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What foreigners dont get about Thai girls.


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Because you said Thai "girls"...I believe that you are referring to young women under 30, single, no children.....I cannot have any opinion about it, just because its have totally different motivation, financial situation, customs and family needs, than women over that age, probably divorced and with children, No way to do any generalization about women in general....Thai or not..and also the age of "farangs' commenting in this post makes a difference.

Girls are called girls by men who are older than them, regardless of age,

you will find, if you are under 30, that women, still want to be called girls, at any age

Told to me by a 34 year old chinese girl, who is a friend from the states when I asked her if she was offended when I referred to her, as a girl.

a 32 year old with no kids never been married? woman, yes, girl, certainly

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rolleyes.gif There are many things that men don't understand about all women (not just "girls" but women)

That is the case in all countries and it has been that way for many years.

But the one thing that many foreigners don't realize about Thai women is that they are Thai.

They were raised in Thailand, Thai is their first language,

Do you mean central Thai is their first language?

If so, you are wrong, many have dirrerent first languages (including Mandarin, Arabic, Lao, Lanna, Sothern Thai).

About 5 main Thai languages, and 25 tribal and rural languages.

Central Thai as a first language is in the minority.

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Well there is something there...and it is powerful too. I am middle aged, have some money, and last night I had mad sex in my kitchen and then fell asleep with my girl on the cool tile floors.

If I was back home in the west with a western girl of my age, can't image she would subscribe to screwing until exhaustion and then passing out and sleeping the night on the kitchen floor...w00t.gif

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I only know one thing and that is you don't find your future wife in a bar, neither in Thailand nor in your home country. Most Farang in this country are finding their woman, girl friend etc in the bar here. Unfortunately not many of us are working in a proper office, hospital, company, etc etc. So we never find a real good Thai girl who also is a very hard working and have good moral about everything.

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I only know one thing and that is you don't find your future wife in a bar, neither in Thailand nor in your home country. Most Farang in this country are finding their woman, girl friend etc in the bar here. Unfortunately not many of us are working in a proper office, hospital, company, etc etc. So we never find a real good Thai girl who also is a very hard working and have good moral about everything.

I found one. But I still like bar girls. They're fun. And black...

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Well there is something there...and it is powerful too. I am middle aged, have some money, and last night I had mad sex in my kitchen and then fell asleep with my girl on the cool tile floors.

If I was back home in the west with a western girl of my age, can't image she would subscribe to screwing until exhaustion and then passing out and sleeping the night on the kitchen floor...w00t.gif

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Regarding what foreigners don't get about Thai women, there is an old Thai saying:Give a Thai girl a fish, and you feed her for a day; give a Thai girl a fishing pole, and she will beat you over the head with it and take your wallet.Next?

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I only know one thing and that is you don't find your future wife in a bar, neither in Thailand nor in your home country. Most Farang in this country are finding their woman, girl friend etc in the bar here. Unfortunately not many of us are working in a proper office, hospital, company, etc etc. So we never find a real good Thai girl who also is a very hard working and have good moral about everything.

Found my first wife in a UK bar, lasted 30 years.

Found my second wife in a Thai bar, 4 years, so far, so good.

If only I had been given your advice 40 years ago .........

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I only know one thing and that is you don't find your future wife in a bar, neither in Thailand nor in your home country. Most Farang in this country are finding their woman, girl friend etc in the bar here. Unfortunately not many of us are working in a proper office, hospital, company, etc etc. So we never find a real good Thai girl who also is a very hard working and have good moral about everything.

Found my first wife in a UK bar, lasted 30 years.

Found my second wife in a Thai bar, 4 years, so far, so good.

If only I had been given your advice 40 years ago .........

Am pretty sure I know of a dozen guys in the States in the 80's who all met their wives in bars,

they werent bar girls mind you, they were office girls, like we were office boys, and every popular club was the "meet market"

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I only know one thing and that is you don't find your future wife in a bar, neither in Thailand nor in your home country. Most Farang in this country are finding their woman, girl friend etc in the bar here. Unfortunately not many of us are working in a proper office, hospital, company, etc etc. So we never find a real good Thai girl who also is a very hard working and have good moral about everything.

Found my first wife in a UK bar, lasted 30 years.

Found my second wife in a Thai bar, 4 years, so far, so good.

If only I had been given your advice 40 years ago .........

Am pretty sure I know of a dozen guys in the States in the 80's who all met their wives in bars,

they werent bar girls mind you, they were office girls, like we were office boys, and every popular club was the "meet market"

Hmm all these years I figured it was called a Meat market.... Learn something everyday!

