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What foreigners dont get about Thai girls.


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It must be said that being unable to converse kind of narrows it down too much. I learnt Thai as soon as I realised I'd spend the rest of my life here. I cannot imagine living in a country where I couldn't speak the language.

Works for me.

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You've been here 5 minutes, lived with a couple of hookers, and think you know the lot.

No Thai language ability at all, give it a rest, you're just making yourself look daft.

Not to mention the anti-western woman comments, which are just wrong.

If you thought all western women were manly, maybe it was because you weren't.


Thai don't really want farang to (understand) speak Thai; I experienced some who were rather embarassed when they found out that I understood what they are talking about...

I very much doubt Thais give a flying you-know-what whether foreigners learn to speak Thai or not. You place foreigners far too high on the list of the average Thai's priorities.

Any idea what percentage of Thai women reach 30 without having at least one child ? I know one two, and one is a virgin : not terribly encouraging wink.png

I know 12

Thai women love one thing MONEY. THEY will say anything, do anything to get it. But alas thay are never satisfied and always want more of it.Thai women will say I love you after 5 minutes but they don't underdstand LOVE AT ALL.

You get back what you put out. If this is the impression you have been left with, you have only YOURSELF to blame for spending too much time with the wrong kind of Thai women

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I am married to a Thai lady for 30 months. It has been wonderful and of course a little rocky at times. My Thai wife who is a divorced single mother is very intelligent and has a government job. I selected this type of lady and her happy daughter was no small influence on my decision. I am glad I chose her.

The down side of Thai ladies is that sometimes they are superstitious and pigheaded but probably not a lot more than we are. For instance because of her lack of science and guidance from intelligent Thais, she believes an electric scooter must come indoors from the weather. Of course i forbade and pointed out that her car and my motorbike need not come in out of the rain. She does not know how to downshift her standard 1/2 T truck but I am slowly teaching her. She believes that the truck must have outside air enter the vehicle at all times or we will die. According to her this is specific to Thailand. I cannot caress her with my feet.

These are small things that take some tolerance on both sides.

There are a lot of Thai ladies that do not want a Thai husband because 1. they drink too much. 2. they smoke too much 3. they have mia noi. So Thai women have the full gamut of likes and dislikes. Just like women world wide they like security - men with money. If you are a multi millionaire in North America or Europe you will find women of any appearance or circumstance who will love you. It is the same in Thailand. It takes less money to be thought of as being rich here.

At first my Thai wife liked the cash and paying her bills but once she found out I intended to stay she was less anxious about the money and now she trusts me completely. She always said it is up to me. Which of course it is. I am convinced though that some Thai women would take you as a lover even without the money simply because they too like the exotic just as we do. It is exciting. I have had quite a few offers regardless of my age and size. Fortunately I have been loyal to my wife and I do not like the dramatic.

I look at the family as an emotional unit, a practical unit and as an economic unit. Anything all members of the family can do to increase any of these parameters will increase the unifying forces. Ask not what others can do for you but how I can contribute.

If you are in a relationship strictly for your own benefit expect some negative results.

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I seriously doubt that anyone on the thread have ever had a real conversation with a Thai woman who was not a bar girl. Yes, it is difficult for farang to meet educated middle class Thai women, assuming that you would want to do that. I also doubt that anyone has bothered to so some basic research on the Thai culture regarding communication, relationships, families, marriage, legal rights of women in Thai marriages, why there are a large percentage of education Thai women that are in their 30's,40's,and 50's that have never married because they do not like the way Thai men treat them.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Most, if not all, my Thai female friends are middle class Thai women.

..none of them date old men however.

Not that you know of anyway.

Hmm fair enough. Could be right. Successful young women in thailand, with good incomes, dating equally successful young thai men (or some with successful western men) are quite possibly enjoying a bit on the side with an old retired western man...

I guess its one of those secret fantasies that all Thai women must have..

You'd be surprised who does it for a bit of extra cash.

Not something they boast about to anyone.

