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BUPA International


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Does anyone have this policy and does it truly provide what it states. "International" insurance?. Meaning that you are covered wherever you are.

I ask as while I live in Thailand. I tend to travel with my Thai wife roughly two months a year to other countries in SE Asia and surrounding area. Add on spending one month a year back in the states and there is the basics to my question. Does this insurance cover me in these other countries, and is it pay first and fight later or are your costs taken care of on the spot with no out of pocket front money??

All replys greatly appreciated., Yes, I have read all that I can on it but I must admit my brain freeze takes over after a while. Meaning I have a hard time digesting it all. I am curious to hear from those that have this insurance and simply to understand how well it serves them, how happy they are with this policy and their thoughts to my questions.

Thanks So Much

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Haha, yeah, they cover you anywhere in the world...AT THAI HEALTH CARE RATES!! Read the fine print.

Great insurance in Thailand, I used them for years. But worthless outside the country. Unless you can find a hospital room in YOUR country that goes for $60 a night, hahaha... etc.

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Haha, yeah, they cover you anywhere in the world...AT THAI HEALTH CARE RATES!! Read the fine print.

Great insurance in Thailand, I used them for years. But worthless outside the country. Unless you can find a hospital room in YOUR country that goes for $60 a night, hahaha... etc.

The OP mentioned BUPA International, npt BUPA Thailand, which is a completely different cover.

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BUPA Intewrnational will cover you anywhere except the U.S. and Canada, but you can get fairly cheap short term medical insurance for those countries elsewhere. wai.gif

The dreaded double-post strikes again!!

Edited by Bpuumike
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Thanks guys but reposting and asking for more input. Will add that I am 56 years young. Retired, and do have good/great insurance that I of course pay a healthy premium for, to cover my health care when in the states. I maintain it entirely on the grounds that if something serious was to come up, I could always have it addressed in the states, "as long as I was able to get there". My main concern, is, while I am in good health, say I had a heart attack, or accident, and needed coverage while here in Thailand, or while traveling around other countries in SE Asia and surrounding areas.

Does anyone have this policy and does it truly provide what it states. "International" insurance?. Meaning that you are covered wherever you are. If it does, please expand my "true" knowledge on the subject, as I do not trust insurance agents much more than used care salesmen. Is it worth having, meaning the "international" coverage. Or is it best to simply take out the BUPA Thailand policy and get travelers insurance while traveling. Though this in itself, if you do much traveling can be fairly expensive, and I suspect crap if it came down to needing them to pay up.

I ask as while I live in Thailand. I tend to travel with my Thai wife roughly two months a year to other countries in SE Asia and surrounding area. Add on spending one month a year back in the states and there is the basics to my question. Does this insurance cover me in these other countries, and is it pay first and fight later or are your costs taken care of on the spot with no out of pocket front money??

All replys greatly appreciated., Yes, I have read all that I can on it but I must admit my brain freeze takes over after a while. Meaning I have a hard time digesting it all. I am curious to hear from those that have this insurance and simply to understand how well it serves them, how happy they are with this policy and their thoughts to my questions.

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If you get a BUPA policy, it is going to exclude any pre-existing conditions and it is relatively expensive. If you are in Thailand more than the US, why do you keep the your medical insurance in the US. The quality of medical care in Thailand is equal or superior to that in the US. Why don't you 'bank' the premiums you are paying for coverage in the US and become self-insured?

If you travel, just get travel insurance for each trip.

Edited by pookiki
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If you get a BUPA policy, it is going to exclude any pre-existing conditions and it is relatively expensive. If you are in Thailand more than the US, why do you keep the your medical insurance in the US. The quality of medical care in Thailand is equal or superior to that in the US. Why don't you 'bank' the premiums you are paying for coverage in the US and become self-insured?

If you travel, just get travel insurance for each trip.

Thanks for responding.

The answers to your question on why I do not cancel my US insurance is in fact the reason for my original question. Until I feel safe in knowing that I am going to have decent coverage over here, and in other countries. I am not going to even begin to think about cancelling my US policy. I also will not argue that Thai medical care is great, at least from my experience, but again, I have not had anything medical happen other than minor accidents, and again, I have no idea how good my Thai insurance is going to pay out. That is why I ask the question on BUPA international............................

