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PM Yingluck: Govt not involved in Banthad Thong explosion


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PM: Govt not involved in Banthad Thong explosion


BANGKOK, 18 January 2014 (NNT) – The Prime Minister has defended the government following an explosion on Banthad Thong Road, saying it had nothing to do with the bombing incident that wounded at least 36 rally goers.

After a meeting with the Royal Thai Police, Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra told the press that the government was not involved in the Banthad Thong bomb attack as alleged by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), adding that she was personally against all sorts of violence and did not want to see such an incident occur.

She would ask the police to carry out an investigation into the case and bring the perpetrator to justice as soon as possible.

Lastly, she ordered police officers and other security agencies to closely monitor the situation and prevent all violent incidents from happening.

The explosion took place at noon on Friday, during which a grenade was thrown at PDRC protesters who were marching through Banthad Thong Road, injuring 36 protesters.

-- NNT 2014-01-18 footer_n.gif

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As if she would stand in front if the press and say "Yes it was us, we tried to assassinate Suthep"

What else would she do but deny ...

Does not matter who dun it .... people will think it is PTP / Red Shirts / UDD or Thaksin .... or a combination ...

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As if she would stand in front if the press and say "Yes it was us, we tried to assassinate Suthep"

What else would she do but deny ...

Does not matter who dun it .... people will think it is PTP / Red Shirts / UDD or Thaksin .... or a combination ...

Yes, some people will think that and still others will think it was another group. But without any proof both are hitting the same partisan pipe and are in need of a diaper change.

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Before any investigation has taken place she up and says 'we didn't do it'

As if she knows anything about it at all.

How many times has she ordered investigations to be carried out without result ?

Anyway why should she have to order an investigation, isn't it the police job to do that without her orders ?

After the riots at the stadium took place you people demanded that the government would deny or admit that the 'men in black' on the roof were police. And now when you get an instant denial you complain about that. There is just no pleasing some people.

In the first instance the question was whether the MiB on ex Pol. Capt. Chalerm's office roof were actually police or not. All that required was a simple yes or no.

The Banthad Thong explosion happened in a public area and has yet to be investigated so there is no way she can confirm or deny who was responsible.

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Scamper, on 18 Jan 2014 - 11:48, said:

" She would ask the police to carry out an investigation into the case and bring the perpetrator to justice as soon as possible.

Lastly, she ordered police officers and other security agencies to closely monitor the situation and prevent all violent incidents from happening. "

Do we really have to hear that Gilbert and Sullivan line every day ? Nothing - and I mean nothing - comes out of any investigation by the police, and no one - I mean no one - is ever brought to justice. If one were to take what seems to be a general rule of thumb, for every 100 crimes that are committed, to be sure there is a pile of 100 crimes to be " investigated. "

​Investigated crimes here have a special place in their journey towards the Bermuda Triangle.

Although I like your post, I would like to disagree about your comment "Nothing - and I mean nothing - comes out of any investigation by the police".

When is to line their own pockets there are more than willing and able to do their job......otherwise as you said......forget it.sad.png

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"Lastly, she ordered police officers and other security agencies to closely monitor the situation and prevent all violent incidents from happening."

The only country in the world that I know of where public violent incidents have been totally prevented is led by Kim Jong-un. If you want democracy and you want to minimize violent incidents, you need to satisfy the needs of the majority of the population, not those of the elite minority. This goes for both sides.

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BANGKOK, 18 January 2014 (NNT) – The Prime Minister has defended the government following an explosion on Banthad Thong Road, saying it had nothing to do with the bombing incident that wounded at least 36 rally goers.

Now that is one huge pork pie (lie).

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Before any investigation has taken place she up and says 'we didn't do it'

As if she knows anything about it at all.

How many times has she ordered investigations to be carried out without result ?

Anyway why should she have to order an investigation, isn't it the police job to do that without her orders ?

Courtesy of the orders from Dubai,... is the only answer

...you can come up with repeatedly? If that's due to tourette's syndrome that explains a lot.