More about cash flow than fantasy.

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I am married to a Thai lady for 30 months. It has been wonderful and of course a little rocky at times. My Thai wife who is a divorced single mother is very intelligent and has a government job. I selected this type of lady and her happy daughter was no small influence on my decision. I am glad I chose her.

There are a lot of Thai ladies that do not want a Thai husband because 1. they drink too much. 2. they smoke too much 3. they have mia noi. So Thai women have the full gamut of likes and dislikes. Just like women world wide they like security - men with money. If you are a multi millionaire in North America or Europe you will find women of any appearance or circumstance who will love you. It is the same in Thailand. It takes less money to be thought of as being rich here.

So being a divorced single mother (did you actually see the documentation that indicated she was ever married?), she wouldn't be able to attract any Thai guy no matter what his bad habit list was (too old, too much baggage), how fortunate for her she likes foreigners (despite having little other choice).

Yep, you got a good one.


Not knocking her, she is a normal single mum Thai lady (desperate and lonely).

Am knocking you for believing the BS (that she really wanted a foreigner).

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Silly me.

Thanks for opening my eyes to that.

My naughty Thai female friends..there was me believing all along that they are happy with their young fit equally successful male partners..when they are off doing the dirty on them with old dudes.

Tsk tsk!

feel really foolish now.


I think you will find, their young fit Thai husbands are doing the dirty on them at every opportunity.

Seems only fair that your Thai female friends get the chance for same.

And really that sums up Thailand.

Nobody is faithful, everyone is cheating, all the time.

But nobody cares, Thailand is a country of sexual freedom.

You just have to make sure you get your turn too.

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Fool myself?? o.O about what exactly?

About your middle class female friends not dating older men.


Silly me.

Thanks for opening my eyes to that.

My naughty Thai female friends..there was me believing all along that they are happy with their young fit equally successful male partners..when they are off doing the dirty on them with old retired western dudes.

Tsk tsk!

feel really foolish now.


Good that you're here with the virtual smelling salts jolting these silly old men out of their hallucinations.

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OP, the majority of Thai women, respect and love their husbands or boyfriends.

Of course there are exceptions, amplified by the media and Forums.

In the age of equality, in the farang world, it's difficult nowadays, to have an honest relationship.

Thai women have been brought up to respect.

Farang women have been brought up to argue.

You haven't met my wifew00t.gif

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Fool myself?? o.O about what exactly?

About your middle class female friends not dating older men.


Silly me.

Thanks for opening my eyes to that.

My naughty Thai female friends..there was me believing all along that they are happy with their young fit equally successful male partners..when they are off doing the dirty on them with old retired western dudes.

Tsk tsk!

feel really foolish now.


You have no clue.

Durex infidelity study: http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/309732/thai-women-ranks-no-2-in-infidelity

Thai women cheat the second most in the world, Thai men are also in top 3.

You didn't mention western older men in your post, go back and read it. I also didn't say it was western men, just older men, but because having a younger mistress is totally normal in all of Asia also means that the old western guy, young thai girl thing, really isn't out of the norm at all. It may not be your idea of a perfect relationship, but still very common among Asians.

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Bottom line.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.............................

Does not matter what country we, or they are from. This simple fact still applies...............

And to anyone that thinks Thai Women are money hungry, or only after your money, or would leave you if you did not have any money.............I say go back to your own planeet...........................I am not sure what planet you are from as I am from Mars.

Men from Mars understand that it does not matter what country the "Beautiful" girl is from. Women/Girls from Venus are simply not going to be attracted to you if you do not have any money. Again, being Thai has nothing to do with it.

Based on this simple logic. It truly does not make any sense to bash on Thai Women/Girls for leaving or not wanting to stay with you if you do not have any money or have blown it all. (Even if you did blow it all on booze and hookers)

I honestly never understand these threads when they head into this direction. Meaning (Thai Girls are only after money Thai Girl Bashing threads) I am sure as heck certain that in most western countries you first are going to have one heck of a time finding a women as beautiful both inside and out as a lot of Thai girls are. You then are absolutely dreaming if you think this western women is going to stick with you once the well runs dry. I Mean Come On Already.......................... It is not going to happen.

