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Pheu Thai Party urges Democrat Party to enter the election


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"Pheu Thai’s legal adviser also expressed his disagreement with the PDRC’s protesting approach, blaming the group is creating rifts and hatred among Thais by advocating people to go against the opposite side."

Talk about the pot and the cettle. It is the red shirt militia calling for strife. It is the red shirt militia calling for a showdown. It is the red militia calling the other side names. I am not a Suthep fan but I respect the way he stays out of the profanities race that the reds have instigated. He uses a couple of euphemisms but steers clear of dirty language. Recently I had to take off about 12 small posters (A4 size) with leaders of the Democrats and the PRDC in all sorts of disgusting poses, sexually explicit. Some red shirt brain dead had put them up (of course made with photoshop) to disgrace its leaders. Forgetting kids live in the neighborhood. Sick people.

For the rest: CHANGE THE ELECTION LAWS. Then the Democrats will join. Right now they are adjusted so as to fit the Phue Thai party. Besides of course the fact that Phue Thai is the reincarnation of the PPP (cancelled for electoral fraud) and the TRT (cancelled for electoral fraud and vote buying) and they can still carry on in politricks. The constituencies are made up and divided so that even if the Democrats would win the popular vote they would have less seats in Parliament.

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The so called "Democrats" belong to the corrupted old elites of Thailand and they probably would not win the next election. (when they won the last election?)

I think many Thais are fed up with all the parties because most of all politicians are self-serving and corrupt.

Thailand needs a new socialdemocratic/socialist/labour party without any influence of Thaksin´s family clan.

I am optimistic Thailand can develope from a feudalistic system to a modern democracy.

Best wishes


Where to begin, where to begin with this?

For one the Democrat party is indeed an old party, but to say it 'belongs' to the old elite goes a bit too far. Now if you had said the Pheu Thai party belongs to the new elite you'd be much more correct.

The Democrat Party also manages to 'win' between 25 - 35% of seats every general election they participate in. So every time they win, or at least the people who voted for them. That's how it works in a democracy. Now the Pheu Thai in 2011 won 47% of votes and 265 out of 500 seats. That led them to say "thanks for the votes, we have a mandate' and they started to ignore and even block any opposition. Now that's not democratic.

So indeed now more and more Thais get upset with all shenanigans and corruption and losing 700++ billion in two years only thanks to Thaksin's wonderful rice scam.

Now if indeed we can get the reform framework the PDRC is slowly proparing to be filled in with participation of a broader segment of the Thai population, with more and more input of all sectors and classes, we may get a reform which we can even manage to make binding to ALL.

Then there will be hope even the rural areas of Thailand may evolve from depending on local 'elite' to selfreliance, self-entitlement, democracy.

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Thanks for your reply,

do you know something about the election changes they want to make. (or in general what does Suthep concrete means when he speaks about reform before a new election).


The so called "Democrats" belong to the corrupted old elites of Thailand and they probably would not win the next election. (when they won the last election?)

I think many Thais are fed up with all the parties because most of all politicians are self-serving and corrupt.

Thailand needs a new socialdemocratic/socialist/labour party without any influence of Thaksin´s family clan.

I am optimistic Thailand can develope from a feudalistic system to a modern democracy.

Best wishes


Where to begin, where to begin with this?

For one the Democrat party is indeed an old party, but to say it 'belongs' to the old elite goes a bit too far. Now if you had said the Pheu Thai party belongs to the new elite you'd be much more correct.

The Democrat Party also manages to 'win' between 25 - 35% of seats every general election they participate in. So every time they win, or at least the people who voted for them. That's how it works in a democracy. Now the Pheu Thai in 2011 won 47% of votes and 265 out of 500 seats. That led them to say "thanks for the votes, we have a mandate' and they started to ignore and even block any opposition. Now that's not democratic.

So indeed now more and more Thais get upset with all shenanigans and corruption and losing 700++ billion in two years only thanks to Thaksin's wonderful rice scam.

Now if indeed we can get the reform framework the PDRC is slowly proparing to be filled in with participation of a broader segment of the Thai population, with more and more input of all sectors and classes, we may get a reform which we can even manage to make binding to ALL.

Then there will be hope even the rural areas of Thailand may evolve from depending on local 'elite' to selfreliance, self-entitlement, democracy.

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The democrats have already declared that they will run again as long as their are at a minimum 'electoral reforms' before the ballot.

They have no desire to run in an undemocratic election like the last several.

What part of that do PTP not understand?

Of course PT want elections, they know that in 80% of the country, the Dems are no allowed to campaign for fear of being shot dead by PT's red shirt terrorist unit. Along with all the voter intimidation (and yes it exists), and buying off village chiefs to force their villagers to vote Thaksin.

If I was leader of the Dems, I would refuse as well, and in every civilized democracy, all parties would also refuse if one party was producing elections like this for the rest of their competition.


Give me a break, you know as well as anyone here that vote buying has nothing to do with why the North votes Red, and that the Democrats are as guilty as anyone of vote buying. The whole reason they brought Chidchob into their coaltion was because of his expertise in this field and it ended in a miserable failure in the 2011 election. And moreover if there was any actual evidence of vote buying the election commision would've used it against PTP by now.

from what i can find via monitoring organsiations and in the media vote buying was practiced in 2011 by all major parties, but is widely accepted that this indeed did not substantially affect the outcome.

but ... no-one here was talking about vote buying. Did you not read previous comments e.g. #13 and #15 where other methods of influencing the outcome of elections are well explained?

i know the South better than other regions, and in my experience such methods are not seen in the South.

There are PTP supporters (albeit few), but they are able to vote as per their choice and free of intimidation and pressure.

If other forum members here have experience that can support or contradict this then i'd be very interested to hear.

what i do not understand is why this particular aspect of influencing elections is not much more widely discussed publicly.

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