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New Zealand teen jailed in Thailand


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Had he not been a westerner/tourist, he wouldnt be treated like a Soi Dog

At every turn, Thailand shames itself again!

I must be missing something here: the kid stole and resisted arrest and it is Thailand that shames itself? How is that? In other countries, including so-called democracies, people have gotten shot trying to resist arrest.

But of course let's not get facts in the way of some Thai-bashing.


Are you paying attention?

Yes... the kid was drunk and he did something stupid... and a reasonable penalty should be handed down. But the issue is that in this country, a Thai can stab a tourist and get a 500 baht fine.... They can rob you, burglarize your home, scam you on the street, cheat you in any kind of business transaction, and the police will not even attempt to assist you. A Thai with no license or insurance can kill a van full of people and never SEE the inside of a jail cell... and ultimately be "found guilty" and then sentenced to 40 hours of community service!!!

This kiwi kid made a drunk mistake and they are going hang a 1-5 year sentence over his head? They should have let him sleep it off, apologize to the cops, call his friends to get 1000 baht "fine, and then have his picture taken pointing at the cell phone... That should have been the end of it.

This is all about how much money they can extort from his family to release him and if you can't see that you are blind.

And if you want to call it Thai Bashing, you are a fool too.

Agreed rj - I can't believe the vitriol being expressed here. The kid, probably on his first overseas trip in his life, drinks too much and tries to get home. The taxi driver sees an opportunity to set this kid up and possibly plants the phone on the kid (too drunk to notice), then calls his cop mate to pick the kid up. They go there, get the phone back (probably didn't even realize he had it - drunk 18 yr old!) and to make it sound more serious the cop says he was resisting arrest. Kid can't pay anything so the 'game' goes up a notch....take him to the cells, do the paperwork, and wait for a much bigger payoff from the family in a week or so. Cop and taxi driver split the proceeds - next! Why is everyone here believing what the cop and taxi driver said - we all know the type of scams this lot come up with - we haven't heard the kids side of the story yet....mind you he probably can't remember much. His biggest mistake was to come to Thailand with only his mate. The added issue of different levels of 'punishment' for Thais and farang can only be explained by the enhanced extortion opportunities that farang provide. As suggested, the appropriate action would have been sleep it off in the cells, fine Bt1,000, told he is a silly prick - don't do it again, and go home! End of story.....but no, there is a bigger prize to be had...way too tempting.

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for god's sake, did you forget already? This is a country, where the thai police did abduct 3 or 4 italians tourists, and a 2 millions baht ransom was asked!!!

As a foreigner, you will always be a victim... here they can do whatever they want, and there is no one you can go complain!

This kind of extortion are quite over common in thailand, just this time this story was published by a foreign newspaper, otherwise you will never have heard of it! This is how thai police are doing a living... targeting foreigner! Its happening every single days!

Edited by Bender
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Had he not been a westerner/tourist, he wouldnt be treated like a Soi Dog

At every turn, Thailand shames itself again!

I must be missing something here: the kid stole and resisted arrest and it is Thailand that shames itself? How is that? In other countries, including so-called democracies, people have gotten shot trying to resist arrest.

But of course let's not get facts in the way of some Thai-bashing.


Are you paying attention?

Yes... the kid was drunk and he did something stupid... and a reasonable penalty should be handed down. But the issue is that in this country, a Thai can stab a tourist and get a 500 baht fine.... They can rob you, burglarize your home, scam you on the street, cheat you in any kind of business transaction, and the police will not even attempt to assist you. A Thai with no license or insurance can kill a van full of people and never SEE the inside of a jail cell... and ultimately be "found guilty" and then sentenced to 40 hours of community service!!!

This kiwi kid made a drunk mistake and they are going hang a 1-5 year sentence over his head? They should have let him sleep it off, apologize to the cops, call his friends to get 1000 baht "fine, and then have his picture taken pointing at the cell phone... That should have been the end of it.

This is all about how much money they can extort from his family to release him and if you can't see that you are blind.

And if you want to call it Thai Bashing, you are a fool too.

