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Phuket Immigration Nightmare


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so u now get a ticket to get ur extensions and then once that is issued u need get in line again and get ANOTHER ticket to get your re entry permit!!

thats crazy.

Thnak god i do my extensions in June, it takes me less than 30 minutes to do everything.

phang nga immigration are happy to see farangs =)

I didn't know u can go to a different immigration than where u live> so if live in Phuket i can go to Phang Nga for my extension and re entry?

Edited by phuketrichard
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4 hour wait???

I would have attempted to bribe the volunteers after 45mins, failing that I would have driven to Krabi. Much nicer in immigration there

phang nga immigration are happy to see farangs =)

Where is the immigration at Phag Nga? or are you talking about Krabi?

37 Moo 3 Tamnampud Muang problems finding? give them a call they speak english 076460512 usually just a lot of myanmar but farang get vip for free hehe..

That's in my address book now.


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Jeeze mate didn't sound too bad. Try Chiangmai, you have to queue before 7am just to get a ticket!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

CM has an online reservations system where an appointment can be booked up to 100 days in advance. It has worked very well in the past but it's looking these days as though the system is being abused by some source, most probably folks using it to make an appointment for trivial matters whereas it is intended for visa renewal/extention.

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There was a college student handling it when I went, who was insufferably full of herself. I got in an argument with the foreign man as I'd never ever once before had to produce any kind of local ID with an address to get a resident's certificate- until that visit- he pooh poohed this as impossible. Then I got dirty looks from both of them for insisting to the desk officer the RC was free, and I'll take a receipt then if it is not- oh it is free then. Jeez so Monkey-Mouse, turd- world...I'm embarrassed for them.

I swear I'm going to record my next visa extension attempt for you tube. We all should.

The girls are gone and a form of address confirmation for your certificate of residence was always required.

Otherwise how could you prove to the officer that the address on the application form is correct.

You filled n the address portion on the bottom of the form, why would you lie about where you lived, which they no longer allow

Last time in my wife supplied her ID card to confirm my address even though we had different names

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4 hour wait???

I would have attempted to bribe the volunteers after 45mins, failing that I would have driven to Krabi. Much nicer in immigration there

phang nga immigration are happy to see farangs =)

Where is the immigration at Phag Nga? or are you talking about Krabi?

hi,phang nga is clearly sign posted,do not enter phang nga,continue on the road to krabi,1km,turn left and then left at next traffic lights,always easy there.

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I didn't know u can go to a different immigration than where u live> so if live in Phuket i can go to Phang Nga for my extension and re entry?

As I mentioned above, don't think you can process the annual extensions outside your area. Re-entry and 7 or 30 day extension should be possible.

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Did my 90 days last Monday in the Patong office. There was an African American looking lady but I think she is Italian. At least she speaks it fluently. She was quite nice and many of the visitors evidently appreciated her assistance very much.

Although it was quite busy it went all very smoothly. The lady asked who came to do 90 days reporting and there were three of us who were then directed to the lady officer. She processed our passports right away and gave them to one of the male officers. He called our names and I had only to sign the form that was already printed by the immigration computer showing the information from three months ago. In and out in 15 minutes.

Wonderful system but they never asked me if the information was up to date (which it was by the way).

Edited by Roel
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The question still remains, what on earth are these foreigners doing taking away jobs that a Thai could do?

There are maybe a max of 10 different things that immigration do. All they need is a desk with a couple of Thai trainees and a multilingual list of the necessary documents required for the "pre-processing", in the same way that the Land Transport Department make a quick check before issuing a queue number.

To be honest I do wonder what the motivation is in "volunteering" to hand out numbers in immigration.

I could put together a long list of interesting, fun and relaxing activities to do during a day. Getting up in the morning, rubbing my hands together, having a stretch and with a big smile heading off to stand around in the immigration office would not be near the top. It would be on the list of things I did not want to experience, slightly above having nails driven under my fingernails and simultaneously having my gonads electrified.

I have also had excellent service from immigration at Pangna, very friendly and helpful.thumbsup.gif

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The question still remains, what on earth are these foreigners doing taking away jobs that a Thai could do?

There are maybe a max of 10 different things that immigration do. All they need is a desk with a couple of Thai trainees and a multilingual list of the necessary documents required for the "pre-processing", in the same way that the Land Transport Department make a quick check before issuing a queue number.

