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In love with thai girl married to thai man


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I did not read all the post so if someone gave you this advice already I apologize... The best way to handle this is to wait and let it play out... No sense rushing into a situation like this... There are millions of Thai ladies waiting to meet you... And most will be as charming and as lovely as the one you have met already... The story you are getting is highly unlikely as no one gets held hostage in Thailand by their own family or anyone else for that matter... There are mediators in every village that can work out a solution to this very quickly if it is even true at all.. Lots of ways for a 26 yr old to escape if they really wanted to.. Plus it is highly unlikely they even made the marriage official as there is very little reason to do so while living and working in and around a Thai village.. One of the few reasons to make it official is if the husband had a good job which they actually withheld SS taxes and had death benefits which in the case of accidental death would go to his immediate family unless he was official married... then in that case it would go to his Wife... This smells very much like a setup... If she loves you as much  as you believe... she can work this out on her own as this is very common.. and even if they are officially married... If they have little assets and no children there is hardly any cost at all to get divorced... As a foreigner you will not understand or be of any help at all except to allow yourself to be a victim of this scam which in the end will make everyone happy but you.... So my advice is embrace the fond memories of a great hosted holiday in Thailand while getting back on the net to find your next holiday hostess.. while in the mean time being supportive as one can from afar as she she tries to work this out,,, if she really wanted to in the first place... You could play along by asking her to send you a copy of her marriage certificate as they are quite lovely but it is in Thai so unless you can read Thai or get it translated she could send anybodies marriage certificate.. But believe me and everyone else who gave you advice.. Thai divorces cost next to nothing and certainly no where close to 1 million Baht (900K Baht) which about what 30K Aussie dollars are worth here..  biggrin.png  

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Give me all their details, i will check it out for you, make sure everything is 100% if it is i can negotiate a better price. Its all about money, like going to the market, starting price is always double, difficult for you to negotiate, as it looks like you're a cheap charlie if you try knock them down :) 

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   Certainly isn't a troll post this has what been happening in my life in the last 3 months, it has got to stage now on my return back to Australia that im confused.        I posted a photo of her at work (post 16) with her holding a sign that says she loves me, she never showed me anything but love as well the whole time.         She has never asked money from me, only her husband asked as he knows she has no grounds for divorce under thai law even though she dosent love him........so if he is going to grant her wish he wants to be paid off.   


 I haven't said no but im not going to pay him off, seems to crazy to be a scam as no would would fall for it.       Maybe I show him video of us together and he would be so enraged that he would strike her then she would have grounds for divorce.         Other than that the suggestion that I ask him for 15k to not bother him or his family anymore seems a good suggestion.



 BTW shes from the bangna region in bangkok

Edited by tekNique
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Mate, let's say everything she said so far it is true...do you really want to get involved in this kind of situation in a foreign country like LOS where a Falang is always on the losing side? Do you really need to get a start in life with a girl so messy?

I had in the past a very pretty similar situation, the only difference was that also her family was on my side...well...I run like hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Maybe I show him video of us together and he would be so enraged that he would strike her then she would have grounds for divorce


This is Thailand where a husband can seemingly wallop his wife with impunity.


If this were just a simple case of a 'pay off' which can't she just come out with it and tell you that? 

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True story, about 10 years ago young guy i knew was dating a nice thai gal who turned out to be a mia noi of a rather jeaous thai guy but he was not aware of this.


He walked out of his condo one night and was hit in the back of the head with a metal pipe and curb stomped to death.

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Get her friends to beat her up, then tell the police that the husband did it. She then has the grounds to divorce him. If she loves you she will do it.

I believe your playing with fire and its just a scam. The broken iphone is just a scam to get you to buy her a new phone. Get her friends to take a photo of her with the broken iphone. If you get the photo send it to me and il pay the randsome for you.
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Now ... 

