstanding arrest warrants

Just like the man in Dubai tongue.png

There we go , indoctrinated people's logic: two wrongs make one right

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Yes, people (some at least) are being paid to be there. 2 busloads of people were taken (sent?) from my wife's village earlier this week on the promise of being paid Bt.500 a day and free food. When they got there, the food was bad and they were paid only Bt.200. So they were either lied to about the payment, or some 'middleman' had pocketed Bt.300 per person - corruption amongst the ranks? They all had to pay their own way home!

Yes, that wouldn't surprise me at all. So many "holier than thou" types screaming about Thaksin but doing exactly the same..and worse..themselves...all in the name of reform. Sickening

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But look at it this way. It's good for the economy. People have jobs, i.e. paid protesters, guards for the grand master, vendors selling fake whistles and food vendors selling the southern dishes. And drug dealers selling their products to help the protesters make it through the day.

Of course you have evidence of all this drug taking?

Oh, why bother, just keep trolling if it keeps you happy!

Isn't that why the Navy Seals were in there, on a drug investigation? Well that was their reason for being armed with silencers fitted.thumbsup.gif

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A teenage English student told me last night that he'd been going on the demos with his History teacher, during school time. I pointed out that if a British teacher did this he'd be fired. Seriously, regardless of where your loyalties lie on the politics it beggars belief that a public school teacher can do this in school time. Frankly, it would be inappropriate for a teacher to be taking a kid to a demo in their free time. <deleted>?

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I wonder if some of the land that Suthep sold was actually his land, or was it some of the land that had previously been public land.

His son is in court next week for dodgy land deals in samui the family are as corrupt as the shin family was speaking with my accountant yesterday she had got a new phone number I asked her why after 8 years had she changed her number her reply the shin family own AIS so I do not want to give them my money so she has moved over to D / TAC even tho she knows and admits the reception is terrible I suggested she should keep her AIS number as she could loose a lot of business by all the missed calls especially as the financial year reports are due in the next month or two over the last month she has stated that she. Had travelled from samui to bkk at least 5 times in support of this Suthep nutcase. I wonder if these people even think about what it is going to cost them in lost revenue .

Exactly. I first came here in 85 and i don't believe it's any more or less corrupt than it was then. Which is not to say people shouldn't stand up and protest against it, just that the claims being made by Suthep and his cronies are largely worthless, and totally hypocritical. I asked a pro Mob friend what he did when he got pulled for driving offences. Did he go to the police station and pay his fine, or pay on the spot? I think we all know the answer.

I suggested that maybe he was part of the corruption problem too. He smiled, looked at his shoes, and said, Yes.

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But look at it this way. It's good for the economy. People have jobs, i.e. paid protesters, guards for the grand master, vendors selling fake whistles and food vendors selling the southern dishes. And drug dealers selling their products to help the protesters make it through the day.

So he is not really shutting down bangkok ... he is merely re-adjustng the economy

he is helping bluesky making money from their designer pacifiers - whistle.

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Protesters not being paid? B.S.

As I posted in another thread yesterday, my wife came home last night and told me that her and some of her co-workers (who all work for a major insurance company) were having dinner. Their table was approached by a man who smiled and spoke to them, offering them 2,000 baht a day to travel from CM to BKK to join the protests. One of the women stood up and loudly stated - "Yellow shirt trying to buy protesters" - at which point the man ran out of the restaurant, jumped in his car and sped away.

My wife is NOT in the habit of lying or making up stories, and was laughing when she told me. So, please, don't bother trying to tell me that the protesters aren't being "recruited" and paid.

Probably the same guy buying protesters during 2010...I kid you not!

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A teenage English student told me last night that he'd been going on the demos with his History teacher, during school time. I pointed out that if a British teacher did this he'd be fired. Seriously, regardless of where your loyalties lie on the politics it beggars belief that a public school teacher can do this in school time. Frankly, it would be inappropriate for a teacher to be taking a kid to a demo in their free time. <deleted>?

If you hadn't noticed, most schools, including mine, have been shut for a week. The students are off, and many teachers are off too. And the teacher/student relationship in a Thai school is vastly different from that in a western school. No comparison. If you have a problem with that student/teacher, report them to the authorities.

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But look at it this way. It's good for the economy. People have jobs, i.e. paid protesters, guards for the grand master, vendors selling fake whistles and food vendors selling the southern dishes. And drug dealers selling their products to help the protesters make it through the day.

Of course you have evidence of all this drug taking?

Oh, why bother, just keep trolling if it keeps you happy!

Isn't that why the Navy Seals were in there, on a drug investigation? Well that was their reason for being armed with silencers fitted.thumbsup.gif

Illegal drug pushers can make money and Suthep's stepson get a cut.

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