Agreed rj - I can't believe the vitriol being expressed here. The kid, probably on his first overseas trip in his life, drinks too much and tries to get home. The taxi driver sees an opportunity to set this kid up and possibly plants the phone on the kid (too drunk to notice), then calls his cop mate to pick the kid up. They go there, get the phone back (probably didn't even realize he had it - drunk 18 yr old!) and to make it sound more serious the cop says he was resisting arrest. Kid can't pay anything so the 'game' goes up a notch....take him to the cells, do the paperwork, and wait for a much bigger payoff from the family in a week or so. Cop and taxi driver split the proceeds - next! Why is everyone here believing what the cop and taxi driver said - we all know the type of scams this lot come up with - we haven't heard the kids side of the story yet....mind you he probably can't remember much. His biggest mistake was to come to Thailand with only his mate. The added issue of different levels of 'punishment' for Thais and farang can only be explained by the enhanced extortion opportunities that farang provide. As suggested, the appropriate action would have been sleep it off in the cells, fine Bt1,000, told he is a silly prick - don't do it again, and go home! End of story.....but no, there is a bigger prize to be had...way too tempting.
Spot on the mark.... Don't worry though NZ embassy pay inmates in Thailand as does Australia to the tune of $300 odd per month...least poor bugger won't starve.
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Its amazing how ones dress sense and actions speaks volumes about a person.

Hopefully he has an attitude adjustment.

Don`t worry, I am sure all the old lags in prison, that probably haven`t been with a woman for the last 20 years, will give this 18 year old teen boy a big welcome on his arrival and being cocky won`t be anything to do with his attitude.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Had he not been a westerner/tourist, he wouldnt be treated like a Soi Dog

At every turn, Thailand shames itself again!

I must be missing something here: the kid stole and resisted arrest and it is Thailand that shames itself? How is that? In other countries, including so-called democracies, people have gotten shot trying to resist arrest.

But of course let's not get facts in the way of some Thai-bashing.


Are you paying attention?

Yes... the kid was drunk and he did something stupid... and a reasonable penalty should be handed down. But the issue is that in this country, a Thai can stab a tourist and get a 500 baht fine.... They can rob you, burglarize your home, scam you on the street, cheat you in any kind of business transaction, and the police will not even attempt to assist you. A Thai with no license or insurance can kill a van full of people and never SEE the inside of a jail cell... and ultimately be "found guilty" and then sentenced to 40 hours of community service!!!

This kiwi kid made a drunk mistake and they are going hang a 1-5 year sentence over his head? They should have let him sleep it off, apologize to the cops, call his friends to get 1000 baht "fine, and then have his picture taken pointing at the cell phone... That should have been the end of it.

This is all about how much money they can extort from his family to release him and if you can't see that you are blind.

And if you want to call it Thai Bashing, you are a fool too.Agreed rj - I can't believe the vitriol being expressed here. The kid, probably on his first overseas trip in his life, drinks too much and tries to get home. The taxi driver sees an opportunity to set this kid up and possibly plants the phone on the kid (too drunk to notice), then calls his cop mate to pick the kid up. They go there, get the phone back (probably didn't even realize he had it - drunk 18 yr old!) and to make it sound more serious the cop says he was resisting arrest. Kid can't pay anything so the 'game' goes up a notch....take him to the cells, do the paperwork, and wait for a much bigger payoff from the family in a week or so. Cop and taxi driver split the proceeds - next! Why is everyone here believing what the cop and taxi driver said - we all know the type of scams this lot come up with - we haven't heard the kids side of the story yet....mind you he probably can't remember much. His biggest mistake was to come to Thailand with only his mate. The added issue of different levels of 'punishment' for Thais and farang can only be explained by the enhanced extortion opportunities that farang provide. As suggested, the appropriate action would have been sleep it off in the cells, fine Bt1,000, told he is a silly prick - don't do it again, and go home! End of story.....but no, there is a bigger prize to be had...way too tempting.

I'm not going down the taxi driver planted the phone conspiracy theory path... Possible, but probably not.

I'm just saying it's selected enforcement of the law to the financial benefit of the police. They have no interest in justice, or even a concept of what "justice" means. They are simply criminals with guns who are free to shirk their duty and extort any person that comes into their vicinity.

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From the photo he looks like a young punk and thug, all dressed up in his street gangsta wear. It would surprise me if this guy had done this before, but in a country like NZ he is unlikely to face any severe consequences. Now he can try to act all tough and gangsta in a thai prison.

Are you serious. You surely will make a wonderful father with such a narrowed minded attitude. Talk about a BLACK AND WHITE person.

Oh and next comment about this kid being ass shagged in Thai prison will be a wake up call. Wonder if this dill would make same posts if this boy was his son. Oh and of course none of these <deleted> have every done a stupid or illegal thing in their lives.

