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Airlines demand crackdown on unruly passengers


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I have witnessed 2 incidents where passengers just went out of control.

The first, about 20 years ago, We were boarding a Ansett domestic flight Sydney to Melbourne. A passenger in his late 20s who had 1 too many but looked okay until he opened his mouth, "lets get this party started, bla, bla" demanding a drink like those on the other side of the curtain. When refused and prompted to "quieten down please sir, your disturbing the other passengers", for the second time by a more than polite hostess before the doors had even been closed, his venting was then targeted on her as she disappeared behind the curtain heading towards the front of the plane which bought a response from others seated close to him, simultaneously 4 feds appeared, who told him "the captain has requested that you are to be removed from the aircraft". He went nuts, jumped out of his aisle seat screaming objections and obscenities, in the blink of an eye, he was face down in the aisle, handcuffed, assisted to his feet and frogged marched in silence off the plane. Pre flight drink all round, an apology for the disruption from the captain and off we went. Those were the days.

More recently, 4 hrs into a flight from the Gold Coast to KL. A Cock Head, on his first international flight I guess, continues to call on the hosties, "you have Flied Lice, love you long time, I like Chinese", A real arse hole. He was 12 or 15 rows in front of me and I could still hear some of the rant, he was getting worse as time went on, the couple sitting next to him had moved.

A male and female hostie were talking to the cock head and he went off, said something very upsetting to the hostess, grabbing her and pushing the male calling him a "Plick" which triggered a pre emptive move by at least 6 other passengers to restrain him, among them 2 small guys who had the least to say but had got to him first and were very active from what I could see. 5 minutes later, 2 male and 2 female hosties along with 3 flanking, I suspect were security, escorted him,with a blanket over his head and hands cable tied, to the rear of the plane. I got a glimpse of his face as he gingerly went passed in silence, it looked like he had been in a major north Queensland hail storm, there were lumps and small but severe wounds all over his face, he had 4 fat lips on 1 lip. 3 hrs later,He was escorted first off the plane by Malaysian authorities and I never saw him again. I found out from a box seat passenger who was telling a few of us in the immigration line, that the small twin brothers attacked the mans face and body with a flurry of blows in quick succession, just about every punch landed with a surprising crack, little fists like golf ball sized ball bearings thrown with surprising power and accuracy.

I try to take my manners and a bit of consideration when flying, as most do.

Ingrates should refer to the above.

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One better be on their best behavior when flying in USA. There is minuscule tolerance of misbehavior and you'll be immediately arrested and prosecuted upon landing. Or, even better, if there's an undercover agent on board the flight, you'll quickly be taken down on the spot.

The in USA/America brigade has started.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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