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Hopelessly ill informed post. I speak ok Thai and have nothing to do with bargirls in my day to day life here in Phuket.

But I also enjoy have a crack at bargirls if the mood takes me.

I like going to Nagga market on the weekend. I am gobsmacked by the amount of gorgeous young things in lesbian relationships. Yes many are looking for an alternative to hopeless Thai men...but not just limiting their choice to farang blokes...

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Thai women love one thing MONEY. THEY will say anything, do anything to get it. But alas thay are never satisfied and always want more of it.Thai women will say I love you after 5 minutes but they don't underdstand LOVE AT ALL.

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Bottom line.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.............................

Does not matter what country we, or they are from. This simple fact still applies...............

And to anyone that thinks Thai Women are money hungry, or only after your money, or would leave you if you did not have any money.............I say go back to your own planeet...........................I am not sure what planet you are from as I am from Mars.

Men from Mars understand that it does not matter what country the "Beautiful" girl is from. Women/Girls from Venus are simply not going to be attracted to you if you do not have any money. Again, being Thai has nothing to do with it.

Based on this simple logic. It truly does not make any sense to bash on Thai Women/Girls for leaving or not wanting to stay with you if you do not have any money or have blown it all. (Even if you did blow it all on booze and hookers)

I honestly never understand these threads when they head into this direction. Meaning (Thai Girls are only after money Thai Girl Bashing threads) I am sure as heck certain that in most western countries you first are going to have one heck of a time finding a women as beautiful both inside and out as a lot of Thai girls are. You then are absolutely dreaming if you think this western women is going to stick with you once the well runs dry. I Mean Come On Already.......................... It is not going to happen.

Long Story Short. Bottom line. It does not matter if they are from Thailand or (pick a country)

If you have not money, YOU GET NO HONEY!!!!

There, I am done and feel one heck of a lot better. And Yeah, I get Honey..................... :))

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What a popular topic! I cannot resist a reply to this one.

I live in Nth Thailand (country lad) - never met any HiSos (BKK is not for me). I have been in LOS for 11 years. The initial 2 years were "very (s)exciting" - met numerous ladies - single, divorced, no children, children, quite young, "mature" - one thing - MANY & good quality sex on tap!

The 1st year here, I lived in a guesthouse in the center of town - what an experience. Available women everywhere. I was in my 50s; tertiary educated; successful professional practice - all undisclosed. There was a regular hangout at a small bar adjacent to the guesthouse. Most of the expats in the neighborhood did not have a pot to piss in; did visa runs (I assume); no private means of transport (not even a m/c - one had a bicycle); very heavy drinkers (talking the same rubbish night after night).

Then I bought a condo in another area. Until I met my wife, I had sex on the first night with every lady companion I encountered - one - no two exceptions - exception # 1 - trying to play hard to get - # 2 - divorcee, incredibly beautiful, about 8 brothers/sisters; father a drunk - not really a good % proposition. Must have been my physique, handsome looks, personality etc - all in one basket. I soon discovered that $$$ matters here! Of course it does - a little logic is appropriate - no social security system. Secondly, it is natural for Thais to marry Thais.

During my early years, I suffered the usual cons & "sponsored" a few girls/families on an ad hoc basis. However, in the main, I found them to be decent, likeable women. Age - 19-40+.

Then, by chance, I met "Miss Right". Don't expect the perfect package off the shelf - look at potential. She was a university graduate; 24yo; country girl (not CNX); only child; virgin (to the best of my knowledge); honest; sincere; traditional values; minimal English - what a discovery! She began studying English soon after we met - a wise investment. I did not plan this event - it just happened - fate/karma?

I have met many women - Australian, American, Canadian, NZ, British, Irish, German, Ukrainian, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Singaporean, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Indian, Filipina (that is all!)

If you can meet a "quality" Thai woman (& reside in Thailand), my observation is that you are "on clover". Traditional values - no women's' lib - we both have a role to play - play it well - a team effort. After a period of time, I learnt to trust her; her parents are working class; very nice people.

Yes, I have assisted the family financially - a big problem for many farangs/falangs! The family NEVER put it on me! It was a natural thing to do - how much - to date B2-3m.

Compare the above to the "family" in my native country - I was subjected to continual demands for financial assistance - loans & gifts - say USD300k out of pocket. It was "their right"! (the last one was a big one). Living in Asia was a big crime according to them - why couldn't I get a local girl? MYOB! In my time of need (hypothetically), I was shunned by them - a good lesson (I am still learning)!

I did learn "elementary" Thai in the early stages here - conversation only - a great asset.