Fah don't contact you
Fah can not E-mail : xxxxxxxx@hotmail.com
Husband know password
***You can contact Fah E-mail : xxxxxxx@gmail.com
I am a friend of Fah

เมื่อ วันอังคารที่ 22 เมษายน ค.ศ. 2014, ดาริกา นันวารี <xxxxxx@gmail.com> เขียนว่า:
Unable to contact you 
Since the phone destruction 
I am a friend of Blue 
I can not enter E-mail this page. 
I did not want her husband to know the password. 
If you have something in the sky. 
I will contact her





 Its all very confusing, these are some of the emails I got upon returning, her friend dosent speak English and is using google translate from what I see so it makes it hard to communicate with her.

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As far as I am aware the divorce consists of signing a paper in the local office and costs a few hundred baht.


30,000 dollars !!!!!!!


1. It's usually not that expensive. But that is a divorce that is not contested. According to the OP, the husband will not agree to such a divorce.


2. A contested divorce can get very complicated and sticky very quickly. But as the OP says, there's no obvious grounds for divorce. Assuming she has been honest with the OP (I said "assuming") it is clear the husband and the mum do not want a divorce and see the OP as a house-wrecker —  WHICH HE IS!


This case may not even wind up with a successful divorce, if the husband contests it. She has no grounds to divorce him, it appears. He is not going to state any grounds to divorce her. ("Yeronner, I still love her. I don't want this divorce she wants.") The foreigner being the bad guy — WHICH HE IS — the judge might well deny a divorce, at any court cost.


The cost of a divorce could be $30,000. Or more. In this case, it probably is not. But the point is that the $30,000 has nothing to do with the actual divorce. Because.


3. Do not conflate the divorce with the money demand. The $30,000 - it doesn't matter what we assume about the OP. There are two main possibilities. One, the husband is willing to see his house broken for $30,000. (In that case, the uncontested divorce is a few baht.) Two, it is a scam where the husband, wife, mum and buffalo get $30,000. (In that case, there is no divorce at all.)


It doesn't matter which is true - the $30,000 has nothing to do with the divorce mechanics.



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 I know, but we skyped every day for 2 months for like 2 hours a day so I didn't just fall in love over 2 weeks.  You learn a lot about each other when you video call each other this much so I already had feelings for her before I went to Thailand.            I don't believe she would Skype with me this much if she wasn't really interested me as she was always asking in email "you Skype tonight mai".                    Its to much time to just try and scam someone, a scammer or some one who just wanted a gik payment wouldn't invest that much time.


 I appreciate all replies, cynicism included as I need to look from different view points as I feel quite confused at the moment.   Mrjlh I appreciate your post mak.


small net for small fish, big net for big fish....


she isnt after 1000thb short time.

she invested more time to you, because expecting bigger payout. 2 weeks vacation with presumable some presents, etc arent too bad for free, but the real payout is the proposed 30.000$.


an uneducated girl, but obviously educated enough when it comes to computer, internet, and buying iphone?

as for time invested, 2 hours a day with you leaves time to run another 2-3 similar story going on the side ( 8 hours work a day?)

if only 1 pays off in a year, she still made about 10x the money an uneducated girl would make as a shop assistant, sugar cutter, cleaner, etc.


ps: i always thought that the classic nigerian scams cant work, no ppl in their right mind believe it. but then saw some documentary in my country about some who did believe, went along, and lost all their money on the greed ride.

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God ,funny i have been on the same train ,GET OF ,your get over it ,land of CONES ,when you think you seen every one there is always a new one ,after traveling the world i thought what harm would happen in thailand  ,now half million shorter ,thats UK pounds ,but i have learned 

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So you are in love with a Thai girl that you have only spent two weeks with and she jumped into bed with you straight away? Warnings lights are flashing everywhere.



A Thai girl, jumping in bed so easily (normally, Thai girls do NOT do this), and dating foreigners on a dating site, yeah, it seems, OP should be VERY cautious.

