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Network of reformists to tell government people to stop telling lies


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I won't trust this guy. He was a communist, anti-royalist and want a republic.

I mentioned here in ThaiVisa that 'old elite' power and 'emerging power' of the people should come together to talk to bring unity to Thailand. I have also asked 'what and who is this third party we often referred to?'.

I have to be very careful in referring to this 'third party'. If the two powers mentioned above are not careful and continue to be suspicious of each other, we will be building this 'third party' into a power that will eventually take over the present system of government.

They have infiltrated many sectors of the society. They are in the present anti and pro-government movements. They are in so called independence agencies, the Army, the Police, among the academic, learning institutions - virtually everywhere. They create discord at every moment. They 'usually' disgust themselves as royalists, champion of righteousness, democracy.

What is comforting at the moment is that they have not emerged among themselves a clear leader. However, if we are not willing to unite under the present system, we will see them becoming a power. Chaos, disunity will see them surfacing .......

I shall continue to be careful and promoting the coming together of the two powers I mentioned here to forgiveness, reconciliation and unity and learn to live and inclusive of each other.

in other words, because he is telling the truth about the party you like you have to deny it all otherwise your bias is shown up as total bullsh*t. When people cannot admit they are wrong all the trouble starts, just look at Thailand now after the ptp/reds/thaksins have spread their lies.

seajae - UDD supporters thrive on demonizing then changing the subject because they cannot correlate facts to rebut the claims highlighted. Remember facts are the PTP's kryptonite.

I would simply say to him - "What is he lying about and how would you back up that argument without demonizing the opposition?"

They hate that response.

I bet icommunty won't reply me and if he does it will be more demonizing completely overlooking the point I tried to make.

What I had shared alerted those who are scared of the truth being revealed and have every reason to react negatively.

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I won't trust this guy. He was a communist, anti-royalist and want a republic.

I mentioned here in ThaiVisa that 'old elite' power and 'emerging power' of the people should come together to talk to bring unity to Thailand. I have also asked 'what and who is this third party we often referred to?'.

I have to be very careful in referring to this 'third party'. If the two powers mentioned above are not careful and continue to be suspicious of each other, we will be building this 'third party' into a power that will eventually take over the present system of government.

They have infiltrated many sectors of the society. They are in the present anti and pro-government movements. They are in so called independence agencies, the Army, the Police, among the academic, learning institutions - virtually everywhere. They create discord at every moment. They 'usually' disgust themselves as royalists, champion of righteousness, democracy.

What is comforting at the moment is that they have not emerged among themselves a clear leader. However, if we are not willing to unite under the present system, we will see them becoming a power. Chaos, disunity will see them surfacing .......

I shall continue to be careful and promoting the coming together of the two powers I mentioned here to forgiveness, reconciliation and unity and learn to live and inclusive of each other.

Cool, another conspricacy!

So icommunity, who's this "third power" who's going to bring death, destruction and mayhem down on Thailand if the pro- and anti-Govt sides don't kiss and make up?

I don't think you want to understand what I am trying to alert. If you want to catch a snack, you don't beat the bushes.

Very cryptic. Can you give us a hint at least. Is it Santa Claus?

And it's "snake" by the way, auto-correct is annoying sometimes lol

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He is a liar using 'lies'.

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The truth hurts it seems.

Of course, truth always hurts and the truth is he is a liar using 'lies'.

Answer Post#27 then http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/704600-network-of-reformists-to-tell-government-people-to-stop-telling-lies/page-2#entry7440912

Posted the link, to help you find it.

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He is a liar using 'lies'.

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The truth hurts it seems.

Of course, truth always hurts and the truth is he is a liar using 'lies'.

Answer Post#27 then http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/704600-network-of-reformists-to-tell-government-people-to-stop-telling-lies/page-2#entry7440912

Posted the link, to help you find it.

Do you know the different between truth and lie? BTW, I said "he is a liar using 'lies'.

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I won't trust this guy. He was a communist, anti-royalist and want a republic.

I mentioned here in ThaiVisa that 'old elite' power and 'emerging power' of the people should come together to talk to bring unity to Thailand. I have also asked 'what and who is this third party we often referred to?'.

