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Worst Thing In Bangkok


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And the cab stinks of tobacco, somtam breath and baby puke. The driver has no respect for human life, drives like a complete moron, tries to take the longest way possible, and at the end of the drive pretends he cannot give change on a 100 Baht note.


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Thai's riding their motorcycles on the sidewalks, if I get run over in the street I can deal with that, but to get run over on the sidewalk would really piss me off. Getting worse each day on Silom Road, all I can do is mumble quitely to myself, since its their county and they allow me to live here. Still pisses me off though!

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Agree completely with BkkHarry. Any moto geek, anywhere, anytime on the footpath....Roaring up behind you as you are walking, gunning his engine to let you know you had better get out of his way....Whizzing along the narrow way next to a stairs from Skytrain or a pedestrian overpass....The moto taxi riders are by far the worst, with the police not far behind. Most drivers in Bkk. are decent and law-abiding, but the problem is that nothing is ever done to quell the obnoxious, dangerous behavior of the lunatic fringe.

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The worst thing in bangkok is waking up bleary eyed, going into the bathroom to brush your teeth and the girl you don't remember bringing home is pissing standing up. :o

yes - and is not house trained and uses a nearby drain instead of the sitdown

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Has to be stuck in a taxi in traffic with the air con out of action.

How do know if its not working before you get in ?

will the driver let on ?

Just don't choose an old crappy Nissan Sentra or Holden rust bucket but a nice crisp clean new Toyota Corolla........ Aircon in those always works. And you should notice right away when you get in... Anything less than arctic and just change your mind. And if you are cought out then you could just tell the driver to stop, caugh up the money (most likley the initial 35 baht) then take another taxi..



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For me, the worse things in Bangkok are:

1. The airport, this is the "first impression" of the visitors and as a friend of mine would say " The first impression is always the right one especially when it is a bad one,..." Hopefully, this will change soon.

2. ADSL or any other high speed connection availability and prices. For a country that was or wants to be one of the Asian tigers, the least I can say is that it is pretty unproductive,...

Pollution, traffic,... if you like living in a city, it is the same everywhere in the world and probably not the major concern.

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I will have to go with I T on this one.

The only thing worse than going to BKK. is the time spent there waiting to leave.

Agree. If you do not like big cities, Bangkok is not better that any other city in the world and probably even worse.

If you like living in cities, Bangkok is not worse than any other one and probably better than many,...

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yeah, sometimes life here is frustrating at best, but i didnt see anyone mention what i would write about my hometown in the u.s.: worried about being shot at random or in a crime every time i go out for a night on the town; said night on town costing a minimum of $100 and no happy ending in sight; seeing 40% of my paycheck taken out every week in taxes; road rage- and i mean ROAD RAGE; bitter cold, freezing rain, slipping on icy sidewalks; walking into 7-11 or mcdonalds and being greeted by a bitter, bored clerk instead of a smile; having to see george bush for prez commericials every 15 minutes; etc., etc............

as for thailand, for all its faults, theres nowhere else i'd rather be!

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People not moving on the esculators, and the general obliviousness of the indivudual Thai, to someone who wants to move faster than them.

The Thai perspective, worst thing about Bangkok:

Fat farang trying to push their way past us on the escalators and footpaths, and the way they stink because

a.) They don't even understand how to catch a proper, new cab with functioning aircon (what's up with the tuk-tuks and beaten up taxis who are infallably driven by Roi Et newcomers without a clue of city geography)

b.) They're too kee niaow to even catch a taxi

c.) Haven't figured out that the Thai climate requires a pace change, and a mood change in order to be bearable

d.) Don't understand they should shower more than once per day


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