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Chinese tourist beaten by teenage gangsters in Thailand


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The media is such a strong tool ,but hulas it is not used to our good .

look at a thai soap ,after some false laughter the angry face start coming and than the shouting and fighting starts,

day after day the children see this (some also in real time in their family.)If this soap was filmed in a poor house and with no luxury,nobody would watch it !But thais are longing for this luxury ,these nice cars,clothes....but the only thing they are copying is the bad behavior( sadly they are not copying the clean streets without dogs and garbage bags.)

So after all those years ,this is the standard.

Instead the media should give an explanation for this behavior,like "look this dumb acting is the result of years of pedophile abuse to the son ,and that's why the son (daughter)starts shouting and behaving like an idiot.When showing youngsters in a fight ,explain that they do it because their father rammed them in the ass for years,and that this behavior is the result of this . So next time he will try to control his anger ,scared bystanders will think that he was a victim of a pedophile.

The media must connect a shameful image to stupid behavior and not glorify it .

Put big billboards next to the road with monkeys driving slow in the middle or right lane ,explane that this is what happens when monkeys drive in cars.If those driving in the middle "think" that everyone else looks at them as "monkey" .They will stop their stupid driving because they are scared to loose their face.

The media should use this loss of face thing as a weapon against stupid behavior and not glorify it.

Well said, but you're making a huge assumption...the local IQ and critical thinking here is what it is, the media can't change that.

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