I have to be very careful in referring to this 'third party'. If the two powers mentioned above are not careful and continue to be suspicious of each other, we will be building this 'third party' into a power that will eventually take over the present system of government.

They have infiltrated many sectors of the society. They are in the present anti and pro-government movements. They are in so called independence agencies, the Army, the Police, among the academic, learning institutions - virtually everywhere. They create discord at every moment. They 'usually' disgust themselves as royalists, champion of righteousness, democracy.

What is comforting at the moment is that they have not emerged among themselves a clear leader. However, if we are not willing to unite under the present system, we will see them becoming a power. Chaos, disunity will see them surfacing .......

I shall continue to be careful and promoting the coming together of the two powers I mentioned here to forgiveness, reconciliation and unity and learn to live and inclusive of each other.

Cool, another conspricacy!

So icommunity, who's this "third power" who's going to bring death, destruction and mayhem down on Thailand if the pro- and anti-Govt sides don't kiss and make up?

I don't think you want to understand what I am trying to alert. If you want to catch a snack, you don't beat the bushes.

Indeed you don't. You go to 7/11.

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He is a liar using 'lies'.

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OK, as all of the examples are proven then which ones are untrue??

What about Yingluck insisting that she was nothing to do with Thaksin's amnesty bill (because that is what it was)? Do you believe that?

Kittirat admitted to his white lie debacle - it was A PURE LIE by the way and not a white lie as he tried to describe it. You simply cannot have Finance ministers lying about national financial matters as it is government institution that must be seen to be telling the truth at all times!!

Can you imagine the inflation figures coming in at 4.0% and Kittirat thinking that the markets won't like this number so lets change it to 2.5%. It beggars belief that he is there at all as he once claimed that the minimum wage hike to 300 baht would not particularly affect the budget numbers as it was A ONE OFF TAX!!! Don't believe me? then Google it - I think it was his first uttering after becoming Finance Minister, and things haven't improved!!

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It shouldn't take a letter to bring home the obvious. And yet it's only obvious to the public at large. It's obvious to all those who have found themselves at the wrong end of the stick, the victims in the telling of these lies. At what point does one say that a system has broken down ? Is it the point where institutions of the law come under gunfire attack - as what happened yesterday at the Criminal Court ? Is it when intimidation is applied by reinstating charges, buttressed with new ones when appeals are rejected - as what also happened yesterday between the DSI and the Criminal Court ? Is it when these institutions' rulings are openly attacked and criticized by the administration - as they often are. Exactly at what point does the system break down ? This is a timely letter, and all the accusations are true. Everyone knows it. The public knows. Even the administration knows it. But it is in their interests to pretend not to know it. When the truth becomes cynically viewed as just another hurdle to overcome, we know that a terrible line has been crossed.

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I won't trust this guy. He was a communist, anti-royalist and want a republic.

I mentioned here in ThaiVisa that 'old elite' power and 'emerging power' of the people should come together to talk to bring unity to Thailand. I have also asked 'what and who is this third party we often referred to?'.

I have to be very careful in referring to this 'third party'. If the two powers mentioned above are not careful and continue to be suspicious of each other, we will be building this 'third party' into a power that will eventually take over the present system of government.

They have infiltrated many sectors of the society. They are in the present anti and pro-government movements. They are in so called independence agencies, the Army, the Police, among the academic, learning institutions - virtually everywhere. They create discord at every moment. They 'usually' disgust themselves as royalists, champion of righteousness, democracy.

What is comforting at the moment is that they have not emerged among themselves a clear leader. However, if we are not willing to unite under the present system, we will see them becoming a power. Chaos, disunity will see them surfacing .......

I shall continue to be careful and promoting the coming together of the two powers I mentioned here to forgiveness, reconciliation and unity and learn to live and inclusive of each other.

in other words, because he is telling the truth about the party you like you have to deny it all otherwise your bias is shown up as total bullsh*t. When people cannot admit they are wrong all the trouble starts, just look at Thailand now after the ptp/reds/thaksins have spread their lies.

seajae - UDD supporters thrive on demonizing then changing the subject because they cannot correlate facts to rebut the claims highlighted. Remember facts are the PTP's kryptonite.

I would simply say to him - "What is he lying about and how would you back up that argument without demonizing the opposition?"

They hate that response.

