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Fertility Clinic & doctors


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I'm not sure of any reputable fertility clinics in Bangkok, but the Phyathai Sriracha Infertility center in Sriracha around 20 kilometers from Pattaya just off Sukhumvit Road now has the highest success rate of any clinic in South East Asia!

The fertility specialist is called Dr. Suchada. She is gynecologist and reproduction specialist and if you need any more information just contact Gavin - [email protected]


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There are many. All the major hospitals have them and there are some well-regarded stand-alone fertility clinics as well.

Jetanin seems to be a favored one. http://www.jetanin.com/en/home/index

See also these threads:





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Phyathai, on 02 Apr 2014 - 10:32, said:Phyathai, on 02 Apr 2014 - 10:32, said:Phyathai, on 02 Apr 2014 - 10:32, said:

I'm not sure of any reputable fertility clinics in Bangkok, but the Phyathai Sriracha Infertility center in Sriracha around 20 kilometers from Pattaya just off Sukhumvit Road now has the highest success rate of any clinic in South East Asia!

That is wrong to say that. IVF carries no more than a 30% success rate irrespective of clinic. That is something that should be explained to all before treatment starts. Nawabutr Clinic points this out on your initial visit they don't claim anything other than the average % success rate. Don't be misled on claims that one clinic is better than another. What works for some doesn't mean it works for everyone. You pay your money ........................................

How successful is in vitro fertilization?

The success rate of IVF clinics depends on a number of factors including patient characteristics and treatment approaches. It is also important to understand that pregnancy rates are not the same as live birth rates. In the United States, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle started is approximately:

  • 30 to 35% for women under age 35
  • 25% for women ages 35 to 37
  • 15 to 20% for women ages 38 to 40
  • 6 to 10% for women ages over 40
Edited by sinbin
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I think that one clinic has a higher success rate than another one is a false claim, because the differences are within the margin of the statistical noise.

And I doubt very much that all hospitals are completely honest in providing the correct data.

Clinics don't have thousands of customers, simply because the prices are very high.

So, they don't have enough statistical evidence to make such claims.

IVF in Thailand is very expensive compared to the income of the people and it's a huge income for the hospital.

Payathai in Sriracha for instance has advisement specifically about doctor Suchada, about the size of 3 or 4 buildings near the most busy crossroad of Sriracha.

Somehow this advertisement has to be paid....

We had an ICSI treatment in a country in Europe with a very high cost of living.

The full price of the treatment, including the part paid by the health insurance, was much lower than the full price in Thailand.

I hope that some day government dares to stand up and put a limit on this.

That will be the day we will consider to have a another baby in Thailand.

Anyway, friends of us went to Siriraj and were successful on the second try.

Edited by kriswillems
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There are many. All the major hospitals have them and there are some well-regarded stand-alone fertility clinics as well.

Jetanin seems to be a favored one. http://www.jetanin.com/en/home/index

See also these threads:





This clinic worked for us twice out of two treatments. 3 children. http://www.nawabutr.com/

Any specific names of doctors?

Edited by newbie0001
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We are looking for successful (or not so successful) testimonies that you can share us with, particularly specific doctors in Bangkok so we can avoid both the quacks and the lengthy trial and error learning curve at any clinic.

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newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:
sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:

This clinic worked for us twice out of two treatments. 3 children. http://www.nawabutr.com/

Any specific names of doctors?

No. You go to the clinic and you're assessed as to your particular problems. In our case it was me. You get assigned a doctor that specialises in your problem. I was the problem. I'd had a vasectomy and had two attempts at reversals. Neither successful. They said they can extract the sperm from me using a hypodermic. Done under anaesthetic. My wife who is fully fertile, and having a child already, was medicated to produce eggs. On egg collection day we were both sedated and my sperm was extracted and my wife had about 15 eggs extracted. Of those 15 eggs, 11 were fertilized. Then they have to work out when is best to implant. First time the wife was implanted with 3 fertilised eggs. One took resulting in a daughter. All other fertilised eggs are frozen free of charge for 5 years, as I recall. Anyways we went back 9 months later for another attempt. This time the doctor implanted 2 eggs. I asked why 2 when he did 3 first time? Because the 2 eggs he implanted were good quality and he said he'd guarantee at least one being accepted. We had twins, boy/girl. As said in an earlier post, you pays your money................... Here's my three. Sorry my son doesn't like his photo taken.


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I just want to add one remark. In Thailand they will usually implant 2 or 3 embryos.

So, the chance you'll have twins in pretty high.

Your chance on pregnancy depends very little on the number of embryos they will put back.

You'll only increase the chance of pregnancy with about 2% by putting back more embryos.

But if you get pregnant, there's a pretty high chance on twins.

In countries were government has to pay for healthcare, government will only support putting more than 1 embryo back in very exceptional cases.

In countries were private clinics rule and they want to impress others with nice success rates (like Thailand, but also the USA) they will put 2 or 3 embryos back (or even more).

If you look at the average heathcare cost of a person, and you include the costs of IVF in the calculation, and the health risks and costs of having twins, you'll see that in the end putting only one embryo back is both from a economical perspective and a health perspective the most reasonable thing to do.

One more thing when comparing success rates. It's kinda hard to define exactly what success is. Some clinics see a very small rise of the pregnancy hormone as success, others want to see the embryo, while again others speak of success when the baby is born. This makes it very hard and maybe even impossible to compare success rates in a country were nothing is regulated.

Just a thought ....

Edited by kriswillems
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  • 1 year later...

how much did it cost to do IVF at Nawabutr?

newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:newbie0001, on 02 Apr 2014 - 19:52, said:
sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:sinbin, on 02 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:

This clinic worked for us twice out of two treatments. 3 children. http://www.nawabutr.com/

Any specific names of doctors?

No. You go to the clinic and you're assessed as to your particular problems. In our case it was me. You get assigned a doctor that specialises in your problem. I was the problem. I'd had a vasectomy and had two attempts at reversals. Neither successful. They said they can extract the sperm from me using a hypodermic. Done under anaesthetic. My wife who is fully fertile, and having a child already, was medicated to produce eggs. On egg collection day we were both sedated and my sperm was extracted and my wife had about 15 eggs extracted. Of those 15 eggs, 11 were fertilized. Then they have to work out when is best to implant. First time the wife was implanted with 3 fertilised eggs. One took resulting in a daughter. All other fertilised eggs are frozen free of charge for 5 years, as I recall. Anyways we went back 9 months later for another attempt. This time the doctor implanted 2 eggs. I asked why 2 when he did 3 first time? Because the 2 eggs he implanted were good quality and he said he'd guarantee at least one being accepted. We had twins, boy/girl. As said in an earlier post, you pays your money................... Here's my three. Sorry my son doesn't like his photo taken.

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