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To the farang lady owner of 2 large dogs in the forest behind 700 stadium


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On the off chance that you see this, I'm trying to weigh up the need for rabies/tetanus shots after being bitten by one of your dogs this afternoon while riding my bicycle on the trails behind the Huay Tung Toa lake & 700 staduim.

It was not a strong bite, but it definitely broke the skin and caused a swelling, so there is a concern.

Even though I am not overly concerned, I probably have no choice but to commence rabies shots to be safe, however if you are certain the dog is vaccinated against rabies and doesn't have it, then I will not bother with follow up treatments.

If anyone else notices this thread and knows the people & dogs involved, please bring this to their attention.

(it was a foreign lady and a Thai lady who were apparently having a picnic with 2 small children and 2 large dogs, on the trail up a hill behind the lake & stadium area)


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Why did you not just ask them when you got bitten. Sheesh!!!

I did ask if the dog was 'clean' and they assured me it was. I did not ask specifically about rabies as I was not aware of the chances of it being that, and at the time discounted such concern because it obviously wasn't a soi dog.

At the time I was not even sure if it had broken skin, and besides, shouldn't it be they who warn me if they think there is a potential problem?

As another poster said they might be irresponsible owners, but I'm prepared to give them a chance.

Edited by ogb
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I doubt very much a rabid dog would be able to live safely with 2 small children.

Sounds like the dog owner is just total and utter scum rather than a rabies issue.

agree, or it could be just the usual advertising. these health ppl are desperate cases having hocked their future on a fading dream. now u know why no one pointed that out earlier

Edited by Naked Snake
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get the jabs saspo and send the bill to the dog owners. My daughter was bitten by a dog and she suffered the shots, so do it and put it all behind you. if you don't, every time you have a suspected medical problem you will think its rabies. Moreover, its a nasty way to die, probably the nastiest and the incubation period can be quite long. Do it now.

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I had a similar problem and did some online reading.Well, I was off at 2 AM to the hospital for my treatment. The idea that the animal has to show clear symptoms might be wrong. Cats and dogs can kill you just licking a scratch. Lots kids die this way. Thus, any info from the owner is pretty much usless unless it is proper official documentation.

Yes, the shots were no issue at all. Just two injections in both arms 5 times (or was it 4 times?).

Dont wait. You might end up as an addition to the RIP thread.

Sorry for this bad experience.

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Why did you not just ask them when you got bitten. Sheesh!!!

I did ask if the dog was 'clean' and they assured me it was. I did not ask specifically about rabies as I was not aware of the chances of it being that, and at the time discounted such concern because it obviously wasn't a soi dog.

At the time I was not even sure if it had broken skin, and besides, shouldn't it be they who warn me if they think there is a potential problem?

As another poster said they might be irresponsible owners, but I'm prepared to give them a chance.

Bit or not ????

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Okay, I know the owners and dogs. And I just received an email from them about this (biting) issue.

They are *very* responsible owners and are pretty upset and sorry about what happened.
99.99% sure both dogs are vaccinated against Rabies (especially because the lady already said so, and she is not of the lying-type). But for this 0.01% I will forward this thread (link) to them.

So, they may contact the op directly or I'll let you know as soon I heard from them.

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Okay, I know the owners and dogs. And I just received an email from them about this (biting) issue.

They are *very* responsible owners and are pretty upset and sorry about what happened.

99.99% sure both dogs are vaccinated against Rabies (especially because the lady already said so, and she is not of the lying-type). But for this 0.01% I will forward this thread (link) to them.

So, they may contact the op directly or I'll let you know as soon I heard from them.

Are they willing to pay for his shots?

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Why did you not just ask them when you got bitten. Sheesh!!!

I did ask if the dog was 'clean' and they assured me it was. I did not ask specifically about rabies as I was not aware of the chances of it being that, and at the time discounted such concern because it obviously wasn't a soi dog.

At the time I was not even sure if it had broken skin, and besides, shouldn't it be they who warn me if they think there is a potential problem?

As another poster said they might be irresponsible owners, but I'm prepared to give them a chance.

Sorry.... "give them a chance"? You must be kidding, you are prepared to put your life on the line!

Maybe the Rabies is already taking hold of you? GET THE SHOTS!!!

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Why did you not just ask them when you got bitten. Sheesh!!!

I did ask if the dog was 'clean' and they assured me it was. I did not ask specifically about rabies as I was not aware of the chances of it being that, and at the time discounted such concern because it obviously wasn't a soi dog.

At the time I was not even sure if it had broken skin, and besides, shouldn't it be they who warn me if they think there is a potential problem?

As another poster said they might be irresponsible owners, but I'm prepared to give them a chance.

While the owner was still there, you could have phoned the tourist police and then insisted that the owner pay you 5000 baht to go and have the hospital tests?

Many of these farangs have a so what I am in Thailand, what are you going to do about it attitude. Many have the same attitudes when driving on the roads, they consider all the other traffic as an intrusion into their space, they also have the same opinions regarding their neighbors.

Unsociable, rude and Just plain ole nasty people.

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Okay, I know the owners and dogs. And I just received an email from them about this (biting) issue.

They are *very* responsible owners and are pretty upset and sorry about what happened.

99.99% sure both dogs are vaccinated against Rabies (especially because the lady already said so, and she is not of the lying-type). But for this 0.01% I will forward this thread (link) to them.

So, they may contact the op directly or I'll let you know as soon I heard from them.

Are they willing to pay for his shots?

I think that's something between the Op and the owner of the dogs.

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Okay, I know the owners and dogs. And I just received an email from them about this (biting) issue.

They are *very* responsible owners and are pretty upset and sorry about what happened.

99.99% sure both dogs are vaccinated against Rabies (especially because the lady already said so, and she is not of the lying-type). But for this 0.01% I will forward this thread (link) to them.

So, they may contact the op directly or I'll let you know as soon I heard from them.

Are they willing to pay for his shots?

I think that's something between the Op and the owner of the dogs.

Thanks - PM sent

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Why did you not just ask them when you got bitten. Sheesh!!!

I did ask if the dog was 'clean' and they assured me it was. I did not ask specifically about rabies as I was not aware of the chances of it being that, and at the time discounted such concern because it obviously wasn't a soi dog.

At the time I was not even sure if it had broken skin, and besides, shouldn't it be they who warn me if they think there is a potential problem?

As another poster said they might be irresponsible owners, but I'm prepared to give them a chance.

Bit or not ????

Read the post.

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And I thought it was thai dog owners who are irresponsible. What was this farang woman thinking to have a large dog off the leash in a public area??

I wonder how she feels about having a dog like this around her children now? Be very scared-even a 'friendly' dog can turn.

The least she can do is pay for OP's rabies shots-and keep the damned dog on a leash.

So much for my prejudice-evidently dog owners in general can be irresponsible because 'their' pet is ok. Oh,really?

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Why did you not just ask them when you got bitten. Sheesh!!!

I did ask if the dog was 'clean' and they assured me it was. I did not ask specifically about rabies as I was not aware of the chances of it being that, and at the time discounted such concern because it obviously wasn't a soi dog.

At the time I was not even sure if it had broken skin, and besides, shouldn't it be they who warn me if they think there is a potential problem?

As another poster said they might be irresponsible owners, but I'm prepared to give them a chance.

They probably thought you were talking about HIV. The dog for sure has rabies though.

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