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Ex says I'm a father


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DNA test, named on the Birth certificate means absolutely nothing in Thailand unfortunatley... You are only the legal father if you...

1) Marry the mother

2) A court recognises you as father

3) The child (when older) identifies you as the father in front of Amphur officials.

Are you sure about this? Never heard of before, and my Mrs normally knows her way around here. Except for step no 1 (Marriage) we never did step 2 or 3.

Would this be applicable for mixed/foreign marriages only?

If you were legally married in Thailand (not ceremony) prior to the birth of your child and your name is listed on the birth certificate then you will be deemed the legal parent/guardian of said child.

If not legally married at the time of birth steps 2 and 3 come into play.

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You need to do the DNA test. Mahidol and Ramathibodi hospitals offer it, it willl cost 15-20,000 Baht. I could be wrong but if that's too much you can try a blood test first. The child should have the same blood group as you. If not, this is a sure sign that its not your child (not 100% sure here). But if the blood group is the same, this doesn't necessarily confirm you are the father. In any event DNA test is best, they will give you c copy of the results in English and in Thai.

I'm surprised DNA testing is that expensive! You can get your DNA sequenced by 23andme for US$99 per person... just a little spit in a tube and DHL sends it off to the US. The test will show how much DNA you share in common with other individuals. My closest 'relative' in their large database (more than half a million people) shares only 1.4% with me; a child would share 50%. Maybe they keep costs down due to high volumes. Not suggesting this as a solution here ... just saying.

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Seems to me she's been a little free with her favors in the past, so a DNA test is the first port of call.

I also have been free with favors in the past. Joking aside. The other Thai wants to marry her and be the father. Why screw with it. Get a life and let bygones be bygone.

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Babies, Class 101: Take the date the baby was born and go back 9 months. Were you together during that time and were you cracking a nut where you should not have been during that time. If the answers are yes and yes then get the DNA test. If there is a no then i think she is trying to pull something in order to get your sympathy. Proceed with caution !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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No, I'm white. The baby is quite fair skinned like me.

You will undoubtably be bombarded about Blood tests, DNA, etc etc - I had a vasectomy in 1986 @35 yo, never had any and didn't want any kids.............in 2001 a Thai girl I had sex with a few times claims her 'light skinned baby' is mine, on insistance from her 'brother', we went to the Thai Military Hospital in Bangkok for a DNA test I laughed all the way there telling them "I no can do" dut laau......but the family was insistant. Bigger n shi'ite the results came out that the baby was mine///////even though I was shooting blanks for 15 years.............I took a sperm count and came up negative - then they started this 'Buddah's will' crapola - needless to say, I am not a Daddy, and not their walking ATM. Later the other girls in the neighborhood told me her 'brother' was a Thai Cop boyfriend,and half Chinese, must be his kid.

Don't believe everything you hear or see - anything can be rigged, stand your ground and be sure its yours, what you do after that fact, even though (as you admit) she is a slut and sleeps around, if you want to be part of the off-spring, - as they say "Up to You" Good Luckcoffee1.gif

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Has to be a troll for sure. If not, I don't know what guidance or advice you are looking for that one would not automatically think of themselves. If your ex partner has been sleeping around with multiple men, then surely you would automatically ask for a DNA test to find out who the father is. If it is you, then congratulations on the birth of your child. If it's not yours, I am sorry, but my advice would be to have no further contact with her or the child as they are no longer your concern.

Edited by warltier
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Whilst it is possible that you are the father it is much more likely that you are not.

Hard hearted - ignore the girl. Disappear.

Warm hearted with a brain - DNA while you are there checking every step. Get the DNA, go to farangland, have it done there.

Plain stupid - send lots of money and keep visiting.

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Wow, what do you want to proceed ??? I think you were bit silly allowing her to put your name down as the Father. You split because she had a Thai boy friend and then you find out she is having a baby with possibly another Thai guy, what do you want yourself think about it and go your way, what the hell are you asking other people what to do.

Do you want to get back together, if so, think about who the next guy will be she goes with. Get out of the way and live your own life. You would not be able to live and not think what she is doing when you are not there.

It would Finnish your life Mate, no good discussing it with her as she will promis all sorts, money is the number one here with her, get real.

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Thanks for the congratulations, though. I do have mixed feelings about it.

Do 1 of 2 things:

1. Go forward with your life in a different direction than what you are presenting here, and cease all contact with the ex.


2. Confirm fatherhood, and put yourself wholly into your baby's life, all the way possible. However,

likely ahead is a lot of suffering for you and the baby, considering the "butterfly" relationship

and general irresponsible behavior of your ex. You would be striving for rights that offer no real protection for your relationship with the child.

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I agree with many others that a DNA test is the only way to go, it will just drive you crazy until you know for sure so just do it and then you can decide what action to take after that.

You didn't say wether she was an ex bar girl (go-go or massage etc) as this type of thing seems to be far more common from girls from that background.

