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Thai girlfriend not online for 6 consequitive days


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How can you call someone you never met in real life a girl friend amaze me and now you want to control her.

Never met in real life? Where do you get that info. I have met her in real life in july.

And i don't want to control her at all, lol. You don't know my relationship with her, so refrain from the judgement wink.png

I simply find it odd that she would come online every day, but suddenly she stopped. (and also her line home page is deleted, which is odd too)

And i wondered if this behavior is common, that is all.

We do...Stalker

Edited by Showbags
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With 'busy', im assuming you mean she is busy with foreigners ? biggrin.png

I would find that odd, cause she has to work every day (except firday). She could take a few days off, but 6 days after a row?

Also doesn't explain why her line account is deleted.

It's so weird, i can't get my head wrapped around it :/

It is quite likely that her Thai husband has found out or that she is pregnant.

Move on...stalk another one.

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"Starting from the 5th of january, she came back online like most of the usual hours (in the morning before going to work and after work) untill 13th of january."

Could it be that when you thought she was starting work she was in fact finishing work and when you thought she was finishing work she was starting?

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 9.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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A while ago I met a woman in her late 40s. She was on an online meeting site. Business owner, independent, nice car and house owner, English speaker, amazingly sweet, smart, and beautiful, looking for a farang husband. When I met her in person, I felt craze in love, right away, but she told me that she was looking for somebody with good financial situation. I understood that I was not right for her, and we just kept exchanging notes in Facebook. She mention that a farang from the US she met one year before here, a lawyer, wanted to marry her....when he decided to retire and move here. Because this guy was also on her Facebook, I contacted him too. Very nice guy, and really in love with her. But, 6 months later, this woman met another nice farang, and after 3 months she got married. No was a surprise for me. I was happy with the news, but was a surprise for my friend in the US. He was so upset because she didn't told him about, he deleted her from his Facebook.

I just asked him what he was expecting...... For a woman like that to keep waiting for him to decide to retire and come to Thailand?

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Wake up & smell the coffee. She is the same as most girls U will meet, when she opens her mouth, U know she is lieing.

Just rent another one next holiday from the selection at most bars in Thailand!!!!

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you ever come here to meet her? 6 months of chat. Very nice and all that, but if she is a girl who wants a relationship she is gonna look to someone else who will visit and show what he is made of! Otherwise she is wasting her time and the years are clicking by I suspect.

Yes, i suspect this is the case too to be honest. She is 28 and has a kid too and I believe she desperately is looking for a farang, because her facebook page is full of farang guys.

Ive met her for only 2 weeks and I planned another visit next year, but i guess that's too much waiting on her part + she doesn't have any guarantee that we will be together forever. I dont judge her for meeting other farangs, i actually told her that I understand her situation and that I wont be mad at all if she found another one. (to be honest, i was also reluctant to stay with her after i found that she had a kid)

If she's gone, then she's gone but what happened to a proper goodbye ? biggrin.png

Welcome to Thailand. Here it is the "path of least resistance" Which is to say nothing. This is common not only for relationships, but in general everyday life, combined with the "mai pen arai" lifestyle. Here today, gone tomorrow, little emotional investment is the way here. Don't even think about getting into a "discussion" or have a dialogue with a Thai. Witness the recent political stuff. Go Pinoy if you want a GF. Similar things happen there, but I think a bit less and at least they will occassionally tell you off or say why they are bailing on you LOLgiggle.gif

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