I bet icommunty won't reply me and if he does it will be more demonizing completely overlooking the point I tried to make.

What I had shared alerted those who are scared of the truth being revealed and have every reason to react negatively.

I rest my case and without substantiating any of your accusations it is considered trolling.

Edited by djjamie
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He is a liar using 'lies'.

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Yes but because of this it makes it easy for him to see the lies other people make. A lier always can spot good lie.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

A liar needs more lies to cover his lies. Simply a mirror of himself.

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Seems you would know..........................................

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He is a liar using 'lies'.

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The truth hurts it seems.

Of course, truth always hurts and the truth is he is a liar using 'lies'.

Nope. He's being truthful. He has an agenda and no doubt is against PT but that doesn't mean he's wrong, certainly doesn't mean that what he says isn't accurate.

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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

The first three aren't substantiated, the PDRC did block the polling stations to stop an illegitimate election (I don't fully agree with this as did Abhisit who was against this) and the last one is a lie as Suthep encouraged commercial banks to loan the money - with the cursory warning of "be careful not to break the law again though"!!!

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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

Points A and B you are saying what you want to be true.

Point C I'll let the courts decide that, not you.

Point D yep, can't argue with you there.

Point E wrong. The farmers have been betrayed by PT who took their rice, promised payment and have failed to meet their promises since October in most cases (longer in some). PT alone is to blame for the farmers plight.

I would take your campaign against the pdrc more seriously (you do raise some valid points at times) if your criticisms were not so one sided. Murder and violence should be condemned on both sides. As should corruption, deceit, lies and betrayal of the people's mandate given through elections. We can all pick sides but we should expect all to adhere to the rule of law.

Edited by Bluespunk
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There is no doubt that government politicians and bureaucrats have said things which are untrue and in many cases it seems they did this knowingly. And any system of governance would of course be better (and probably unique) if no lies were spoken.

However, I find it strange that a supposedly neutral group like that of Thirayuth should focus solely on the lies of one side and not also call for greater honesty on the side of the PDRC, who have also said many things that are untrue and in some cases knowingly. Among many examples are the claim that a number of the police at the violence during voter registration at Din Daeng were Cambodian, the promise that protesters would not prevent people from voting on 26 Jan and 2 Feb and Suthep's claim that he has never been involved in corruption.

I have no wish to engage in a futile argument about which side has told more or greater lies. But any lack of even-handedness will not help in a situation where more polarization is the last thing we need.

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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

The first three aren't substantiated, the PDRC did block the polling stations to stop an illegitimate election (I don't fully agree with this as did Abhisit who was against this) and the last one is a lie as Suthep encouraged commercial banks to loan the money - with the cursory warning of "be careful not to break the law again though"!!!

I've run out of likes already today, but do like this post. Well said.

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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

The first three aren't substantiated, the PDRC did block the polling stations to stop an illegitimate election (I don't fully agree with this as did Abhisit who was against this) and the last one is a lie as Suthep encouraged commercial banks to loan the money - with the cursory warning of "be careful not to break the law again though"!!!

If I rephrase the first three does that make it better?

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard (unsubstantiated).

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard(unsubstantiated).

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards(unsubstantiated).

I don't think replacing likely with unsubstantiated changes the substance of the claim.

the PDRC did block the polling stations. Agreed, the reason you offer 'illegitimate' is false because the Constitutional Court rejected the annulment request, hence legitimate.

Suthep first attempted to block, then later claimed to support loans.

Notably Thirayuth Boonmee does not say any of these are lies, yet these are surely the more major accusations!

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Not only telling lies, something is very wrong with the current govt. The other day was heard the parliament cleaner asking help to address their unpaid salary.

Has anyone follow up this news? Is it true?

And now saw a source from a social media showing the lunchbox for the riot police on duty is so pathetic

and yet it cost 100baht per box? You order from the outside stall a packet of pak kap pow 30baht is even much valuable than this shit box.

So the extra money goes into whose pocket again this time?


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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

Points A and B you are saying what you want to be true.

Point C I'll let the courts decide that, not you.

Point D yep, can't argue with you there.

Point E wrong. The farmers have been betrayed by PT who took their rice, promised payment and have failed to meet their promises since October in most cases (longer in some). PT alone is to blame for the farmers plight.

