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Ticking Wave

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I've had my Honda Wave 125 for 6 years. I bought it from a friend for 27,000. At the time it was a year old. Had no problems for 3 years. Then I noticed it was smoking a bit when I revved the engine. Took it in to a mechanic and was told it needed a valve job. Said okay. Paid about 4000 baht. Got the bike back running strong as new. My problem is, a year later the engine started ticking, valve noise I suspected. Took it in to the Honda dealer was told I needed a valve job. What? Says I. Yes said he. Valve job, 4000 baht. I paid up. Got the bike back no ticking and engine running just like new.

About a year later, you guessed it! Engine ticking. This time thinking that if it's a valve job maybe I could get a break on the price, I took it to a Honda employee who has his own shop . No way. 4000 baht. Okay. Paid got the bike back 4 weeks later Tick Tick Tick.

Is it that the bike is unfix-able or is it a case of mechanics overlooking something?

Should I fix it again and then sell it. Or should I take it in to a dealer and see what they will give me for it on the purchase of a new bike?


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Don't know your valve setup but it could be the valve is wearing the valve seat away each time, they grind more material away each time. Perhaps too soft a metal in the head.

PS. One of those things/probs where a visual would tell all.

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Also, a worn valve guide will not, or might not allow the valve to seat "square" on closure so wears one side of the seat away, if this thought is the problem it will happen again and again. Soooooooo, valve stem too guide clearance must be checked. If the guide is shot then a new one must be pressed in, if your head does not have guides the head must be machined to install a guide.

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I guess, a new head with new valves will do the trick.

A new "Non-OEM" head with valves, will cost you much less, than your "usual valve job"

The tinkering with the old, worn out valves/seats/guides is probably useless.

But as mentioned above, any speculation without seeing the old parts, is just a shot in the dark.

Edited by Turkleton
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it pointless to keep fixing what keeps breaking. Could be bad lubrication or whatelse but what's be point getting mad about an utility bike. Sell or trade for something newer and better preverably with warranty.

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You could be a quitter as Paz suggests.

Of couse if you sell the bike you should disclose the problems to the buyer else risk karmic consequences.

Not sure who would buy it.

Or you could spend $100+ and stick with it, as Turk suggests, and maybe have a bike that loves you long time.

Please keep us apprised.

Oh...I notice nothing in your post that suggested you were "mad."

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I am not a Wave specialist, but....

Worn out guides don't tend to ticker, just as worn out seats don't.

Assuming, the noise doesn't come from the head, but from a worn out cylinder?

A little bit honing wink.png ....new piston rings or a new piston for a few Baht (in the best case) and the noise has been eliminated (for a short period).

Easy money for Somchai and also keeping you as a regular customer.....whistling.gif

PS: 4000 Baht for a "valve job" is ridiculously expensive anyway...

ClareQuilty is able to get 2-3 complete "rebuilds" for the same money!


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I am not a Wave specialist, but....

Worn out guides don't tend to ticker, just as worn out seats don't.

Assuming, the noise doesn't come from the head, but from a worn out cylinder?

A little bit honing wink.png ....new piston rings or a new piston for a few Baht (in the best case) and the noise has been eliminated (for a short period).

Easy money for Somchai and also keeping you as a regular customer.....whistling.gif

PS: 4000 Baht for a "valve job" is ridiculously expensive anyway...

ClareQuilty is able to get 2-3 complete "rebuilds" for the same money!


it is even expensive for a hand joblaugh.png

op first time heard such constant problem on a wave.

i think they dont fix it properly.

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My money is on valve tappet adjustment. 5-10 min job. Take it to a different mechanic ask or show pictures of valve adjustment.

Here's your picture 0.jpg

Thanks so much for this. I am not a mechanic and some of the suggestions given here go right by me. But as they say "A picture is worth a thousand words."

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another ticking honda lol...

check my thread for a clue.

Can you link me to your thread?


as vocalneal said, its probably valve adjustment since it reoccurs. But you have to find the reason its reoccurring. Post a picture of your 4000 baht receipt if you still have it.

does it happen all the time or just at certain times? Sometimes when you are pulling off in too high a gear there will be valve chatter.


not the exact same valve train as yours , but you can see some parts that will help you visualize.

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PS: 4000 Baht for a "valve job" is ridiculously expensive anyway...

ClareQuilty is able to get 2-3 complete "rebuilds" for the same money!


Well, yes, for about 1,500-2,500 around here they'll do something to your four stroke that involves a brand new piston... whether it does anything for the valve I have no idea. Final caveat - I've had excellent luck with two-stroke rebuilds (even cheaper than this), but not such good luck with four-stroke rebuilds, so I can't say I strongly recommend them.

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