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Danger of civil war: Prayuth


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I wonder if civil war broke out if it would be possible to leave Thailand with the Thai wife's / children? What do you think?

I don't think it would be a good idea to leave Thailand with the Thai wife's children unless the Thai wife was with them. Don't you?

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the NACC has not charged Yingluck with corruption, to be found guilty of a crime you have to be charged with that crime, the worst that could happen to Yingluck is to be found negligent in over seeing the rice scheme.

If what Suthep has been preaching for the last 4 months is not true, Then you all have been lied to, if the NACC found that she was involved in Corruption, they would have charge her with corruption, they did not.

That only make a statement loud and clear she is not involved in Corruption!


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the NACC has not charged Yingluck with corruption, to be found guilty of a crime you have to be charged with that crime, the worst that could happen to Yingluck is to be found negligent in over seeing the rice scheme.

If what Suthep has been preaching for the last 4 months is not true, Then you all have been lied to, if the NACC found that she was involved in Corruption, they would have charge her with corruption, they did not.

That only make a statement loud and clear she is not involved in Corruption!


Are you that drunk that you cannot even read what's the title of this thread? Honourable general is discussing the possibility of civil war and you're spouting nonsense about Yingluck not being involved in the corruption scandal. Get a grip, will you?

Of course he is concerned about the civil war. Anyone who has the best interest of Thailand is concerned.


"This is already a war, but so far it is an unarmed war," said Ko Tee. "If there is a coup, or the election doesn't happen, then it definitely becomes an armed war."

If anyone doubted the abyss into which Thailand could be heading, Ko Tee - who has been accused of orchestrating grenade attacks on anti-government marches in the thai capital - is the living proof.

"I want there to be lots of violence to put an end to all this," he said. "I'm bored by speeches. It's time to clean the country, to get rid of the elite, all of them."

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the NACC has not charged Yingluck with corruption, to be found guilty of a crime you have to be charged with that crime, the worst that could happen to Yingluck is to be found negligent in over seeing the rice scheme.

If what Suthep has been preaching for the last 4 months is not true, Then you all have been lied to, if the NACC found that she was involved in Corruption, they would have charge her with corruption, they did not.

That only make a statement loud and clear she is not involved in Corruption!


How many times have you been told the answer to this.

Sorry, I guess it's late in the evening now.

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The military are already on the streets of Bangkok in large numbers, he is clearly giving the Shins the option to step aside before the deployed troops move to the next stage in which they implement court orders and impose a change of PM and take out the key red shirt leaders. Are we hours away from the decisive move.?

well well surprise surprise.... the end game. This is what the plan was from the first minute Yingluck was elected.

These bast*rds will never rest until they're back in power.

First it was the airport sit in then it was Suthep and his bunch of 1000 baht a day protesters.

the military can't make it too obvious like last time... so they have to pretend they're going to stop a civil war.

How can a few thousand paid protesters cause a civil war?

Simple, throw a few grenades into the crowd. Block people from going about their lawful duties.

Suthep is a paid puppet for the big Bangkok families. The OLD MONEY.

And all you twits believe Suthep and his mob will suddenly morph into a corruption free government?

Come on you don't really believe that do you?

Silly silly.

the biggest unfactual post today along with the usual trolls..stop lying..its just not cricket...wai2.gif

One fact we've all become aware of is that the pro-Dems have no real evidence to counter this argument.

They ignore 50 years of rotten-to-the core Democrat rule.

They ignore the fact that Peu Thai / Thaksin has been elected overwhelmingly three times.

They ignore the fact that the Dems have no majority popular support outside of Bangkok.

They ignore the fact that the current demonstrators are being paid 1000 baht a day.

They ignore the fact that the military has close ties to and are part of the old money families which have ruled Thailand since after the war.

They just don't have any coherent argument, so they put silly little comments on this forum.

Come a civil war, the Dems would be annhilated in the streets (if they were brave enough to come out without the military).

There are 55 million people living outside of Bangkok and the majority support the government.

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This soap opera needs to end soon, i,m bored by the inane, self righteous bullshit coming from all sides.

