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what is the cheapest sim card to get in LOS


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When I was here in LOS 2006 I remember putting the equivalent of $10 on my thai sim card and it lasted ages

2014 and Im finding DTAC 'happy tourist' sim card expensive to be honest. I make some calls to mobiles, some sms messages and a small amount of surfing and the top up credit is eaten away quickly.

what is the best sim to get these days? Ive never had a contract phone before only top up. Any opinions on this matter are appreciated.

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It would help if you could provide as much detail as possible about your requirements: how long are you staying, what is your phone make and model, how many voice minutes do you need, how much data do you use, etc. More detail, rather than none, may solicit useful recommendations.

How much did you pay for your DTAC Tourist SIM? 49 baht? 299 baht? Have you added any further value?

Very generally speaking voice calls are 1 baht/min, SMS 1 baht each and 1 GB of data is 400 baht/month. But there are hundreds of offers.

I think SMSes are 5 baht each with either Happy/DTAC Tourist SIM, and internet will be 2 baht/MB after you use any included data volume. So it is easy to burn through your balance quite quickly.

Not very many people are using SMSes anymore; better to use one of the internet-based messaging app. like WhatsApp!, Tango, Line, etc.

And assuming you are staying here for a while, choose a calling promotion which minimizes your voice charges, and subscribe to a volume-based data plan.

But again, it is challenging to offer recommendations without any sort of details.

Edited by lomatopo
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