To be honest I do wonder what the motivation is in "volunteering" to hand out numbers in immigration.

I could put together a long list of interesting, fun and relaxing activities to do during a day. Getting up in the morning, rubbing my hands together, having a stretch and with a big smile heading off to stand around in the immigration office would not be near the top. It would be on the list of things I did not want to experience, slightly above having nails driven under my fingernails and simultaneously having my gonads electrified.

I have also had excellent service from immigration at Pangna, very friendly and helpful.thumbsup.gif

I had a Thai girlfriend ten years ago who had graduated from a Uni in Bangkok and spoke excellent English, she got a one year contract with Phuket Tourist Police to act as an interface between Police and Tourists, pretty much the same thing we've discussed above. At the end of the first year her contract was not renewed and costs were the reason cited, it was cheaper by far to have farang volunteers do the job rather than pay a local national.

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so you are the lucky one, that came prepared with every paper and never got an officer, to ask to go get some other paper that is nowhere indicated on the website ?

once it took from 10 am to almost 4 pm, running to another building, running to an amphur....

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The question still remains, what on earth are these foreigners doing taking away jobs that a Thai could do?

There are maybe a max of 10 different things that immigration do. All they need is a desk with a couple of Thai trainees and a multilingual list of the necessary documents required for the "pre-processing", in the same way that the Land Transport Department make a quick check before issuing a queue number.

To be honest I do wonder what the motivation is in "volunteering" to hand out numbers in immigration.

I could put together a long list of interesting, fun and relaxing activities to do during a day. Getting up in the morning, rubbing my hands together, having a stretch and with a big smile heading off to stand around in the immigration office would not be near the top. It would be on the list of things I did not want to experience, slightly above having nails driven under my fingernails and simultaneously having my gonads electrified.

I have also had excellent service from immigration at Pangna, very friendly and helpful.thumbsup.gif

I had a Thai girlfriend ten years ago who had graduated from a Uni in Bangkok and spoke excellent English, she got a one year contract with Phuket Tourist Police to act as an interface between Police and Tourists, pretty much the same thing we've discussed above. At the end of the first year her contract was not renewed and costs were the reason cited, it was cheaper by far to have farang volunteers do the job rather than pay a local national.

But the tourist police has nothing to do with the immigration department.

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My four years experience of Immigration in Phuket is that it was the slickest and easiest of any I had ever known, all of that may have changed but I typically was in and out in less than one hour and never any trips back to get other documents were needed. The exception of course is that you've always forgotten to make sufficient photocopies of something or other but that's a feature of Immigration offices everywhere in Thailand.

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The question still remains, what on earth are these foreigners doing taking away jobs that a Thai could do?

There are maybe a max of 10 different things that immigration do. All they need is a desk with a couple of Thai trainees and a multilingual list of the necessary documents required for the "pre-processing", in the same way that the Land Transport Department make a quick check before issuing a queue number.

To be honest I do wonder what the motivation is in "volunteering" to hand out numbers in immigration.

I could put together a long list of interesting, fun and relaxing activities to do during a day. Getting up in the morning, rubbing my hands together, having a stretch and with a big smile heading off to stand around in the immigration office would not be near the top. It would be on the list of things I did not want to experience, slightly above having nails driven under my fingernails and simultaneously having my gonads electrified.

I have also had excellent service from immigration at Pangna, very friendly and helpful.thumbsup.gif

I had a Thai girlfriend ten years ago who had graduated from a Uni in Bangkok and spoke excellent English, she got a one year contract with Phuket Tourist Police to act as an interface between Police and Tourists, pretty much the same thing we've discussed above. At the end of the first year her contract was not renewed and costs were the reason cited, it was cheaper by far to have farang volunteers do the job rather than pay a local national.

But the tourist police has nothing to do with the immigration department.

Ah, cleverly spotted, but did you also note, "act as an interface between Police and Tourists, pretty much the same thing we've discussed above"? The point being that employing locals into that role as an interface between the public and any government dept, is not cost effective. Please read the reply in context.

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I just did my retirement visa at Jomtien last week/this week. (New visa, not renewal)

Because I had a new passport, I had to first get the entry stamp changed from the old passport to the new one. That took one day. (Thursday)

Then on Friday, they took the whole day to do the non-immigrant retirement visa.

I had to go back on Monday just to do the multiple reentry because they wouldn't let me do it on Friday after I got my new visa.

