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Red shirts wear rebellion headbands to welcome Yingluck


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Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

This is the result. I hope he likes it.

It's his only achievement in 4 months.

Suthep has shone a bright light on this government, its failed policies and mounting debt, causing the cockroaches to run for the darkness. If they decide that they want to form their own little destitute ghetto and rob each other blind, that is their own business, and certainly no fault of Suthep.

However, those advocating secession might want to take a look at the penalties that apply to the crime of real sedition.

Chiang Mai is the most wonderful place on the planet and will never be a 'little destitute ghetto' no matter who runs it.

Is that right???

So what will happen when the country is divided and ALL the banks in Chiang Mai are closed down because all those banks are run from BKK?

What happens when the new Thaksin republican government introduces their own currency and them convert their population's money from Thai baht to 'Thakis' and this new government send all the baht to the BoT to be converted to USD.... Do you think the BoT will accept it?

I doubt it.

I can just imagine a country with NO banking system overnight with all branches closed and all the equipment removed. or do you think Thaksin has the money to buy all these branches from the BKK banks?

Will take 60 years to establish themselves to the same status as North Korea where millions are starving to death and thousands dying of hunger every day, and the N Koreans have a coastline.... Lanna won't

Yingluck clearly supports secession, her decision not to condemn it, nor even comment on it, is a clear indication that she is with it all the way, for the sake of her brother. The ONLY way he can ever return.

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BTW, I am of proud LANNA linkage and I am not afraid to mention that now.

Someone who is also proud of the Lanna heritage, albeit before the recent preference switch by Red Shirts from a Lanna monarchy to a Lanna Republic, is Pheu Thai Party MP and Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop.


Pictures of Thai Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi in full costume reportedly as the 13th century Lanna King Mangrai. Plodprasob will be taking part in a play in the run-up to the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai on May 18-19, 2013.



I just had my lunch with my family.

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BTW, I am of proud LANNA linkage and I am not afraid to mention that now.

Someone who is also proud of the Lanna heritage, albeit before the recent preference switch by Red Shirts from a Lanna monarchy to a Lanna Republic, is Pheu Thai Party MP and Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop.


Pictures of Thai Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi in full costume reportedly as the 13th century Lanna King Mangrai. Plodprasob will be taking part in a play in the run-up to the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai on May 18-19, 2013.



Yep, it's that 'king Plodrasop.

Good laugh while having a cup of coffee after lunch with my family.

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Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

This is the result. I hope he likes it.

It's his only achievement in 4 months.

If the people of Issan want to become a republic then let them.

I just hope they have to get apply for a work permit, get a visa, do 90 day reporting and are denied the right to buy land or get a personal loan from the banks, just like any other foreigner. If they decide to move or work in The Kingdom of Thailand.

Sorry to be so cynical but this is just a power grab, an opportunity by some of the more extreme elements of the red shirt movement to make a play for carving out their slice of the pie. To convince the people of Issan they are better off without the rest of Thailand, with the reds as their leaders and a select few of the reds in charge of the purse strings.

Lanna is not Isaan

But it might be the first bah lanna republic

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Melyn
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BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt followers wore white headbands bearing the acronym “sor por por Lanna” ( the Democratic Republic of Lanna People) to welcome caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra during her visit to an OTOP trade fair held in Sankamphaeng district of Chiang Mai yesterday (Friday).

So they have revealed their ultimate intention to have a republic country? Even the Shinawatra hoping for since there is stopping/objection from the current govt not to use the Republic / president wording. They should know very well about the consequences desiring for a republic state as it is clearly against the head of state. Is this consider openly declaring war with the highest authority?

Edited by Smokemachine
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Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

This is the result. I hope he likes it.

It's his only achievement in 4 months.

ShannonT, are you a dentist? Your avatar implies it...

Or are you in love with Suthep's teeth?

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I think the translation is completely plausible, given certain other declarations that have happened recently. Sor = sao seua = Saatharanarach = Republic, Por = pao pla = Prachaathipatai = Democracy, Por = pao pla = Prachaachon = Citizen / People.


Well, could be, they want Toxin as the head of their new state....

But all this Red Shirts talk is not only cheap, it's only meant to scare others...

Let's not forget, what happened to the last "Taksin the Great": He was "sacked" and clobbered to death and thrown into the Chao Praya. Because he was diagnosed as insane. Or maybe "bah amnart". Would history repeat itself in the Lanna Peoples Republic???

Edited by SamMunich
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Well Bkk Middle-class has been draping itself in the flag for the last 4 months clearly sending the message that only them are the "real" Thais. Shouldn't that be an issue also?

That's odd, I never realised there were so many middle class people in Bangkok.

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Well Bkk Middle-class has been draping itself in the flag for the last 4 months clearly sending the message that only them are the "real" Thais. Shouldn't that be an issue also?

Blackbird, you can do better than that. Lets face it, this country is called Thailand, hence the use if the Thai flag. It's all starting to look quite obvious now, that The Thai Rouge are wishing to breakaway from The Kingdom. No denouncement yet from Yingluck, but I suppose she will FB something later.