Long Story Short. Bottom line. It does not matter if they are from Thailand or (pick a country)

If you have not money, YOU GET NO HONEY!!!!

There, I am done and feel one heck of a lot better. And Yeah, I get Honey..................... smile.png)

Insert: Brazil,

and good luck

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What a hot topic!

On my sums, 1 reply every 6 mins - 7 views per minute!

It is all about love & lust? - a TV soapie!

What is it all about (Alfie)?

I am blessed! Hundreds of "relationships" - satisfying? Superficially! Here, I actually feel relaxed in our relationship - no pretences - I can be myself! This is far beyond my expectations. My wife openly admits that financial support for her & her family is a factor - as it would be in a Thai/Thai relationship. Basic common sense. Take off the blinkers - stop watching the soapies - be a realist for a change. What is your track record in the romance stakes? You would be an outsider on form - long odds (against).

All this crap about searching for a middle-class or HiSo women! Come back down to earth, please. What was the "class" of your partner in your home country? It sounds that you are looking for a "ticket to ride" - can't even support yourself? Why did you really come here for? Sex & cheap to live? In the majority of cases, I suggest - yes & yes.

It seems that many have brought their old habits to LOS. Romance is a shopping adventure?

There is a lot of criticism about "bar girls" too. To those who have chosen this path, I can see no problem. I have no experience in this scene - a "retired" drinker/drunk. How many Thai ladies choose this vocation by choice?

Take a look on the inside - YOU & the lady! As mentioned before, a "meat/meet" market.

In my courting days in LOS, I met "girls" at banks, hospitals, schools, shopping centers, travel agents, wats - almost anywhere.

Many of us have done a lot of damage in past relationships - spouse, children, relatives, society in general (what is the social security cost? - enormous). Now is the time to review the matter - not the same old movie again. We are damn lucky! My wife carries no "emotional baggage" - I do! Count your blessings - you have another chance at life. AMEN!

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So many varied perspectives written here that it might be obvious what the true draw of Thai ladies really is. They are each individual and exciting beyond the western women so many here chose to forego. You make the relatinship you deserve with honesty and commitment. If you have an endless list of unsatisfying relatioships maybe you had a hand it that?

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Ther is no difference between Thai women and western women ,,Many westerm women are in relative poverty and want some guy to give them a better life ,,, the others who are better off just want an easy life with some bloke, same as Thais the difference is that most western women have become fat and blousy and chavvy ,the Thais are easier on the eye ...

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BTW single mothers are the very very worst woman to look for, of course, isn't that obvious?

Why would you say such an idiotically offensive thing? At least qualify that that's your own personal preference.

Some of us love kids and are never happier than while raising them, whether ours biologically or not is irrelevant.

I only know one thing and that is you don't find your future wife in a bar, neither in Thailand nor in your home country. Most Farang in this country are finding their woman, girl friend etc in the bar here. Unfortunately not many of us are working in a proper office, hospital, company, etc etc. So we never find a real good Thai girl who also is a very hard working and have good moral about everything.

I think you must come from a (sub)culture very different from that of most NES here, perhaps a muslim one?

In our countries it is perfectly acceptable to meet one's future spouse while purposefully getting intoxicated on alcohol or other drugs, maybe even dancing to music with sexually explicit lyrics!

One of my all-time favourite SOs was a nice Jewish girl, she even let me persuade her to eat a big old southern-style BBQ of pulled pork!

Shocking I know. . .


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So many varied perspectives written here that it might be obvious what the true draw of Thai ladies really is. They are each individual and exciting beyond the western women so many here chose to forego. You make the relatinship you deserve with honesty and commitment. If you have an endless list of unsatisfying relatioships maybe you had a hand it that?

