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New HTC One too hot, my rights?


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It's brand new. Getting too hot. Plus it shut itself off without reason. Re-start only after hard reset. Also keyboard switches from swift to Vietnamese.

My rights? Give it back get a new one right away.? Waiting for Repair? Awkward

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Depends on where you bought it, and how recently. No details, awkward.

If you bought it from a name brand retailer in the last 7 days go back. Otherwise, a visit to an HTC repair center is in order.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

At least it's working well enough to post. ;)

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Well, I was naive enough to assume "rights" have a country wide implication :-) I bought it in CM in Central at Zoom. They had to get it from Bkk???, from somewhere.

You are right it works. Plus I don`t know what is actually "too hot" for this slim device. My yardstick is the old HTC Desire, much thicker because of qwerty, i.e never got hot. This slim things get hotter after some time than my hand, whatever that means.

At least when it shut down itself I had an automatic message from HTC , noting this error and asking to send error report, which I did.

I will watch it

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Well, I was naive enough to assume "rights" have a country wide implication

First off, read the warranty details included with the phone. Those should clearly detail your "rights"; especially re: term/length, what is covered (parts/labor, etc.) local warranty service/repair agents.

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Hopefully you checked the box and papers and have a device for Thailand distribution (and warranty).

Also, the google responses for: HTC One running hot

It seems you're not alone.

If the heat is caused by the backlight, try reducing the brightness.

What options does the shop offer regarding replacement? I'll assume 5555.

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Install the Set CPU from the play store and see what is the most common used CPU speed, if there's a gremlin loading up your CPU for no reason, you need to find it.

I remember back when I had an S2, after one of a little updates it was running hot sometimes for seems to be no reason, that issue went away with one of the next little updates and the 4.1.2 update really removed all the little glitches and it seemed to run a lot faster and cooler, it's still being used by my wife's cousin to whom I've sold it. So check if there's any software updates for your phone.

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