There is no agreement about what Thai democracy is, paying for votes is ok but paying people to demonstrate( done by both sides) is not?

The country needs to return to a period of stability, its obvious that cannot happen with the Shins in place. The UDP may find an alternative credible leader or it may revert to its pre taksin era of multiple small regional parties, either way , the path to normal politics can only be followed by removing the corrosive and corrupt influence of the shiin clan.. Its a nonsense to talk of civil war.. It just won,t happen, the shins buy power they don,t earn it.

Enough is enough.

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I can see where this gentleman is coming from.

Get involved: my arse burns.

Don't get involved: my arse may not burn.

Sit it out until all hell brakes loose: my arse might get promoted.

In summary, I am an arse in a hole (or as we farangs like to say in slightly different terms), between a big hole and a small hole, but, with an ever expanding gut from being entertained to an excess amount by would-be benefactors (allowing for having bent over backwards so much which is allegedly good for the spine) things are taking its toll.

Not directly relevant but maybe back to old term TVF intentions and for those of you who have not seen the Monty Python Sketch, Mr Creosote, look it up, its hilarious.

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I can see where this gentleman is coming from.

Get involved: my arse burns.

Don't get involved: my arse may not burn.

Sit it out until all hell brakes loose: my arse might get promoted.

In summary, I am an arse in a hole (or as we farangs like to say in slightly different terms), between a big hole and a small hole, but, with an ever expanding gut from being entertained to an excess amount by would-be benefactors (allowing for having bent over backwards so much which is allegedly good for the spine) things are taking its toll.

Not directly relevant but maybe back to old term TVF intentions and for those of you who have not seen the Monty Python Sketch, Mr Creosote, look it up, its hilarious.

In terms of Thai Democracy, this is the dead parrot sketch..

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Anti government posters keep (beating the dead horse of corruption) The NACC found no corruption on Yingluck at all, what other reason is behind the "Negligence" charge, There is a world of difference in a Corruption charge and a Negligence charge.

The only way out of this mess the military allowed to happen, is a free, transparent election overseen by the UN., to guarantee all have a right to vote their belief, I for one have always stated that whoever is the will of the majority of Thai voters, Which party wins, I will live with.

Hopefully the country will not have to under go a civil war to reach that free and transparent election, as It is the only viable way out of the current crises!


The problem is that Suthep/Dems will never allow the UN to oversee an election, because if they should lose the election and the UN declared it free and fair the myth of vote buying would disappear. The UN can however be used to facilitate negotiations which lays out a political roadmap. This road map could be a government of national unity (based on parliamentary number as before 2nd February elections), this government must identify and implement reforms needed before an election (18 months to 24 months needed). This followed by an election supervised by international monitors. Afterwards a new government of unity is set up to implement the other agreed reforms over the next 4 years. I would also like to see this government of unity rewriting the constitution and that a new constitution is brought to the people in a referendum. By rewriting the constitution in such away that minority views are protected, many of the issues that led to these protests could be taken care of. Hope it makes sense.

Vote buying is part of the game, even in small villages the head of village by me pays people to vote for him and he isnt the only one. This is down past Hua Hin (25km) Told to me by local policeman who refused to pay out the money to locals when asked by the head of village.

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Many of your issues were discussed in this topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/702671-sound-of-ticking-time-bombs-is-getting-louder-for-yingluck/

I think the 'journalist' is wrong in his 1st March date (he probably thinks February has 31 days) and I agree that the 30 days expires on the 3rd/4th March.

At that point, power passes to the National Assembly but there are two problems: firstly, the House of Reps has not convened so only the Senate gets to vote on the next step; and, comically, even the Senate can't seem to vote because over half its members step down on the 1st March due to the elections on the 30th!

The National Assembly then has up to 30 days to come up with a solution, which would be the selection of an interim government to replace the current caretaker gov. They don't have to wait the full 30 days, but given the senatorial election I'm not sure if the remaining selected senators can act by themselves. the Senate also has a 50% quorum for voting, so I suspect they have to wait for the new batch of senators to be seated.