Oh the irony of what you just wrote....

Maybe you should apply what you said to ALL women and then have a think.

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Silly me.

Thanks for opening my eyes to that.

My naughty Thai female friends..there was me believing all along that they are happy with their young fit equally successful male partners..when they are off doing the dirty on them with old dudes.

Tsk tsk!

feel really foolish now.


I think you will find, their young fit Thai husbands are doing the dirty on them at every opportunity.

Seems only fair that your Thai female friends get the chance for same.

And really that sums up Thailand.

Nobody is faithful, everyone is cheating, all the time.

But nobody cares, Thailand is a country of sexual freedom.

You just have to make sure you get your turn too.

..and if those Thai female friends of mine are out having some fun on the side, they for sure wont be chosing some young hot guy ..no no..right...its old guys they prefer...

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Bottom line is we are still being called potatoes, not the most flattering of vegetables LOL

baksida,in my under standing is just the issan or lao word for falang,which means Gauva[the fruit].

The fruit was named after the racial classifier, both it and the potato are from the Americas.

The "Franks" came into contact with this region (same word in ancient subcontinent languages) hundreds of years before the foods arrived here.

Yes, every Thai-speaking farang I know has no problem with the word, use it all the time, answer to it when called, realize it CAN be used as an insult, just as the word "Thai" or "Asian" can be, but in fact rarely is.

slope or gook Vs farang.

Thai or Asian Vs English or European.

One line is insulting, the other line is acceptable by everyone.

That's insane, both slope and gook are as intentionally insulting as can be, just as inherent to their meanng as with the N-word.

If you think farang has the same baggage in Thai from a linguistic POV then you are truly as truly clueless on that topic as I see you are on so many others here.

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It's not so much that the word 'farang' is offensive in itself, more that it's frequently used unnecessarily. Constantly bringing up someone's ethnicity, even in polite terms, in situations where it's irrelevant gets a little tedious. "Oh, I'm not Thai? Thanks for noticing! It would have slipped my mind if you hadn't brought the fact into our unrelated conversation." It's not really a big deal in itself though.

Tedious to you, but fact is the pigeonhole is going to always be more important than the pigeon for 99.99% of the Thais we come into contact with. I think that's the root of these morons taking offense at the word, the are just so full of themselves they think they automatically deserve "respect" fron the Thais just because thet are farang.



Depends on the context doesn't it?

Out and about in public, or with those I'm most intimate with, no problem.

And for myself, those are the only situations where it's used to address me in person and I know enough to understand it's not meant disrespectfully. Not that I think I'm all that "deserving of respect" just because I'm white.

So you let close friends refer to you as, or call you 'farang''?


What, they don't know your name? And your last sentence shows you have some issues. If they're close friends, the respect should be mutual.

Any Thai I know or work with who refers to me as 'farang' gets schooled real quick.

I bet they do, and hence realize what a tool you are. My Thai family and friends hardly ever use formal names to refer to each other but use particles and classifiers based on superficial characteristics or relative roles, e.g. pee/nong, daddy, fatty, old guy/pappa whatever yes even ("gasp! neutral racial classifiers!!". That's how Thai language works.

Sure you can try to "train" every Thai you come into contact with that you take unreasonable offense at this feature of their language, and ask they abide by your own myopic fixation on your back-home cultural brainwashing while you are a guest in their country in order to prevent your blowing up at them. who;s being be insufferably rude in this little scenario?

Personally I'd recommend only "taking offence" when you can clearly see that's what they intend, and only then if/when you're not actively earning well-justified contempt, which so many of us actually do here in our every-day behaviours.

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PM Yingluck hasn't married the father of her children because she doesn't want him to have a share in her money.

You really have no clue do you.

Getting "really" married here is the religious ceremony with the family friends neighbors coworkers.

Getting the official paperwork is just for legal and financial reasons, the poor often don't bother, there's no hard-edged definition of the judeo-christian "living in sin" idea. And there are LOTS of financial reasons for wealthy people to not do so legally, especially if you want to get into the corrupt political game here - and no, one "side" isn't more or less corrupt than the other, let's not go there. . .