Criticisms of LOS - minimal! The relationship is 5* - no 6*! Arguments - NIL! In the early stages, she packed her bags a few times - insecurity, young & communication barrier. Immigration Office/visa - I only go once per year - my wife attends to the 3 month "checkups". My greatest challenge - "divorcing the family in country of origin".They have divorced me - no further use. "Nasty people do nasty things". Families in LOS tend to be very close - my wife would not consider living in the south of LOS - proximity to family - top priority - I admire that.

Why did I come to LOS? Originally, I came here in the early 90s - holiday. There was something (unexplainable - "culture shock") about LOS! It took me 10 years to return. Primary reasons - loneliness, new start, "religion/life philosophy", affordability, women, different culture - more bang for the buck ($$$ & women).

From my personal experience, I would NEVER (again) enter into a relationship with a "Thai-Christian" - ting tong - "brainwashed & very dangerous" - once was one time too many - I am sure that it was just bad luck - just my personal experience - no prejudice intended.

What makes me chuckle? A number of farangs come here - age pension only - think that they have a lot to offer - experts on everything - deserve the mostest - empty vessels make the most noise.


a) learn some basic Thai

B) have an open mind - learn to adapt

c) be realistic in your expectations

d) be patient - jai yen yen

e) oh, I forgot - bring some $$$

All your dreams can come to fruition! Thank you TV members!

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In my experience the difficulty in meeting a 'quality' Thai girl isn't charming the girl herself, but actually being in a position where you're able to do so, because Thai girls more than western prefer to meet guys through their social group. Yes, I know most girls prefer that, but it seems much more so in Thailand. Call it face or what you want. Put that same girl in a holiday spot only with her girlfriends and it would be a much different story.

The difficulty is getting into social circles in the middle class without a proper in, like studying in a university or working in a mostly Thai company. It's night and day, when you go somewhere and if you know a local Thai dude or one of her friends. The girls practically throw themselves at you if you know someone who is popular. Go with yourself and a couple of foreign mates and you're mostly going to get ignored.

Now if you can't speak Thai, you can't just chat up a girl at the bus stop either. Don't have a job, can't be introduced through work either.

My advice, which I should take myself, is to learn Thai, join a university course if you're young enough, join some local hobby organisations, get a job, try to make local friends who aren't party girls.

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Most, if not all, my Thai female friends are middle class Thai women.

..none of them date old men however.

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Most, if not all, my Thai female friends are middle class Thai women.

..none of them date old men however.

Not that you know of anyway.

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Well there is something there...and it is powerful too. I am middle aged, have some money, and last night I had mad sex in my kitchen and then fell asleep with my girl on the cool tile floors.

If I was back home in the west with a western girl of my age, can't image she would subscribe to screwing until exhaustion and then passing out and sleeping the night on the kitchen floor...w00t.gif

Thats because all farang women lie back and think of <insert country here>.

Or..possibly its because you couldnt find a decent partner..or..you werent able to pay them a few thousand baht in order for them to feign interest..?

Btw...when "your girl" fell asleep on the cool tile floors with you, did she find you passed out already after a solo session, or did you mean that you had sex together?

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Most, if not all, my Thai female friends are middle class Thai women.

..none of them date old men however.

Or so they say.

Or maybe they are not attractive enough to do so.

This is Asia, mistresses, second wives and sugar babies is a sport here. You just don't see it, because you don't know what to look for.

Educate yourself: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/04/inside-china-s-mistress-industrial-complex.html

I'm not even old, but don't fool yourself.

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Most, if not all, my Thai female friends are middle class Thai women.

..none of them date old men however.

Not that you know of anyway.

Hmm fair enough. Could be right. Successful young women in thailand, with good incomes, dating equally successful young thai men (or some with successful western men) are quite possibly enjoying a bit on the side with an old retired western man...

I guess its one of those secret fantasies that all Thai women must have..

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Most, if not all, my Thai female friends are middle class Thai women.

..none of them date old men however.

Or so they say.

Or maybe they are not attractive enough to do so.

This is Asia, mistresses, second wives and sugar babies is a sport here. You just don't see it, because you don't know what to look for.

Educate yourself: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/04/inside-china-s-mistress-industrial-complex.html

I'm not even old, but don't fool yourself.

Fool myself?? o.O about what exactly?

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Most, if not all, my Thai female friends are middle class Thai women.

..none of them date old men however.

Or so they say.

Or maybe they are not attractive enough to do so.

This is Asia, mistresses, second wives and sugar babies is a sport here. You just don't see it, because you don't know what to look for.

Educate yourself: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/04/inside-china-s-mistress-industrial-complex.html

I'm not even old, but don't fool yourself.

Fool myself?? o.O about what exactly?

About your middle class female friends not dating older men.

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