Each day I was there waiting in line for the office to open before 8:00 am, yet they could only manage to do one procedure per day.

I was just pleased that I got it done and didn't have to wait more than an hour each day to hand in my paperwork.

Also it was a pleasant surprise to see that the non-immigrant visa and multiple reentry visa were both for 15 months rather than one year.

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Trying to keep legal and renew my driving license,had to get a residence certificate,and nearest immigration is Sakon Nakhon 120 kilometres away.Had all the right documents fairly quick 30 minutes but cost me 500 baht!obviously no receipt!Big boost to the tea fund for them!Cannot argue with them as we go regularly for 90 day reporting and yearly retirement extensions.

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The volunteers are ok for dealing with tourists and first timers but in my experience generally do not have the required depth of knowledge to deal with the more exotic extensions/cases.

I really cannot see how having to queue to get a TM47 and then queue to have it 'checked' by a foreigner to then get a number to see an immigration ofiicer makes things more efficient or quicker.

Now you are not going to see anyone if you get into the office at 11:45 or 15:45 even if you only need a Thai officer to quickly confirm details on required paperwork, questions that the foreign volunteers wiil almost certinaly not know the answer to.

For me, the old system worked great, the new system sucks and I personaly don't appreciate having to reveal/discuss my private affairs with a foreign volunteer.

Edited by digitalchromakey
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I have to laugh at posts and replies like this written for no better reason than, as someone wrote above, to make the poster feel better for the rant.

Foreigners (aliens) in Thailand can bitch all they like, but no one ever takes the slightest notice. Farang will never change how the Thai authorities and mini-realms within them decide how to do things. I don't live in Thailand any more; I found somewhere less stressful (for me anyway).

If you still live in Thailand, then you might want to focus on what keeps you there and makes it better for you than some other third world dump - or even the real world.

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I thought this was normal procedure except for the ticket guards. Thai immigration don't give a <deleted> about foreigners living in Thailand, who, by the way, contribute to the economy. Maybe their economic contribution to the country is too deep for their thinking.

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I have never read so much rubbish from the anti-volunteer brigade. There is a very high percentage of tourists and expats that do not know the rules or how to fill out the appropriate forms. The anti-volunteer brigade as usual are so full of their own importance and shit. Learn all they know from 7/11 immigration or their mate - idiots

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I really don't know what all the critisism is about. Last month I did my 90 day in Phuket Immigration - I had the form downloaded and filled in, printed out, and all ready. Walked into Immigration straight to the volunteer desk, by the short time they checked and all was good, issued the q-ticket, and my number was displayed. In and out in less than 5 minutes.

Earlier last month I did my one year marriage extension, the volunteer could clearly see I had all the paperwork in order, issued the q-ticket, I waited about 45 minutes, officer processed in 30 minutes, out the door in hour and 15 minutes.

As for the returrn for the annual approval (ony for marriage & work extensions) the volunteers don't give a ticket, just tell me to go straight to the back desk. As far as i can see it has been greatly streamlined and I have zero complaints. Good job volunteers.

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I think the volunteers in Phuket Immigration are great, although they should be paid IMO.

They are just helpful people. Can you imagine the mayhem if they werent there?

There was no mayhem when they were not there that is one of the points of my op.

The introduction of the ticket machine has, combined with the know-it-all attitude of

the supercilious volunteers, ( one of whom missed the very document he was supposed

to be checking for in my case if you read my op ) served to do nothing but greatly

compound the little mayhem that may have previously existed.

Well done ticket guards/volunteers clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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Well maybe they are great people , and certainly they can be helpful but to be told I have to have a copy of a Thai Driver's License with my address on it to obtain a Certificate of Residency , when in fact you have to get the CR first to get the Thai DL - was not at all helpful- to me at that time.

And I don't appeciate a young Thai woman who cannot respond to a direct question, or even acknowledge my existence. Presumably she can speak English and that is why she is at a foreigner help counter at the Immigration Police?

Guess it quite possible she's meant tobe just vapid eye candy. That does seem to be of utmost importance here, however she took my papers and shuffled through them with some presumed authority, so...

Maybe my appeal as a potential sugar daddy was limited ? .

I ran into that American woman at Central once and I tried to be friendly, she acted like I was exposing her for a CIA agent or something "Oh, you can't know me.." and scurried off.