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Fool myself?? o.O about what exactly?

About your middle class female friends not dating older men.


Silly me.

Thanks for opening my eyes to that.

My naughty Thai female friends..there was me believing all along that they are happy with their young fit equally successful male partners..when they are off doing the dirty on them with old retired western dudes.

Tsk tsk!

feel really foolish now.

No one said anything about western older guys.

..and if those Thai female friends of mine are out having some fun on the side, they for sure wont be chosing some young hot guy ..no no..right...its old guys they prefer...

Believe me PLENTY of outwardly respectable well-educated professional young women are in a relationship of one sort or another with men decades older than them.

I'm not claiming they are as predatory as most explicit sex-workers, but their motives are certainly (usually) not romantic nor sexual.

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Yes, it's fairly easy to meet girls here, if you're not picky. But when you factor in all the things you have to do (learn Thai, gain the acceptance of the friends and family, break through the shy exterior, overcome the fears associated with foreigners, etc.) to find a decent girl beyond the "farang scene", it seems like the likelyhood of meeting the right girl here is the same as it is in the west.

Once you learn the language and understand the culture to even a moderate degree, that is no longer true, unless you are looking for a non-transactional relationship with someone of a similar level of class/wealth, education and experience. I don't think those factors are too high up on the list of priorities for most of us, but if they are for you, then yes I agree.

But if you want to compete with a Thai guy for a grade A hottie, a Thai guy who's got the culture and language advantage down pat, you've got no chance. Sorry, but that's reality.

Unless you (foreigner) have a lot more money than him (Thai).

Were you this deluded before you arrived in Thailand or did you start exhibiting symptoms afterwards?

This is why farang guys end up with the 3rd rate women from the bars.

They think it's all about money here

There are plenty of poor "grade A hotties" that have never been near a bar.

Easy to "get" for even an old unattractive farang, and of course in that context it IS "all about money"

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"so they are an easy pick up and a hundred times more subservient than Western ones. "

Good to note that misogyny is alive and well.

UNFORTUNATELY...it is not misogyny (or fortunately for many Westerners but it is not

Maybe you did not read Neeranam properly: "There are more Thai women who are desperately trying to escape poverty - so they are an easy pick up and a hundred times more subservient than Western ones."

Translation: the Thai women desperate to escape poverty are...IMHO difficult to disagree!

Your words: "Thai women who are desperately trying to escape poverty" ... kind of implies they are looking for financial support, not love.

If you meant something different, you should have been clearer.

I won't even touch the "subservient" aspect of your post.

You disagree?

"Misogyny" is of course an indicator that the speaker is coming from a feminist POV. The whole idea of "picking up" a woman, or any desire for subservience, or taking advantage of your relative wealth or power to get sex from women, or even just calling females > 16 "girls" - all these things are indicators of misogyny in that world view.

That should be obvious to anyone who hasn't been raised in a Tora Boran man-cave

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It might help if the Farangs started looking for Thai women, not girls.

My advice is to do your homework and stop focusing on young girls.

Why on earth would we want to do that?


Side note now that I'm done 8-)

Thanks to all those who downloaded and "liked" my flowchart, I did put a fair bit of work into it and appreciate the feedback, keep it up!

If anyone's interested in correcting/enhancing/expanding it, PM me and I'll send you the XML file, it's not that hard if you're just a little bit geeky. . .

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living with a thai girl can be like a hand grenade..you just wait for it to explode

the slightest thing can trigger there temper..

no easy if the girl has a very short fuse..

live with thai chinese...very good ..no temper

thai cambodia..very thick and temper high when not get what she wanted...like a big baby

thai loas...very lound when speaking..also very high temper...grabs the beer bottles and knife when she loose her temper..

as thai can not think outside the box..its there way or no way..and if ot no way...there temper flares

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