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Naughty Kiwi. Back home you would get diversion if you had no previous record.Thailand is a whole different ball game.

If you so stupid you can sitt in yail for life you dont now howe life in Thailand work.Yue can steel in your one coutry but dont come to Thailand make shit.No people care fore

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If you so smart that you steel a telephone you can sitt fore life.No people care fore you ass----le If you make in your home coutry what happen:you can not think Here BIG PROBLEM IF YOU NOT FOLLOW THE LAW.And then your family think can take you out from jail newer .You can sitt for life you come here make shitt so take it

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From the photo he looks like a young punk and thug, all dressed up in his street gangsta wear. It would surprise me if this guy had done this before, but in a country like NZ he is unlikely to face any severe consequences. Now he can try to act all tough and gangsta in a thai prison.

Are you serious. You surely will make a wonderful father with such a narrowed minded attitude. Talk about a BLACK AND WHITE person.

Oh and next comment about this kid being ass shagged in Thai prison will be a wake up call. Wonder if this dill would make same posts if this boy was his son. Oh and of course none of these wanke_rs have every done a stupid or illegal thing in their lives.

I have never stolen or taken anything that does not belong to me in my lifetime, so I guess that makes me a <deleted> in your book. If that`s the case than I`m proud.

Many of us on Thai visa who have kids have probably brought them up properly and would not even consider committing such crimes. And if god forbid, this was my son, I can assure you I would have no sympathy at all and probably compensate the taxi driver for his loss, to boot.

I say good old Thai justice, squeeze the thug element out of this boy and perhaps he will later go home a better person for it, because tough justice is the only cure for them. Far better than in my country where he would receive a slap on the wrist with no deterrents to persuade him not to commit thuggery and crime again.

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I used to forget my phone in a taxi cab in Bkk at night, few minute later I was keep calling to talk to the driver on my phone number then he switched off the phone after a few rings...

Taxi driver could be act the same way and never go to jail...

I guess many people forget stuffs in taxi and never got back and I am not talking about all the scams of Taxi drivers especially at night... If you report the case they will be fine by the police and ... nothing.

It is not mean I approve what this dude did bad, just wondering why we are talking about 5 years in jail, especially since the driver got back his phone...

Maybe police need some cash and smell the good deal to make with the kiwi family of the Young fellow.

If you so vstupid and forget something in a taxi you think they giwe you back.555

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It amazes me of how much trouble people can get there self into over here after a night out on the booze. I think that this is going to be a very expensive time for the teen, all due to a simple mobile phone ! Hope he realizes its not woth it in the end !

Maybee they giwe him something in the drink at the bar it happen all time in bangkok.but vnow he hawe a lesson

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From the photo he looks like a young punk and thug, all dressed up in his street gangsta wear. It would surprise me if this guy had done this before, but in a country like NZ he is unlikely to face any severe consequences. Now he can try to act all tough and gangsta in a thai prison.

Are you serious. You surely will make a wonderful father with such a narrowed minded attitude. Talk about a BLACK AND WHITE person.

Oh and next comment about this kid being ass shagged in Thai prison will be a wake up call. Wonder if this dill would make same posts if this boy was his son. Oh and of course none of these wanke_rs have every done a stupid or illegal thing in their lives.

I have never stolen or taken anything that does not belong to me in my lifetime, so I guess that makes me a wanke_r in your book. If that`s the case than I`m proud.

Many of us on Thai visa who have kids have probably brought them up properly and would not even consider committing such crimes. And if god forbid, this was my son, I can assure you I would have no sympathy at all and probably compensate the taxi driver for his loss, to boot.

I say good old Thai justice, squeeze the thug element out of this boy and perhaps he will later go home a better person for it, because tough justice is the only cure for them. Far better than in my country where he would receive a slap on the wrist with no deterrents to persuade him not to commit thuggery and crime again.

If you come to stay in Thailand you most now here you can not make shitt,And wy make if you not make before in your own country.Him hawe make this before so now he learn the hard way

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From the photo he looks like a young punk and thug, all dressed up in his street gangsta wear. It would surprise me if this guy had done this before, but in a country like NZ he is unlikely to face any severe consequences. Now he can try to act all tough and gangsta in a thai prison.

Are you serious. You surely will make a wonderful father with such a narrowed minded attitude. Talk about a BLACK AND WHITE person.