I also helped another one at the DL place . He couldn't understand he was to use only one foot in the brake reaction test, you know like when you drive? His English was atrocious or he was drunk, maybe both. Gosh- was it the one caught dealing drugs?

Edited by EBlair48
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I think the volunteers in Phuket Immigration are great, although they should be paid IMO.

They are just helpful people. Can you imagine the mayhem if they werent there?

There was no mayhem when they were not there that is one of the points of my op.

The introduction of the ticket machine has, combined with the know-it-all attitude of

the supercilious volunteers, ( one of whom missed the very document he was supposed

to be checking for in my case if you read my op ) served to do nothing but greatly

compound the little mayhem that may have previously existed.

Well done ticket guards/volunteers clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

But not everybody is as perfect as you, most people appreciate their help or the new system.

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Well maybe they are great people , and certainly they can be helpful but to be told I have to have a copy of a Thai Driver's License with my address on it to obtain a Certificate of Residency , when in fact you have to get the CR first to get the Thai DL - was not at all helpful- to me at that time.

And I don't appeciate a young Thai woman who cannot respond to a direct question, or even acknowledge my existence. Presumably she can speak English and that is why she is at a foreigner help counter at the Immigration Police?

Guess it quite possible she's meant tobe just vapid eye candy. That does seem to be of utmost importance here, however she took my papers and shuffled through them with some presumed authority, so...

Maybe my appeal as a potential sugar daddy was limited ? .

I ran into that American woman at Central once and I tried to be friendly, she acted like I was exposing her for a CIA agent or something "Oh, you can't know me.." and scurried off.

I also helped another one at the DL place . He couldn't understand he was to use only one foot in the brake reaction test, you know like when you drive? His English was atrocious or he was drunk, maybe both. Gosh- was it the one caught dealing drugs?

Interesting statements. xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.g6eSBeV0mM.w

An (old) DL if you have one off-course can be used (as many other valid papers) as confirmation for your address (most DL have the address on the back) when applying for a CR so nothing strange here,

As mentioned the young Thai girls don't work there any more or are you jealous that they did not ask you for your phone number.

So you are upset that somebody who you maybe spoke with for 5 mins doesn't recognize you in the shopping mall while she probable speaks with 500 people a week at the immigration office.

The drugs dealing guy was from the Tourist police and not immigration.

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I think the volunteers in Phuket Immigration are great, although they should be paid IMO.

They are just helpful people. Can you imagine the mayhem if they werent there?

There was no mayhem when they were not there that is one of the points of my op.

The introduction of the ticket machine has, combined with the know-it-all attitude of

the supercilious volunteers, ( one of whom missed the very document he was supposed

to be checking for in my case if you read my op ) served to do nothing but greatly

compound the little mayhem that may have previously existed.

Well done ticket guards/volunteers clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

But not everybody is as perfect as you, most people appreciate their help or the new system.

What new system?

The system is exactly as it has been for at least the 7 years I have been doing my

retirement extensions, all that is different is that they have brought in a q ticket

machine and foolishly put the control of dispensing said tickets in the hands of idiots

whose knowledge of the so called system is at best sparse.

I am by no means perfect but I did go on line some years ago to the official Thai

Immigration website, which is in English if required, and find out exactly what the

requirements were to obtain a retirement extension to my non imm "O " visa which

i'll venture none of the so called volunteer helpers have actually done, but I could be


The actual level of knowledge of these volunteers imo is abysmal, have they actually

ungone any training of any kind on the Thai immigration regulations?, I think not.


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I really don't know what all the critisism is about. Last month I did my 90 day in Phuket Immigration - I had the form downloaded and filled in, printed out, and all ready. Walked into Immigration straight to the volunteer desk, by the short time they checked and all was good, issued the q-ticket, and my number was displayed. In and out in less than 5 minutes.

Earlier last month I did my one year marriage extension, the volunteer could clearly see I had all the paperwork in order, issued the q-ticket, I waited about 45 minutes, officer processed in 30 minutes, out the door in hour and 15 minutes.

As for the returrn for the annual approval (ony for marriage & work extensions) the volunteers don't give a ticket, just tell me to go straight to the back desk. As far as i can see it has been greatly streamlined and I have zero complaints. Good job volunteers.

please could you post the standard documents required for a marriage extension , every year it seems different ...this year I had to sign a document giving them the right to check if I had a criminal record .. it changes every year!

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