That then takes us to 3rd April. All senatorial bums will be on seats and a decree submitted for a new interim gov. This assumes that nobody messes with the senatorial election process! Then that would be a constitutional black hole.

I don't think a government can exist without any executive, so assume the caretaker gov will remain in place until the interim gov is installed.

I'm not sure this is 100% correct but is my best estimate of the near future smile.png

Or the Army declare martial law very, very soon, like 4th March when this lot have to start again, and set up an interim military Government

Edited by Mister Fixit
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You mixed in my message, but I will answer you anyway. When your dad sits on the board of one of the biggest companies in the country, which has interests in Agribusiness, Telecoms and Television, I would suggest that this is an ENORMOUS conflict of interest . He may not be directly corrupted, but this conflict of interest is there for all to see, and it is frankly pathetic that he doesn't see it as wrong.

Just how far along the family tree does a conflict of interest reach? You claim Abhisit has a conflict because of his father's business; does this extrapolate to siblings, cousins, in-laws? They reckon with 7 connections any 2 people in the world can be linked.

Should Oaf have his broadcaster's licence cancelled because his father is a fugitive criminal?

He shouldn't necessarily have it cancelled, but the media should be jumping all over it. They all have conflicts, but to say that Abhisit is free of it is nonsense. He knows what CP wants for this and that, and that extends to many different vital markets for the country. I don't thinnk its unfair for the children of politicians to be barred from certain strategically important businesses in a country. Its bad enough to have people like Murdoch influencing the media for example, imagine if his son became president????

I see no reason that James Murdoch should not become President other than that he was born in Australia.

You don't think it's unfair........... because it doesn't affect you. I don't know of any restrictions placed on citizens because of the occupation of their parents.

No there aren't. But the conflict of interest are normally laid bare, and analysed and noted by the media. Declaring interests is a common practice and not declaring them often leads to politicians landing in hot water.

I don't know how he can make any statement about agriculture or telecommunications without the papers calling him up. And this goes for just about every minister and politician. They are all representing themselves and family businesses.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The military are already on the streets of Bangkok in large numbers, he is clearly giving the Shins the option to step aside before the deployed troops move to the next stage in which they implement court orders and impose a change of PM and take out the key red shirt leaders. Are we hours away from the decisive move.?

TAKE OUT the Red Shirt leaders???

Sounds like a guaranteed way to start a Civil War to me... probably half of the army are red shirt conscripts, what do you think they're going to do when millions of outraged red shirts come to Bangkok for revenge on the army & for their discarded votes???

Don't forget that Bangkok & the "Democrats" may think that they are Thailand but the reality is that they are actually a minority in this country & they can't just walk over the poor anymore as they always used to... The poor have been politicised & won't be shut back in their box again, the "Democrats" have never done anything for the poor & will never be trusted by them, A new Political party needs to be formed that will help the poor & have policies that will gain their trust but TIT so I won't hold my breath.

I don't know what the solution is but chucking the Democratically elected PM out certainly isn't it...

Absolutely not true. The Dems have huge support amongst the poor in Chantaburi province (for example). And do nothing for the poor? What about Abhisit's free education for every child up t the age of 15? This was a policy that benefitted the poor directly. Every scheme (not policy mind you) that Thaksin introduced had nothing to do with benefiting the poor but had a lot to do with benefiting Thaksin himself. You people who rewrite history in order to support your Thaksinite theories should think again. Thaksin is an enemy of the people. If he were allowed to take total power here then Thailand would quickly fall into the mire that Burma, Mussolini's Italy, North Korea and other regimes suffered.

Yes he gave free education in a broken education system, the only way for any Children to get a half decent education is to pay for it at a private school which is exactly the way the Democrats/old elite want it, they don't want the poor to be educated, not so easy to control & rip off, I don't like a lot of things that the various incarnations of PTP have done, but they ARE the Democratic majority. To replace them with an unelected minority of Bangkokites who just want their turn at the trough is just perpetuating the whole sorry state of affairs & the idea of the Democrats having huge support among the rural poor is so ridiculous as to be not worth the bother answering.

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