They get very used to ripping off and manipulating Farang, it becomes almost a lifestyle for them and a hard habit to break, and of course switching partners when they think the grass maybe greener with someone is also one of thier habits.

Can you give us some background info on your ex?

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My advice FWIW, you are lucky to live in the age of the relatively cheap and easy DNA test, getting one is simple, so just do it. Find out for sure now, and store the results safely for your lifetime even if you are shown not to be the father. Make sure the child's mother, boyfriends and all her family know the result either way.

My reasons -

Imagine the upset and damage if in 18-20 years time contact is made with you by "your child", you may have a family of your own, and be in a relationship where this revelation could cause untold problems.

As important if not more so what damage would your denial of parenthood do to a perhaps vulnerable 18-20 year old looking for their father. This could be Someone who had been told all their life that you were the Dad. Believe me this can and does happen, and it will not be a situation which will be comfortable for anyone, avoid it if you can by taking the DNA test now.

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DNA test, named on the Birth certificate means absolutely nothing in Thailand unfortunatley... You are only the legal father if you...

1) Marry the mother

2) A court recognises you as father

3) The child (when older) identifies you as the father in front of Amphur officials.

Are you sure about this? Never heard of before, and my Mrs normally knows her way around here. Except for step no 1 (Marriage) we never did step 2 or 3.

Would this be applicable for mixed/foreign marriages only?

If you were legally married in Thailand (not ceremony) prior to the birth of your child and your name is listed on the birth certificate then you will be deemed the legal parent/guardian of said child.

If not legally married at the time of birth steps 2 and 3 come into play.

nope, either of the three at any time is legal.

birth cert counts for nothing as no checks are made.

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Babies look like everybody. Why didn't you bring a DNA kit with you while you were there and have it tested once you returned home? Now you are going through unnecessary stress and worry about a kid that is more than likely not yours. Women f around just as much as men. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhihY1DY3oJKmMuNCi

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I'm over 90% sure so I didn't want another man listed. She was getting it done anyway and said the new guy was going to be listed. I was worried I'd lose any access. A calculated risk I suppose but anyway it seems that it doesn't mean anything legally.

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No, I'm white. The baby is quite fair skinned like me.

Doesn't mean a thing. The kid could be dark as chocolate once he/she starts toddling outside in the sun. How dark/light are the former Thai boyfriend/s and the supposed current boyfriend/husband to be?

Interestingly, you haven't stated if it's a boy or a girl........I thought that rather strange, and just a little suspicious.coffee1.gif

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A girl. I'm not sure how the sex of the baby is relevant at the moment.

If it's a white skinned girl, at age 13 she will most likely be put out whoring (based on your posts about mum).

If it's a white skinned boy, he will probably be treated OK.

So yes, it does matter if it's a boy or a girl.

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Certainly get a DNA test done. Why not at a Government Hospital? Why did you so readily agree to have your name on the Birth Certificate if you don't know who the father really is?

Didn't matter if he agreed or not, the hospital will put any name mum likes as the father on the paperwork.

Quite a lot of unmarried girls put their dad or their uncle as "father", nobody checks or cares.

It's great how so many posters who know nothing about Thai laws and regulations, feel the need to participate, but it really doesn't add much to the thread. And really, Thailand doesn't care what the rules are in your home countries.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Interestingly, you haven't stated if it's a boy or a girl........I thought that rather strange, and just a little suspicious.

...and what on earth does that have to do with whether he's the real father or not?!

Ten fingers? Ten toes? Any birthmarks? Can you tell if the kid is left- or right-handed yet? Can you financially support the child? What is your sister's name? It's really weird your post is lacking pertinent information. Are you a troll? Clearly...

My advice for what it is worth?

Do the DNA-test in a state hospital!


A state hospital is more recognised in cases like these as private hospitals!

Beside that, it is much cheaper.

If you plan to use the DNA test results at your countries embassy for legal parenthood, then do a "forensic" DNA test (Rajavithi Hospital comes to mind). Check with your embassy first. And request the hospital to check if the blood types match first (you only need to take one blood sample this way), and you may not have to pay for further expenses.

Did she come out of a bar

Did you meet her online

Does she have a proper, solid job

Did you meet her in Pattaya, Phuket

Is her English better than avg Thai

Can she speak or say any words in addl langs other than English

Again, how the fork is this in any way relevant to the question of parenthood and visiting rights, and such?

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So why does the birth certificate list you as the father if you are not even sure that you are the father? Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Truthfully any name can be registered on the birth certificate. As another poster mentioned it does not mean you are a legal guardian.

A single mother can submit any name she wants. According to the funniest birth certificate I've seen Bill Gates has a child in Thailand. w00t.gif

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You never know. I have three half Asian kids. One of them looks white and a lot like me but all of the mother's facial expressions. Another daughter looks very Asian. Even I wonder, but she has more of my nose and the smile and eyebrows. My other daughter looks half and half. With mixed racial background you never know how they will turn out.

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