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City water CM….information?


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The Lancet classifies flouride as a neurotoxin. A new report puts it in the same category as mercury, arsenic, lead and some others.



I agree with the last poster.

It is a disservice to good decision making to quote soundbites, ie from an abstract, without the full context.

Your article even cites Manganese as a toxin.

Like everything else no doubt it is in some concentration, but be aware that we are practically swimming in Manganese, it,s the 12th most common element, our bodies have adapted to it for all of evolution including the enormously long pre-human period, and we can never escape it.

By all means filter it if you wish to or drink city water where they worry about it for you, but please don't begin to suggest it's a toxin in the same way we normally think about toxins, you'll scare the life out of everyone.

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Well put. Also, to say that "The Lancet classifies fluoride as a neurotoxin" is simply misleading. The Lancet is a scientific journal. The article is one published in The Lancet and the opinions are those of the authors. That does not make it the opinion of The Lancet, unless there is an editorial endorsing this opinion.

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