I would take your campaign against the pdrc more seriously (you do raise some valid points at times) if your criticisms were not so one sided. Murder and violence should be condemned on both sides. As should corruption, deceit, lies and betrayal of the people's mandate given through elections. We can all pick sides but we should expect all to adhere to the rule of law.

Be clear about this, I found no shooter on the pro-democracy side in the Laksi footage, I found footage of them running, I found footage of PDRC guards shooting and located a long fingered bomber among the PDRC guards, but not a shooter on the democracy side. So I won't condemn the pro-election protestors because they are the victims not the perpetrators.

Friday bomber I believe to be white capped PDRC man, agreed that's my belief and I note Thirayuth Boonmee didn't claim a counter story! White cap man's dash to behind the lampost from the bomb point. The room of fake red evidence, the cap that they swapped from 'Walls icecream' to the more believable army cap by PDRC. The late route change past this derilict building where they found the evidence could only have been changed by PDRC. etc etc. all point to PDRC!

Sunday bomber, yes I believe it to be PDRC guard, it was a long long fingered bomber again.

Point E? See Suthep warns banks against rice loans.

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Do you know the different between truth and lie? BTW, I said "he is a liar using 'lies'.

Yes I do.

Do you understand 'inconvenience and how to avoid it'

Bet you do.

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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

Points A and B you are saying what you want to be true.

Point C I'll let the courts decide that, not you.

Point D yep, can't argue with you there.

Point E wrong. The farmers have been betrayed by PT who took their rice, promised payment and have failed to meet their promises since October in most cases (longer in some). PT alone is to blame for the farmers plight.

I would take your campaign against the pdrc more seriously (you do raise some valid points at times) if your criticisms were not so one sided. Murder and violence should be condemned on both sides. As should corruption, deceit, lies and betrayal of the people's mandate given through elections. We can all pick sides but we should expect all to adhere to the rule of law.

Be clear about this, I found no shooter on the pro-democracy side in the Laksi footage, I found footage of them running, I found footage of PDRC guards shooting and located a long fingered bomber among the PDRC guards, but not a shooter on the democracy side. So I won't condemn the pro-election protestors because they are the victims not the perpetrators.

Friday bomber I believe to be white capped PDRC man, agreed that's my belief and I note Thirayuth Boonmee didn't claim a counter story! White cap man's dash to behind the lampost from the bomb point. The room of fake red evidence, the cap that they swapped from 'Walls icecream' to the more believable army cap by PDRC. The late route change past this derilict building where they found the evidence could only have been changed by PDRC. etc etc. all point to PDRC!

Sunday bomber, yes I believe it to be PDRC guard, it was a long long fingered bomber again.

Point E? See Suthep warns banks against rice loans.

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.

....and what is your point (apart from those sinister long fingers) Mr amateur detective!!!

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So some of the things he doesn't dispute:

Who threw the Friday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who threw the Sunday bomb? Likely PDRC guard.

Who shot those 6 people at Laksi? PDRC guards.

Who blocked the polling stations? PDRC.

Who blocks the banks from lending money to farmers? PDRC.

Points A and B you are saying what you want to be true.

Point C I'll let the courts decide that, not you.

Point D yep, can't argue with you there.

Point E wrong. The farmers have been betrayed by PT who took their rice, promised payment and have failed to meet their promises since October in most cases (longer in some). PT alone is to blame for the farmers plight.

I would take your campaign against the pdrc more seriously (you do raise some valid points at times) if your criticisms were not so one sided. Murder and violence should be condemned on both sides. As should corruption, deceit, lies and betrayal of the people's mandate given through elections. We can all pick sides but we should expect all to adhere to the rule of law.

Be clear about this, I found no shooter on the pro-democracy side in the Laksi footage, I found footage of them running, I found footage of PDRC guards shooting and located a long fingered bomber among the PDRC guards, but not a shooter on the democracy side. So I won't condemn the pro-election protestors because they are the victims not the perpetrators.

Friday bomber I believe to be white capped PDRC man, agreed that's my belief and I note Thirayuth Boonmee didn't claim a counter story! White cap man's dash to behind the lampost from the bomb point. The room of fake red evidence, the cap that they swapped from 'Walls icecream' to the more believable army cap by PDRC. The late route change past this derilict building where they found the evidence could only have been changed by PDRC. etc etc. all point to PDRC!