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Dosn't make sense for the government to have anything to do with violence as this stage, thus far they have avoided all confrontation to do so now would be ridiculous. The protests are no threat now and the numbers are so bad its an embarrassment to even keep the 7 locations open. I believe there are now more workers/security/staff at these locations most of the time than there are actual


so who is behind the violence ?

1 This third hand always involved is pretty clearly not always the same third hand. I dont believe it is anything to do with the Gov or TS in this instance they have the most to lose by inciting violence,

2 If it is the PRDC they are hiring those with no connections but just doing it for money but they do absolutely have the motive to encourage violence and instigate a coup.

3 Could the third party be the army or navy ? absolutely it could they are more than happy to to oblige a coup im sure but need a very very good reason before they do so. Would be very simple to do so as they have the weaponry the training and the motive.

4 There is another option for the third party candidate and thats a rouge cell from some group or made up independently. A cell could easily come from the muslim terrorist factions in the south, they would have no compulsion killing Thai buddhists as they do in the south all the time. Also taking it to BKK they would relish and to bring down the Shin regime as they also detest them would be a bonus. Also to further thier agenda for more independence down there a split in the country would be more advantageous for them. They have the funding they have the weaponry and they have the motive. .

5 The Thais in general . Thier losing the money they are losing the jobs they are the ones having to put up with this. There are elements in bangers that make a lot of money in the shadows. these networks a huge they run throughout Thailand and they dont like losing money and the shutdown is bad for business. there are small mafia, there is big mafia, there is taxi mafia, there is girl mafia, there is the street mafia ....in short they are all over the place and they are armed and have the connections, they dont really have much of a motive other than money but thats enough, then again it could just be some of the pissed off people in bkk or family of that are wanting to just hurt someone back.

6 Finally there is one last option, an elite third party following thier own agenda, also possible easily funded and plenty of motive.

6 options there probably not all there could be, the least likely for me is 1 I dont want to speculate on the other 5 but it could easily be any of them. aint Thailand grand ?

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You can see clearly in this video that it was a yellow shirt who did it:

The same guy is the first to rush into the abandoned house to look for the "perpetrator".

Doesn't matter if he is red, yellow pink or blue, this guy is either very brave or very stupid.

Imagine what the mob would have done if they caught him!

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Doesn't matter if he is red, yellow pink or blue, this guy is either very brave or very stupid.

Imagine what the mob would have done if they caught him!

You should watch the video. The guy who they say is running in to look for the perpetrator, is the perpetrator.

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Although.. we are foreigners here in this country... we have to think... there are two commodities that ride on this economy... tourism and the rice exportation... of which are both in trouble... now would a gov't sabotage itself in order to create a devastating problem? We also think...it is the rich class and the bangkokians who shun Yingluck, while the farmers and the country people think she is great.. so logically we know it is these complainers and destroyers causing the problems for both... and those in this gov't have been promised higher positions and been paid a lot of money to cause these problems... I would never want to be a leader of any country in these times... everyone always blames you first for any problem... and that is what is happening here as well. If as foriegners look to our own countries... we know corruption exists as well, but not this openly... yet they say the Asian countries are progressing faster than UK or US...but we know why... US and UK won't allow the people to be corrupt, they experienced that in the 1700s for UK and 1900"s for US... and then both countries became stable..but right now in Asia(China, SEA) the people pay for the courrption and the people do the corruption... but then in their futures, they will once again lose their economic status because they didn't learn from their mistakes and yet still need to join the rest of the world... and in Thailand, we see this happening, and with ASEAN happening, we should never see this kind of uprising again, because it cannot be in a Union in a situation like this... and those Suthep and his hordes don't want to lose their opportunity...but remember the 'pointing the one finger at one, still yields the 3 fingers pointing back" scenario... can't win... but will lose. I think Yingluck is the best one to take this country into that future... with her families given experience...Suthep is a low class wannabee that has on idea of what is going on other than just trying to bully someone else... (of course this is my observation and opinion, don't mean to discredit anyone elses opinion) as well have the right to what we feel and believe. but living in this country, we all are a part of this problem.

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