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Chuwit: 'No grudge against attacker'


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The Nation's news is worth nothing. Read the comments on AFP and AP and it becomes clear that Chuwit is very angry. That he accuses Suthep of bing in a power grab, that he uses corruption as a pre text for it. That corruption existed long before Thaksin and that he (Suthep) and the democrats are instrumental in corruption. He even says that Suthep was a law maker for 30 years and thrived on corruption. He says we have to protect democracy and voting rights. Chuwit does not have to file a complaint all of us who ever visited a brothel know how this will be handled.

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The only bit of entertainment the whole weekend. The rest was Kabuki theater.

But Chuwit showed there is still some of the street scrapper in him even at his age.

He is not one to call a spade a shovel, club, heart or diamond, to make things easier for people.

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Why would he have a grudge? He likes the publicity.

Chuwit is just like the dog he has on his election posters. (Bull terrier)

He's good as an attack dog like Chalerm if he's on your side. Unleash him and he goes rabid. Lots of bark and tenaciousness on his bite.

Great for showmanship but otherwise his substance and strategy is limited.

Sorry if I've offended any dog lovers.

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another stunt from Chuwit!

Has to be, I can't fathom a Thai (or many people for that matter) having the balls to attack the country's lead henchman, with witnesses, cameras and security around.

Then again, a bottle of sangsom later, who knows...

If it was real, probably not for "exercising the right to vote", more likely coz the guy is a hypocrite, a turncoat, and a great notch on the belt.

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If you want to be Politically Enlightened, just sit back, read and digest everything posted by Suthep's supporters here on TV. They know everything, dont you know. coffee1.gif

Or, if you wanted to be physically sick, just sit back and read the blatant garbage and bs posted by the PTP fans.

And are you really that thick that you believe anyone who is against the Shin regime is a Democrat supporter ? If so, how the heck do you put your trousers on in the morning ?

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I heard Chuvit being interviewed on Thai TV. What a guy!

One of the questions he was asked was "What was his advice to Mr. Suthep?" He said "Mr. Suthep should go home to his province. People in Bangkok are sick and tired of the Suthep Mob. People are sick and tired of being forced to adjust their travel routine because of blocked traffic, da da da da...".

One thing Chuwit said which I really like was when he said some like this: "Why is it that the PDRC thinks that they are the only ones who have the right to wave the Thai Flag?"

Then he also mentioned said - "The mob has been listening to Suthep for 3 months. Give me just one day to talk to them so I can show you Mr. Suthep's dirty laundry. He spends 21 million baht per day for the 7 (rally sites). Where do you think he got that money from?" Then Chuwit goes on about the Palm Oil scandal and alluded that Mr. Suthep made a killing from that...

Mr. Chuwit is Really interesting fellow

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So let Chuwit present all his proof of Suteb's so called corruption, go on do it, if you actually have anything more than biased rhetoric...?

Yawn... Dear me, He's as white and pure as fresh fallen snow. Gimme a break geezer, your love of the Great Leader makes me puke.

By the way, i think Chuwit should be prime minister, breath of fresh air compared to normal politicos, and he's got a pair of balls, unlike Mark etc.

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I heard Chuvit being interviewed on Thai TV. What a guy!

One of the questions he was asked was "What was his advice to Mr. Suthep?" He said "Mr. Suthep should go home to his province. People in Bangkok are sick and tired of the Suthep Mob. People are sick and tired of being forced to adjust their travel routine because of blocked traffic, da da da da...".

One thing Chuwit said which I really like was when he said some like this: "Why is it that the PDRC thinks that they are the only ones who have the right to wave the Thai Flag?"

Then he also mentioned said - "The mob has been listening to Suthep for 3 months. Give me just one day to talk to them so I can show you Mr. Suthep's dirty laundry. He spends 21 million baht per day for the 7 (rally sites). Where do you think he got that money from?" Then Chuwit goes on about the Palm Oil scandal and alluded that Mr. Suthep made a killing from that...

Mr. Chuwit is Really interesting fellow

I think that Chuwit as PM might just be the ticket. He has balls, charisma and force of personality. He used to be a pimp, but so what?

At least he is open and honest about what he did. Whether his hands are clean now is up for grabs, but look at the other candidates.

It is a horrible choice. Who is the least corrupt?

Yingluck? Nah, too tarnished and to much conflict of interest.

Abhisit? Nah, tried and failed.

Korn? Nah, he is smart has has refused to get into this dirty game.

Banharn? Nah. He is a fossil and failed miserably 15 years ago. Could be blamed for the lack of flood protection of BKK.

So, who is left that could be a strong leader for the country?


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My hero !

Everybody can say he is a criminal, a crook and corrupt, whatever !

So are all other politicians, period !

He is not afraid to expose corruption and criminality and now he gets hit in the face, lands on his backside, gets up and dives right back into the fight.

A real man, unlike some Thai politicians out there !

Good on you Khun Chuwit !

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Pure acting to get free TV coverage.

Even if it is, better 100 appearance of Chuwit on TV news than a single statement from Chalerm lol....

Funny the picture on the video reminds me of another actor......


THE http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928330/


of Thailand politics... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

All in a day work lol .

Massage parlor, politics, street fighting... he never stopped been an entertainer did he?

Edited by CantSpell
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