Sunday bomber, yes I believe it to be PDRC guard, it was a long long fingered bomber again.

Point E? See Suthep warns banks against rice loans.

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.

....and what is your point (apart from those sinister long fingers) Mr amateur detective!!!

He's trying to set the agenda of discussion to a very narrow obscure range of subjects. So I'm simply picking more substantive bigger issues that he's ignoring to re-broaden the agenda.

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Be clear about this, I found no shooter on the pro-democracy side in the Laksi footage, I found footage of them running, I found footage of PDRC guards shooting and located a long fingered bomber among the PDRC guards, but not a shooter on the democracy side. So I won't condemn the pro-election protestors because they are the victims not the perpetrators.

Friday bomber I believe to be white capped PDRC man, agreed that's my belief and I note Thirayuth Boonmee didn't claim a counter story! White cap man's dash to behind the lampost from the bomb point. The room of fake red evidence, the cap that they swapped from 'Walls icecream' to the more believable army cap by PDRC. The late route change past this derilict building where they found the evidence could only have been changed by PDRC. etc etc. all point to PDRC!

Sunday bomber, yes I believe it to be PDRC guard, it was a long long fingered bomber again.

Point E? See Suthep warns banks against rice loans.

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.

I am talking about all the violence including the murder that took place near the temple in bang na. Including all violence by both sides.

A through to D I'm not rehashing. I've said my piece there.

Point E. PT alone are responsible for the rice scheme. It is the most inept economic policy they could have created. It's catastrophic failure has led to the current plight of the farmers. PT took their rice and since October has failed to meet its obligations. Nothing to do with the protests. Nothing to do with suthep. PT promised payment and failed to do so because they cannot raise the money they need through their rice scheme. PT alone are to blame for this state of affairs and the misery the farmers now face. They have betrayed those they claim to represent.

And you will condemn the PDRC bombers and shooters? Or pretend 'both sides' are guilty as a way of deflecting what the PDRC guards did?

Point E, Suthep stopped banks lending money, Suthep marches killed the rice bond of November. It's nasty politics and he's knee deep in it.

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Be clear about this, I found no shooter on the pro-democracy side in the Laksi footage, I found footage of them running, I found footage of PDRC guards shooting and located a long fingered bomber among the PDRC guards, but not a shooter on the democracy side. So I won't condemn the pro-election protestors because they are the victims not the perpetrators.

Friday bomber I believe to be white capped PDRC man, agreed that's my belief and I note Thirayuth Boonmee didn't claim a counter story! White cap man's dash to behind the lampost from the bomb point. The room of fake red evidence, the cap that they swapped from 'Walls icecream' to the more believable army cap by PDRC. The late route change past this derilict building where they found the evidence could only have been changed by PDRC. etc etc. all point to PDRC!

Sunday bomber, yes I believe it to be PDRC guard, it was a long long fingered bomber again.

Point E? See Suthep warns banks against rice loans.

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.

I am talking about all the violence including the murder that took place near the temple in bang na. Including all violence by both sides.

A through to D I'm not rehashing. I've said my piece there.

Point E. PT alone are responsible for the rice scheme. It is the most inept economic policy they could have created. It's catastrophic failure has led to the current plight of the farmers. PT took their rice and since October has failed to meet its obligations. Nothing to do with the protests. Nothing to do with suthep. PT promised payment and failed to do so because they cannot raise the money they need through their rice scheme. PT alone are to blame for this state of affairs and the misery the farmers now face. They have betrayed those they claim to represent.

And you will condemn the PDRC bombers and shooters? Or pretend 'both sides' are guilty as a way of deflecting what the PDRC guards did?

Point E, Suthep stopped banks lending money, Suthep marches killed the rice bond of November. It's nasty politics and he's knee deep in it.

I have condemned violence on all sides.

I have been consistent in my condemnation of suthep and his fascist council.

equally so I have condemned PT and its role in the misery many farmers are now facing.

Anyone got another word for condemned?