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If you get a BUPA policy, it is going to exclude any pre-existing conditions and it is relatively expensive. If you are in Thailand more than the US, why do you keep the your medical insurance in the US. The quality of medical care in Thailand is equal or superior to that in the US. Why don't you 'bank' the premiums you are paying for coverage in the US and become self-insured?

If you travel, just get travel insurance for each trip.

Thanks for responding.

The answers to your question on why I do not cancel my US insurance is in fact the reason for my original question. Until I feel safe in knowing that I am going to have decent coverage over here, and in other countries. I am not going to even begin to think about cancelling my US policy. I also will not argue that Thai medical care is great, at least from my experience, but again, I have not had anything medical happen other than minor accidents, and again, I have no idea how good my Thai insurance is going to pay out. That is why I ask the question on BUPA international............................

How much are you paying for the policy in the US? You have to do a 'cost/benefit' analysis. I doubt that you will find any policy that will cover you internationally other than travel insurance which is very pricey. The premiums for BUPA will increase as you age and you might find that it will be difficult to get any insurance in Thailand after you turn 60. Do you do a lot of traveling? As I said earlier, it may just be better to get travel insurance for each of your trips.

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I guess I am going to rephrase the question. I also cannot do a cost analysis without knowing how good the new insurance is?? It would be quite simply comparing apples to oranges. I know how good the US policy is. But I also know it is of little good when I am in Thailand. What I do not know is how good the BUPA International plan is. Or for that matter how good the BUPA Thai plan are.

Ok, new question's. or same question and a new one.

Does anyone have BUPA international and how does it work both inside and outside Thailand. Meaning that you have truly had to use it so you know what the benefits are and if they provide what they said they were going to provide.

Second, and a new question. Does anyone have BUPA Thai only insurance, and are they happy with it. Again, from experience only. Do you pay out of pocket first, or is it negotiated from the start when you enter the hospital that they are going to pay as I have "heard". Also, are you allowed to go to say Bangkok Hospital, or are you forced to go to cheaper hospitals. I have heard you can, yet I have also heard you cannot??

As for outside of Thailand. I think getting travel insurance is a great idea but still have not heard from anyone that has the International BUPA plan that has actually used it. If they have, I guess the devil is in the details. Meaning I could use more details from someone that has used it. Meaning I could sure use some more input.

Thanks for all your responses. I truly do appreciate your input and insight.

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I don't know what you mean by "Does anyone have this policy (BUPA International)" - I'm not sure there is a single "BUPA International" policy.

With that rider, BUPA's international comprehensive policy is very good.

All the expats in my company have BUPA policies (extends to accompanying spouse and dependent children too), and this is worldwide - including US (we tend to travel often).

Although the policy is pretty comprehensive, it does not cover everything - e.g. my company chooses not to cover eyesight. I get sent a booklet on what is covered and how much is covered.

I don't know how much it costs - my company pays.

In your case, you will get a Family policy. BUPA have many types of Insurance coverage, depending on what you want included - you can pick and choose. For instance, some will not cover things like dental, others will not cover some types of diseases. And also to be considered is the level of coverage.

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Second, and a new question. Does anyone have BUPA Thai only insurance, and are they happy with it. Again, from experience only. Do you pay out of pocket first, or is it negotiated from the start when you enter the hospital that they are going to pay as I have "heard". Also, are you allowed to go to say Bangkok Hospital, or are you forced to go to cheaper hospitals. I have heard you can, yet I have also heard you cannot??

With Bupa Thailand and hospitalisation in a Thai hospital you don't pay first, payment will be settled between Bupa and hospital.

They have several packages to choose from, with the cheaper packages the more expensive hospitals will not be covered, with the more expensive packages they will.

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Thanks Guys,

I am off to see a local AA insurance broker this week to seek the specifics on the different levels of coverage. Greatly appreciate the input.

Thanks Again, truly so. Will sort it out this week.

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