Lets see how many in Isaan really support the Thai Rouges ideas; think you'll be surprised that it will be a lot less than you Reds think.

I gues Udon will be included in the New Democratic Republic of Shinawatra?

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BTW, I am of proud LANNA linkage and I am not afraid to mention that now.

Someone who is also proud of the Lanna heritage, albeit before the recent preference switch by Red Shirts from a Lanna monarchy to a Lanna Republic, is Pheu Thai Party MP and Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop.


Pictures of Thai Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi in full costume reportedly as the 13th century Lanna King Mangrai. Plodprasob will be taking part in a play in the run-up to the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai on May 18-19, 2013.



I just had my lunch with my family.

I trust it was before you saw this photo. smile.png

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How much will the People's Democratic Republic of Lanna Elite Card cost?

As always with the Shin-Elte Card, more than it's worth ! rolleyes.gif


So in the Democratic Republic of Shinawtra, will the greatest export be Opium?

I'm told that they also have amazing reserves of Bull-Shit ? laugh.png

And we're still awaiting an official denunciation, of this dangerous separatist clap-trap, from the caretaker-PM ... unless Khun Thida was speaking for her & the party ? wink.png

Edited by Ricardo
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How much will the People's Democratic Republic of Lanna Elite Card cost?

As always with the Shin-Elte Card, more than it's worth ! rolleyes.gif


So in the Democratic Republic of Shinawtra, will the greatest export be Opium?

I'm told that they also have amazing reserves of Bull-Shit ? laugh.png

And we're still awaiting an official denunciation, of this dangerous separatist clap-trap, from the caretaker-PM ... unless Khun Thida was speaking for her & the party ? wink.png

Yinglucks Internet connection must be down. The silence is deafening, or maybe she's finally packing her bags for Dubai.

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BTW, I am of proud LANNA linkage and I am not afraid to mention that now.

Someone who is also proud of the Lanna heritage, albeit before the recent preference switch by Red Shirts from a Lanna monarchy to a Lanna Republic, is Pheu Thai Party MP and Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop.


Pictures of Thai Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi in full costume reportedly as the 13th century Lanna King Mangrai. Plodprasob will be taking part in a play in the run-up to the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai on May 18-19, 2013.



I just had my lunch with my family.

I trust it was before you saw this photo. smile.png

Yayaya. on another post I said I was having a good laugh while having a good cup of coffee.

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Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

This is the result. I hope he likes it.

It's his only achievement in 4 months.

Suthep has shone a bright light on this government, its failed policies and mounting debt, causing the cockroaches to run for the darkness. If they decide that they want to form their own little destitute ghetto and rob each other blind, that is their own business, and certainly no fault of Suthep.

However, those advocating secession might want to take a look at the penalties that apply to the crime of real sedition.

Great shame that he has never been able to achieve the high standards that he has set for others.

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These are really, really bad optics for Yingluck - to be greeted by those who openly endorse secession. She may be more popular in these regions, but they hurt her in so many ways, as well as emphasize the very real divisions that have brought this crisis to a head.

"really, really bad optics for Yingluck" crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

You really are in your own little crazy fantasy world.

Do you think this is Madison Avenue? Don't you think Thai perceptions might be a little different than yours?

How exactly will a few idiots in headbands "hurt her in so many ways"? The suspense is killing me. I can't wait for your next melodramatic divination.

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Republic means that you have a president as head of state.

The Lanna people are not republicans.

Get a better translation please.

I think the translation is completely plausible, given certain other declarations that have happened recently. Sor = sao seua = Saatharanarach = Republic, Por = pao pla = Prachaathipatai = Democracy, Por = pao pla = Prachaachon = Citizen / People.

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's correct. You can see the original version in Thai language newspapers. Following the Laos version (which it copies), it would be the Lanna People's Democratic Republic.

Bannana Republic would be more appropriate

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Maybe the loony fringe on this site will now understand just exactly what it is they have been supporting in their frenzied, grovelling, fawning adulation of Suthep

Oh yeah, red shirts want to secede and form their own Northern republic while raising a 600,000 strong 'tactically trained' militia. And yet, we have mentally challenged reds having the cheek to call us the loony fringe. rolleyes.gif


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Suthep has been dividing the nation with his speeches every night for the past 4 months.

This is the result. I hope he likes it.

It's his only achievement in 4 months.

Go. Build a large Chinese Wall. Thaksin gets the north and can farm, peacefully for the rest of his life.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Maybe the loony fringe on this site will now understand just exactly what it is they have been supporting in their frenzied, grovelling, fawning adulation of Suthep

Oh yeah, red shirts want to secede and form their own Northern republic while raising a 600,000 strong 'tactically trained' militia. And yet, we have mentally challenged reds having the cheek to call us the loony fringe. rolleyes.gif

I wasn't thinking of you Gerry...more those who see no merit at all in dialogue/negotiation/resolution and keep up the chanting about driving Shins out ( regardless of the impact of that on others and the preception of it in the broader community). As I said, a loony fringe.

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