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 I know it looks stupid, I know there is 1000's of stories that state "but we really love each other"......but you know there is the one in a thousand that really do.          I have had a relationship with a thai woman before for 8 years so im not oblivious to thai culture.
 Yes she is not an educated girl.    She was married at 19 and is now 26 and no longer loves this man, she wants out but he wont let her even though of her infidelity with me.       She is of good heart and only wants her freedom from a loveless marriage I believe this, I never gave her money of any kind.        Her mother and Thai husband knew I was coming to Thailand to see her and were okay with it but once it actually happened jealousy kicked in and they changed there tune.           It is like a story of forbidden love.
 I want to know if there is anything she can do to get divorce under thai law, without me having to pay bribe to husband.

What's this talk about marriage after 2weeks,shack up and live happily ever after,save on sin sot as well.
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I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but...



You meet a girl online

Her husband 'hacks' into her email

You go back home

she is being held 'hostage' and you need to pay 30k to see her again..


sounds a bit like a scam to me. But I'm no pro and this is just my opinion. 

Whatever you do, don't be an idiot and pay the money!

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Anyone know the OP's age?

(Member since today!)


As my dear old Mum used to say:
There's none so blind as them as don't want to see.

None so deaf as them as don't want to hear.


But hey, thanks for a great laugh!

I mean, no one could be that stupid - could they?


BTW, please post your bank account details in case some members here would like to make a donation to help you out.

I'm also quite interested in the bridge, sounds like a winner that one!

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Assuming this is true....scam scam scam scam scam...run away, change your emails, phone numbers and just leave Thailand alone for a few years. I know it is harsh, but this can lead to no good at all.


     EDIT/NOTE--I have been married to a Thai woman for the better part of a decade and so have many friends of mine, so I am not just saying this as a knee-jerk reaction. Plenty of wonderful women and situations to involve yourself in here, but this is not one of them. I don't want to speculate or anything, but let's just say I have seen some twisted stuff here (among other very great stuff) and this story smells of the twisted variety.

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Do you really think they would smash an iPhone? lol  


I'm so sorry mate, but you have been bamboozled.  It's time to hit the spam button and stop looking for love in all the wrong places.  If you would like to meet someone in Thailand, then you need to come and live here and then, you should stay single the first year at minimum so you can get a feel for things here.  


Do not send the money, Do not believe her, Do not pass go


Good Luck... 

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 I know, but we skyped every day for 2 months for like 2 hours a day so I didn't just fall in love over 2 weeks.  You learn a lot about each other when you video call each other this much so I already had feelings for her before I went to Thailand.            I don't believe she would Skype with me this much if she wasn't really interested me as she was always asking in email "you Skype tonight mai".                    Its to much time to just try and scam someone, a scammer or some one who just wanted a gik payment wouldn't invest that much time.


 I appreciate all replies, cynicism included as I need to look from different view points as I feel quite confused at the moment.   Mrjlh I appreciate your post mak.


Tell you what, after you have had a few dozen Thai ladies, all of whom will laugh with you and provide great sex (they are in every bar BTW) you will be able to reevaluate your situation.


Did it occur to you to find out how and why she knows English? Only bar girls and international business executives speak English in Thailand.


If you are smart, you will call the husband and tell him for US$ 15,000 you will disappear and let him have his family back. Be careful about the collection arrangements. Do not accept the cash in person have it wired. Over and out.



Utter nonsense! hahaha

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 I know, but we skyped every day for 2 months for like 2 hours a day so I didn't just fall in love over 2 weeks.  You learn a lot about each other when you video call each other this much so I already had feelings for her before I went to Thailand.            I don't believe she would Skype with me this much if she wasn't really interested me as she was always asking in email "you Skype tonight mai".                    Its to much time to just try and scam someone, a scammer or some one who just wanted a gik payment wouldn't invest that much time.
 I appreciate all replies, cynicism included as I need to look from different view points as I feel quite confused at the moment.   Mrjlh I appreciate your post mak.

Listen cobber,they got nothing else to do and that's 8333baht an hour,if the scam comes off.And that's only the start of the long game,or if your lucky they will cut you adrift early and move on to the next target.If your dinkum,get a Thai pi on the job.Easy cos Thais never cover their arse,believing all farangs to be stupid.
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