Oh and next comment about this kid being ass shagged in Thai prison will be a wake up call. Wonder if this dill would make same posts if this boy was his son. Oh and of course none of these wanke_rs have every done a stupid or illegal thing in their lives.

I have never stolen or taken anything that does not belong to me in my lifetime, so I guess that makes me a wanke_r in your book. If that`s the case than I`m proud.

Many of us on Thai visa who have kids have probably brought them up properly and would not even consider committing such crimes. And if god forbid, this was my son, I can assure you I would have no sympathy at all and probably compensate the taxi driver for his loss, to boot.

I say good old Thai justice, squeeze the thug element out of this boy and perhaps he will later go home a better person for it, because tough justice is the only cure for them. Far better than in my country where he would receive a slap on the wrist with no deterrents to persuade him not to commit thuggery and crime again.

If you come to stay in Thailand you most now here you can not make shitt,And wy make if you not make before in your own country.Him hawe make this before so now he learn the hard way

You're going to last five minutes on this forum if you don't smarten up. I would suggest you read the forum rules..

Edited by Sayonarax
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This kid is just the beginning of a new generation of delinquents post the NZ anti smacking laws.

In other words if they're under 18 parents cannot give them a good boot up the arse without the risk of being legally prosecuted,

I have to admit I was no angel in my day

To be fair some posters have over exaggerated the level of the crime

or maybe some have just gotten old & grumpy :-)

Edited by age4short
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This kid is just the beginning of a new generation of delinquents post the NZ anti smacking laws.

In other words if they're under 18 parents cannot give them a good boot up the arse without the risk of being legally prosecuted,

I have to admit I was no angel in my day

To be fair some posters have over exaggerated the level of the crime

or maybe some have just gotten old & grumpy :-)

Same in Australia, you are not allowed to tell your children they are doing wrong. It is a restriction of their rights to make their own decisions.

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This kid is just the beginning of a new generation of delinquents post the NZ anti smacking laws.

In other words if they're under 18 parents cannot give them a good boot up the arse without the risk of being legally prosecuted,

I have to admit I was no angel in my day

To be fair some posters have over exaggerated the level of the crime

or maybe some have just gotten old & grumpy :-)

Same in Australia, you are not allowed to tell your children they are doing wrong. It is a restriction of their rights to make their own decisions.

Are you serious? You cant smack or tell your child off.. talk about nanny it up. blink.png

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This kid is just the beginning of a new generation of delinquents post the NZ anti smacking laws.

In other words if they're under 18 parents cannot give them a good boot up the arse without the risk of being legally prosecuted,

I have to admit I was no angel in my day

To be fair some posters have over exaggerated the level of the crime

or maybe some have just gotten old & grumpy :-)

Same in Australia, you are not allowed to tell your children they are doing wrong. It is a restriction of their rights to make their own decisions.

Are you serious? You cant smack or tell your child off.. talk about nanny it up. blink.png

yep definitely can't smack your child as that is assault. You must talk to them and let them respond with their opinion. You can not deny them their rights to make their own decisions.

Had many kids in Melbourne as young as 10 who turn up at a police station reporting assaults by parents, slap on the arse. You take a report interview the parents who generally admit it so you charge them with unlawful assault and report the incident to human services who then take control of the child. Standard protocol and you as a cop can be charged if you don't follow this protocol.

Edited by chooka
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Well, on reflection, I would like to buy him a beer......as payback for that bas***d taxi driver who, just after i climbed out the taxi, sped off with the door still open and my computer bag still inside with 17inch Macbook Pro, 1500 GBP in cash two hard drives of data and god knows how much else in there (Bose headphones etc etc). The only consolation was I had my jacket on and my passport and wallet was in the pocket. I kind of hope it was the same taxi driver, but the odds are slim and this guy got his phone back! Warning...NEVER step out the taxi without your hands on what needs to go with you! Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhh!

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It will be like liveing in hell for this stupid kid in a Thai jail, especially at night when his cellmates line up for their turn when he's forced to drop his pants!

Threads like this bring out the sexually depraved sickos. Raping is not amusing in any way, and although you may find it arousing it is an act of violence. In this case, it is unlikely he will be sexually violated. Perhaps intimidated, shaken down, beaten up but the Thai inmates do not usually rape each other. There is no need as there is often a willing partner since the jails are full of drug addicts who will do whatever they need to do to get a hit of yaba.

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