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Police seek extended detention of PDRC leader


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Big blow for the DSI...

By the way, stop using LINE chat if you want to have a "private" lunch. "Police located his whereabout shortly after he switched on his mobile phone and clicked on LINE chat."

Spend a few baht and change your sim card

Lend your old one to a skytrain driver

that will send the bib crazy

Line is not linked to your SIM card

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What a profoundly silly exercise. The prisons intended to be filled to the brim with the spoils of Chalerm's emergency decree - now are occupied by one man, caught red-handed in the archaic act of attempting to digest a meal in a food stall of a public mall.

He was arrested for 'archaically' digesting a meal in a public mall?

​And they've emptied all the prisons in Thailand just to accomodate this one man on his red-handed attempted digesting offence?

[Ed.: shurely shome mishtake]

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Big blow for the DSI...

By the way, stop using LINE chat if you want to have a "private" lunch. "Police located his whereabout shortly after he switched on his mobile phone and clicked on LINE chat."

Spend a few baht and change your sim card

Lend your old one to a skytrain driver

that will send the bib crazy

Too late.

Please can you offer such advice earlier in future. It is now useless and hurtfully ironic as he contemplates 'what might have been' in his drab prison cell.

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Too late.

Please can you offer such advice earlier in future. It is now useless and hurtfully ironic as he contemplates 'what might have been' in his drab prison cell.

He is not in a prison cell. At the moment he is charged with sedition and treason - sedition (for Suthep) has already been refused by the courts and treason is simply ridiculous and will suffer the same fate.

Perhaps they should try jaywalking.

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It begins to look as the entire Thai judiciary supports Suthep and the Democrats which means that the courts are in fact co-conspirators with the conspiracy Abhisit and Suthep.

How can it be that the upper middle class and their corrupt Elite sponsors in Thailand are prepared to bring the country to it's knees and financially distressed to the point that it can't meet its obligations.

The timing of the whole three month saga underlines the probability the Thai Democrat come PDRC conspiracy is real. How can the intelligentsia of this Nation of Thailand conspire to humiliate their homeland just because they are not cleaver enough to devise policies that will appeal to some of the proletariat and so get themselves elected.

Talk about Wiley Wonkers chocolate factory, they're all mad.

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