Edited by Bluespunk
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Be clear about this, I found no shooter on the pro-democracy side in the Laksi footage, I found footage of them running, I found footage of PDRC guards shooting and located a long fingered bomber among the PDRC guards, but not a shooter on the democracy side. So I won't condemn the pro-election protestors because they are the victims not the perpetrators.

Friday bomber I believe to be white capped PDRC man, agreed that's my belief and I note Thirayuth Boonmee didn't claim a counter story! White cap man's dash to behind the lampost from the bomb point. The room of fake red evidence, the cap that they swapped from 'Walls icecream' to the more believable army cap by PDRC. The late route change past this derilict building where they found the evidence could only have been changed by PDRC. etc etc. all point to PDRC!

Sunday bomber, yes I believe it to be PDRC guard, it was a long long fingered bomber again.

Point E? See Suthep warns banks against rice loans.

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.

I am talking about all the violence including the murder that took place near the temple in bang na. Including all violence by both sides.

A through to D I'm not rehashing. I've said my piece there.

Point E. PT alone are responsible for the rice scheme. It is the most inept economic policy they could have created. It's catastrophic failure has led to the current plight of the farmers. PT took their rice and since October has failed to meet its obligations. Nothing to do with the protests. Nothing to do with suthep. PT promised payment and failed to do so because they cannot raise the money they need through their rice scheme. PT alone are to blame for this state of affairs and the misery the farmers now face. They have betrayed those they claim to represent.

And you will condemn the PDRC bombers and shooters? Or pretend 'both sides' are guilty as a way of deflecting what the PDRC guards did?

Point E, Suthep stopped banks lending money, Suthep marches killed the rice bond of November. It's nasty politics and he's knee deep in it.

They shouldn't have needed any bonds as it was supposed to be self financing (it could even make a profit they enthused).

Abhisit ran a far better rice mortgage scheme that cost 60 billion baht/annum to run and more importantly, directed money to the poor farmers (not the millers, exporters and rich land owners).

Yingluck was warned by so many experts, Abhisit and academics that it would all end in tears and what does she do? Nah!! she didn't rethink it, after all it was her brothers idea and what do these experts all know what my clever brother doesn't - I think that she has just found out the answer!!

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I have noticed this, how in the hell you can miss it, I think , if you don't know, feed them bull!!t, the off the cuff comments and talking outside of their portfolios raises concerns with me that they have no experience or a complete disrespect for the people of Thailand, they do not do research on any subject, they are a full bottle on all subjects, they mouth off , in other words without thinking and if they did a bit more thinking and less talking they wouldn't be in the mess they are in now, you can only lie on something you know about , the PTP don't know anything to lie about.bah.gif

Basically they are clueless. Not knowing any thing they hear some thing and think it is a good idea and proceed to fall on their face trying to do it.

If they would stop long enough to learn about some thing they would do things differently. How ever they are all in it for a personal agenda that has nothing to do with the people after they have got the peoples money in the form of tax's. It came as a huge shock to the Shinawatra government that their was people in Thailand who were not 100% dedicated to them irregardless of what the cost was to the people. Hence we have the present situation. The Shinawatra's fighting a losing battle.

The day will come when they have all been ousted from office and replaced by compatent people. The sooner the better for Thailand. However sadly not an over night occurrence.sad.png

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And you will condemn the PDRC bombers and shooters? Or pretend 'both sides' are guilty as a way of deflecting what the PDRC guards did?

Point E, Suthep stopped banks lending money, Suthep marches killed the rice bond of November. It's nasty politics and he's knee deep in it.

What a dumb argument - "Or pretend 'both sides' are guilty as a way of deflecting what the PDRC guards did?"......... Come on, surely you can come up with something more substantial than that.

And Suthep is not the only one knee deep in something, you are as well and it ain't nasty politics ! whistling.gif

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The open letter, the second by the network, will list a list of lies made by politicians of the government camp and senior bureaucrats starting from the infamous “white” lies by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittirat Na-Ranong.

That will be one very long letter.

somebody thinks this letter has an ending?

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The open letter, the second by the network, will list a list of lies made by politicians of the government camp and senior bureaucrats starting from the infamous “white” lies by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittirat Na-Ranong.

That will be one very long letter.

somebody thinks this letter has an ending?

It does have an ending but it's not a very happy one for someone who has the first initial of Y

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